Zodiac Signs

These Two Astrological Signs Will Have A Hard Time With The Beginning Of September

Back to school is here, and the week is not the easiest for everyone. Well, especially for these two. Here are the least fortunate signs for the week of September 5 to 12, 2024, according to Jean-Yves Espié’s horoscope.

We reassure you: that everything is relative. First, because astrology is not a science. Consequently, it has no right of veto over your morale. But also because the stars move quickly, in the celestial vault (well, most of them) and the wind could quickly turn in your favor again the following week. You can’t win every time. While for some signs, the beginning of September starts very well, for others, you will have to wait for better days. The good news is that they could arrive sooner than expected.

Horoscope: This astrological sign needs to take a step back

He has been very favored by the stars overall this year, so he will probably take this little slump philosophically. Taurus is a little less in vogue at the beginning of September. However, in the sky, everything was starting well. Virgo season motivates him and anchors him in the concrete. Mercury has stopped retrograding in a conflictual sector and it arrives in an Earth sign at the end of the week to clarify Taurus’ ideas. This is all the better, because according to Jean-Yves Espié, the cosmic bovine will need it. “Thanks to the arrival of Mercury in a friendly sign during the week, take a step back from occasional annoyances because you will find common sense solutions there.”

But then where do the current annoyances come from? The two troublemakers are Uranus, which is retrograde in Taurus, sowing the seeds of discord. Some doubts germinate and the desire to throw everything into the air flourishes. Especially since the arrival of Mars (action) in a Water sign, it’s all or nothing: Taurus has more energy, but it must also direct it correctly so as not to exhaust itself. Hence the interest in prioritizing. “Don’t focus on thorny subjects. Focus your attention on the attitude to adopt to build consensus around objectives.” The cosmic ox is therefore advised not to ruminate too much this week.

Horoscope: Some impatience awaits this astrological sign

As with Taurus, the transit of the red planet is causing some turmoil in the bath of this astrological sign. And it is Cancer, the sign that has welcomed the star of raw energy (and we say “raw” on purpose) in its constellation since September 4. For it, having Mars in its sector is both a good and a less good thing. The most belligerent of the planets represents our instinct for survival, combativeness, and conquest. But also our animosity, our most primal reactions, and a tendency to be (very) competitive. The idea will then be to find the right balance, for Cancer. To illustrate this, Jean-Yves Espié quotes Shakespeare: “Let us go wisely and gently: he who runs quickly stumbles.”

The upside is that the cosmic crustacean is galvanized by this moment. “The arrival of Mars, the star of action, gives you the energy to take initiative.” But it can also give “impatience and the desire to get straight to initiative A little too quickly, and a little too strongly. Beware of indelicacy, of reactions on the spur of the moment that have nothing to do with reason, and of not offending the people who could have helped you. To find the right balance between defending your point of view and managing to collaborate with potential allies, you will have to follow the prompts of Venus in Libra. Listening, good manners, and nuance.

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