Zodiac Signs

Today’s Horoscope 14th May 2023


On the day dedicated to rest, the Moon is in the Field of unexpected difficulties, for you Aries. If you play sports on Sundays, you have to be careful of your lower extremities, which are at risk. With your loved one, don’t be elusive and make yourself heard more, even by text message…


On the rest day, for your Earth sign, our satellite is in harmonic transit. Continue a period where you can take center stage without fear of letting anyone down. Both relatives and friends find you intelligent and trust you.


There is still a dissonant aspect of the night star for your Air sign today. You have to admit all the mistakes you make (if any). Doing nothing won’t get you far. Honesty, on the other hand, will be considered more important than alleged infallibility.


For you Cancers, the Moon is in a favorable moment, on the day dedicated to rest. With whoever you like, there can be very intense moments. Your way of doing is romantic and allows you to achieve important successes in any context where there are people who make your heart beat faster.


On the day of the week that is positive for you, for Leo, our satellite is in the House of Regeneration! It will be a Sunday in which your desire to do shines through. A person who, in the past, didn’t trust you too much will see you as passionate and will listen to you.


For Virgo, a difficult position of the nocturnal star continues this Sunday! Be careful how you behave in the presence of your loved one if there is something to be discussed that could lead to disagreements. You may appear a little elusive in your speeches. Be more assertive.


The nocturnal star is in the Field of everyday life, for Libra, today. If there is something to do at home, you will be very practical and you will get by without too much effort. Don’t give up on passion, because – even today – you will be very appreciable even in that area…


A smooth aspect of the Moon is underway, for you Scorpios, on this last day of the weekend! Waiting for the new week, you can have a lot of fun! Your optimism is evident and allows you to please those who no longer like people who feel sorry for themselves.


On this day, a complicated position of our satellite continues, for Sagittarius! Beware of those who say they need your help: before making your efforts, make sure that he has the right reasons and that your good heart is not being taken advantage of.


Following an advantageous position of the nocturnal star, for you Capricorns, on the day dedicated to rest… Don’t be afraid to make speeches that seem a bit far-fetched. Your inventiveness is higher than usual and allows you to appear special in more contexts.


With a family member you haven’t heard from in a while, there will be a dialogue that you could learn a lot from. On the day of rest, the Moon transits in the second Field, for you Aquarius… Know how to listen to people also in matters of feelings: the opinion of others will prove to be precious.


On this day, for you Minnows, a pleasant conjunction of our satellite is underway! A period continues in which you can make new experiences, in the professional world as in that interpersonal relationships. Conversations with family members are more satisfying.

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