Zodiac Signs



March 21st to April 19th
In the middle of the week, a harmonious aspect of our satellite is taking place, for the Arietini… After an interesting Valentine’s Day, there will be an opportunity to talk face-to-face with whoever makes your heartbeat. Bare your feelings and you both win. At work, you are productive.


20 April to 20 May
For you Taurus, our satellite is in the astrological House of Reorganization in the middle of the week. New things are possible, both in professional life and in love. You have the right attitude to enjoy something unusual in your life. You are rightly open to the new.


21 May to 21 June
On the day of the week favorable for you, a tiring arrangement of our satellite persists, for Gemini! If there is something wrong with your partner’s attitude, it is advisable to talk to him openly, avoiding unclear attitudes that only make everyone nervous.


22 June to 22 July
Today, the Moon passes through your Water sign through the House of health and work. Your fitness is obvious. Your mood improves and allows you to highlight yourself in the profession. Even in love, there will be no difficulty recognizing your worth!


23 July to 22 August
A period continues in which you seem to be able to communicate with people in a simpler way than usual. It seems that you are understood instantly. With someone with whom you had recently had a half-quarrel, he will be happy to get back in tune with you and will even take the first step.


23 August to 22 September
Our satellite is in a tiring position for you Virgos in the middle of the week. It’s not easy to establish yourself in the profession because your head is lost in a thousand thoughts that are not necessarily productive. People who love you want to hear you pay more attention to their needs.


23 September to 22 October
In the middle of the week, for you Libras, a comfortable position of the nocturnal star follows… The central part of the week finds you interesting from an erotic point of view. If you have any hidden desires, it’s time to share them with someone you know is up to it!


23 October to 21 November
Today, the Moon is in the astrological house of money, for you Scorpios… there will be opportunities to talk to a member of your family or a friend you’ve known for a long time. From this interview, you will obtain useful information, which will help you in more than one context…


November 22nd to December 21st
In the middle of the week, for Sagittarius, the night star is still in a pleasant conjunction. Even though Valentine’s Day is over, today will be an opportunity to show your crush that you’re likable like no other. Those who play sports have the energy to reach new personal bests.


22 December to 19 January
This Wednesday, our satellite is in the Field of adversities to overcome, for your Earth sign… If you play sports, don’t forget to warm up before giving it your all: otherwise, you could tear your lower limbs. In private, reply to those who think you are vain.


20 January to 18 February
For you Aquarius, the Moon is in a favorable transit today. You are very fit. You can move and feel even better! Anyone who still needs to get rid of the pounds gained during the Christmas holidays can take advantage of this period. You are also attractive from an aesthetic point of view.


19 February to 21 March
In the middle of the week, a disharmonious position of the nocturnal star continues, for you Pisces… There will be misunderstandings, if not even quarrels, with someone who thinks differently from you. Know how to better appreciate the voices outside the choir: they can enrich you!

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