Zodiac Signs



March 21st to April 19th

You can learn information to remember, regarding a topic that is intimate and important to you. The affinities with someone familiar to you in the past intensify. Why don’t you then work to give life to something new in the professional field?


20 April to 20 May

A tiring lunar transit persists. You may lose esteem for yourself, as you appear rather exasperated with the attitudes of those you love! Do not torment yourselves if it seems to you that you do not enjoy sufficient consideration from those who interest you. There are spaces for improvement.


21 May to 21 June

You can get unexpected expressions of interest, as far as eroticism revolves. In this festive start of the week, the Moon transits the House of Health! In the presence of the bosses, you will show yourself ready to face practical things and every situation will correctly take place.


22 June to 22 July

On the right day for your sign, an easy aspect of your star governor continues, for your sign of Water! At this juncture, it is easy for you to feel extremely desired, by those you like, with your favorable state of mind and with the support of your intelligence!


23 July to 22 August

For you Leos, our satellite is in complicated disposition, when work resumes. Try, especially if you are in the company of bosses, not to appear too risky. Because you are pushy and don’t take advice, your favorite people will not consider you good company.


23 August to 22 September

In the middle of the month, as far as you Virgos are concerned, our satellite is in easy aspect. You will be able to fascinate a type of person that most find unparalleled and elusive, like a dream. People you care about will think you are very nice and you will be successful.


23 September to 22 October

Today, the Moon is, for you Libras, in the House of Material Goods. Evaluate without delay all the opportunities that present themselves, since several can prove advantageous. The possibility of setting up an intriguing novelty as early as this Monday takes shape!


23 October to 21 November

What’s stopping you from taking full advantage of what is emerging at this moment? The cheerful conjunction of the nocturnal star persists. The opportunity to give birth to something interesting begins to take shape, in interpersonal (especially love) and professional relationships.


November 22nd to December 21st

You will get everything you have earned even though some people do not help you oppose you. The Moon is, as far as you Sagittarius are concerned, in the House of Secret Enemies this Monday… Try to lie down, otherwise, you might have trouble resting!


22 December to 19 January

It is easy for you to win a positive fate, with whoever interests you, with the support of your benignant humor and the contribution of your intuition! The people you like will find you very pleasant and you will discover that, in the middle of the month, you can receive expressions of affection that you did not expect.


20 January to 18 February

For you to seem pleasant as usual, less vehemence is essential. An unpleasant aspect of the Moon continues. Given that you tend to seek excessive adventures, the people you like will even find you less loyal than the ordinary!


19 February to 21 March

As far as Little Fish is concerned, a comfortable position of the nocturnal star is in progress, at the beginning of the week in mid-January. If you meet new people during this time, you will find that you are considered attractive. Take advantage of the newfound charm that you exude on others.

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