Zodiac Signs

Today’s Horoscope 27th May 2023


From today, the Moon is in the astrological house of attraction, for the Arietini… Try to dedicate more time than usual to your loved one: thanks to your way of presenting yourself, there is a strong attraction, which will result in rather intense hours, which you will not soon forget.


On this weekend day, for Taurus, our satellite presents itself in a tasty aspect. Finally, a period has come to an end in which you were under fire from those who tried to belittle your merits. You are now much more capable of taking the accolades that are yours.


On this first day of the weekend, for Gemini, a dissonant position of our satellite begins! You must not be too accommodating to those who expect you to behave the way they like. Point out that your wants and needs are as important as everyone else’s.


Starting from this first day of the weekend, a harmonic position of the Moon is underway for Cancer. The people you meet during these rest days realize that you are very awake, and not only that: you know how to empathically understand what happens to others and give good advice.


“This Saturday, for your sign, the Moon appears in the Finance House! You are very precise. You can make a profitable investment; since it is Saturday, it could also be a purchase that turns out to be cheaper than expected. In the family, you will be considered credible.”


A new period begins, which can give you great satisfaction. For you Virgos, a suggestive conjunction of the nocturnal star is underway, starting from this first day of the weekend… The activities you do on your own can be successful as well as those related to work.


As of this weekend day, the nocturnal star is in the twelfth astrological house, for you Libras… Don’t let a person who claims to be a friend but who is waiting for nothing more than your misstep take your place.


The nocturnal star is in a positive moment, for your sign of Water, from this weekend day. A period in which you were considered excessive is over. Now he is more accessible to you and they return to confide in you that you had lacked in the past few days.


Starting from this first day of the weekend, for you Sagittarius, our satellite is in a difficult disposition. Don’t dwell too much on the details, if something happens that pleases you but doesn’t convince you one hundred percent. In this period, you are the fussy ones.


Starting from the positive day for you, for you Capricorns, a smooth aspect of the night star is underway. With friends, there will be moments of interesting exchange and satisfying communication. You will be appreciated thanks to a disinterested way of doing things, which you credit.


On the day of the week that is favorable for you, for your Air sign, the Moon appears in the House of Regeneration. Your state of mind improves and allows you to restore communication that was abruptly interrupted and with many open questions.


For Pisces, a dissonant position of our satellite forms on this weekend day! Don’t let someone take advantage of you who can’t accept a no. Your time is as precious as that of others. Don’t let others dismiss it nonchalantly.

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