Zodiac Signs

Today’s Horoscope 28th September 2023


Aries can devote the first half of this day to private contacts, secret thoughts, solitary research, and, if necessary, short walks with some hidden purpose. Medical topics or information about services may be of particular interest. This is a good time to visit a closed institution or area. It is better to devote the second half of the day to relaxation.


Today the stars advise Taurus not to put off substantive meetings with colleagues and friends until the evening. It is better if such meetings are rescheduled for the first half of the day. The remaining time can be spent in free mode, indulging in informal communication, fantasies, or memories. A separate topic is hopes for the future; its incomplete clarity can give considerable scope to the collective imagination.


Today, Gemini will need to be careful in their statements, especially when communicating with officials and management. During the day, absent-mindedness and a tendency toward illusions may increase; an error, inaccuracy, or deception is possible. It is better to reschedule unnecessary meetings and interviews to another time, as well as work with documents. You should not choose this day for undertakings of any kind.


Today, Cancers should not delay the collective discussion of specific tasks, substantive communication with friends, and targeted visits to thematic information resources. It is advisable to postpone mandatory training sessions and study news from afar to the beginning of the day. The closer the evening gets, the more often the situation will begin to be conducive to free, emotionally charged discussion and discussion of fantasies instead of facts.


The stars tell Leo that this is not the best day for their activity. It can lure you onto the wrong path, captivate you with dreams or memories, and instill unsafe illusions. It is better to refuse increased loads and responsible undertakings, as well as work that requires precision, scrupulousness, and concentration. It is important to get into the right emotional and spiritual resonance with the team and the environment.


The mysterious atmosphere of these days may well suit Virgos if they are not planning important meetings and speeches in front of their target audience. But it will be more difficult for them if today they have an official visit, an important meeting, a business trip, or the conclusion of a professional contract on their to-do list. There is a possibility of misunderstandings with the right people, their absence, dishonesty, or intriguing behavior.


Today, the stars advise Libra to take a vacation to relax or prevent illnesses. It is better to postpone all endeavors. It makes sense to loosen control over the behavior of assistants, become more lenient towards other people’s weaknesses, and let subordinates go early. This is not the most productive day; there may be problems with neatness, accuracy, efficiency, discipline, or hygiene.


The stars tell Scorpios that today they should not delay targeted communication, especially private communication, or any intellectual work. It is advisable to use the first half of the day for meetings and confidential conversations on specific topics, as well as for literary creativity, self-education, and searching for data of interest. The second half of the day is ideal for a relaxing holiday in solitude or a small circle.


Today, Sagittarius should be more careful if they take part in a family or other meeting: a mistake or negligence can be costly in the future. It is better to postpone the conversation if it is possible to reschedule it for another day. The evening will increase laziness, absent-mindedness, or irresponsibility. There may be a temptation to escape control, turn a blind eye to something, or withdraw from obligations.


Capricorns should remember that today it is better for them to avoid delays in significant contacts. The sooner communication is established and the main idea is stated, the better. As the evening approaches, you may lose the desire to maintain a conversation on your part or someone else’s, which does not mean a complete loss of interest, but is fraught with an unwanted break in an intriguing conversation. A conversation started too late may not happen.


Aquarians should not waste time if they have purchases or important financial transactions planned for that day. You should hurry if you need to coordinate expenses with friends or family members. The afternoon may encourage relaxation, distraction, or exotic tastes. At this time, you can forget about strict rules and turn on your imagination, allowing yourself culinary or other improvisation.


Today, Pisces tend to live in the world of their fantasies, memories, and old habits. They will go into this virtual universe with special pleasure if they feel loneliness – no matter whether it is true or imaginary. They should be more attentive in the first half of the day, so as not to miss someone’s important words, not to remain unheard and misunderstood. The second half of the day is suitable for complete rest.

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