Zodiac Signs

Today’s Horoscope 7th October 2023


Today, the stars advise Aries to minimize the reasons for controversial cases, regardless of being on their own or someone else’s territory, otherwise negative emotions can reach the boiling point and significantly complicate any interaction with people, including loved ones. This is a day of destructive impulses; there is a high risk of violating the contract. If the source of problems is external, it is important not to add internal differences to it.


Today, the stars advise Taurus to refrain from taking important steps for themselves and try to maneuver as skillfully as possible in a difficult environment. Until nightfall, passions can boil around and rash, drastic actions can be taken. If possible, on this day it is better not to travel, not to discuss too hot topics, and not to seek help, except in emergencies.


The stars tell Gemini that this day does not promise an even emotional background and creates conditions not only for nervousness but also for material losses. The risk of a loss-making business decision, deal failure, choosing a low-quality product, and residual problems due to tax issues not being resolved promptly increases. It is better to postpone important work and contacts until tomorrow. There is no need to rush into buying a home.


In the tense atmosphere of this day, not everything depends on Cancers, but they should make their contribution to maintaining balance: this will help minimize risks, burdens, and stress, and steer them out of an ambiguous situation. It is important to keep your part of the contract, skillfully distribute functions in the family, partner project, and the common territory, and deftly protect your rights, and the interests of your business or loved ones.


Today, the stars advise Leos to minimize external activity but be prepared for the fact that certain problems will take place “behind the scenes”, for example, in the internal part of the business, in family affairs, or in private life. You may have to stay alert, follow the news, or maintain some contacts. Extra caution will not hurt Leos when they are away from home.


Today, it is better for Virgos not to force their undertakings and not to rush to radically cut the Gordian knots of ambiguous situations: the adventures that this day promises may do more harm than good. It is worth thinking before vigorously supporting a family or friendly initiative: it is possible that it will have a destructive message and will bring financial or other problems now or in the future.


Today, it is better for Libra to exclude initiatives on their initiative and react more carefully to external stimuli: now they are in plain sight, their words and actions have great power and they mustn’t be destructive. Impulsiveness is dangerous: there is a risk of rashly changing your own words and bringing trouble to yourself, your partner, or your family. It is worth counting your strength, overload can affect your health.


The stars tell Scorpios that today the situation remains potentially difficult for them; they advise them to conserve their strength, maintain the existing balance, refrain from undertakings, avoid unnecessary fuss, and not cancel precautions. It is better to restrain the natural impulse if you want to respond to a harsh word or restore justice; such an impulse will have an unpleasant side effect.


Today, it is advisable for Sagittarius to put aside their initiative and more carefully support someone else’s. The stars remind you that the task of this day is to overcome the crisis, and not to launch a new project. When participating in collective action, you should not hope for a smooth path: there is a high probability that events will begin to develop according to one of the most intense scenarios and any situation will be “charged” emotionally.


Today, yesterday’s difficult trends remain in force for Capricorns. Many Capricorns will have to combine diplomacy and active defense of goals, which will often be difficult for them, and put their relationships with the right people on the risky brink of breaking. There is a high likelihood of stress. Even if the efforts are crowned with success, it is better not to give in to excitement and not yet start new joint ventures.


This day may be marked for Aquarius by urgent worries and accompanying worries. Certain complications may persist even in successful cases. Problems may appear at the last stage, for example, disagreements with assistants will arise. Even if everything is going smoothly, it is better not to start new projects now, since the approach to some issues may be outdated.


The stars tell Pisces that today they should not cancel precautions and safety nets ahead of time, even if they are doing simple and familiar things. At any moment, a technical failure may occur, a conflict of interests may arise, or another unfavorable situation may arise. It is important to respond promptly to alarms, including violations of contract or technology.

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