Zodiac Signs

Turning Point From August 28th: ​​3 Zodiac Signs Have To Rethink Old Decisions

From August 28th, three zodiac signs must question their previous decisions. Read here whether you are also affected.

Then it may be that Mercury retrograde has hit you particularly hard. The planet has been moving backward since August 5th and, as is its nature, has caused all kinds of confusion.In astrology, this planet is responsible for communication, technology, and decision-making. When it is retrograde, misunderstandings, technical glitches, and impulsive actions can occur – all of which have hit three signs particularly hard.

The good news: From August 28th it will be direct again and the nightmare will end for now. But three signs of the zodiac that have felt its effects particularly strongly will now find that they may have been too hasty or emotionally guided by the retrograde energy in recent weeks. Now is the time to take another look at your actions.

#1 Virgo

As an analytical and perfectionist sign, Virgo usually makes decisions with a clear head and well-founded considerations. But retrograde Mercury – your ruling planet – has thrown you into disarray in recent weeks.

You have probably often gotten lost in details or, out of fear of losing control, made hasty decisions and hastily completed a professional project. As soon as Mercury is moving in the right direction again, you will feel more like yourself again. Then it is time to question some decisions and, if necessary, find compromises.

#2 Gemini

Gemini is also ruled by Mercury. They are usually considered flexible and curious, but during Mercury retrograde, this openness may have led to confusion rather than clarity on certain issues.

It may be that you have been bombarded with contradictory information in the last few weeks and that you have made decisions out of stress that you are not happy with in retrospect. This is probably a good reminder not to make any big or important life decisions (or to spontaneously decide on a tattoo or a new hairstyle) during Mercury retrograde.

Luckily, as a Gemini, you find it easy to communicate with the people around you. From August 28th, you will have the chance to clear up any misunderstandings that have arisen.

#3 Pisces

Pisces are known as dreamers and idealists who rely heavily on their intuition. But during Mercury retrograde, this gut feeling is not particularly reliable. Emotional decisions made during this phase could now turn out to be ill-advised.

Perhaps a friendship or relationship ended hastily because the feelings were too overwhelming, or a professional opportunity was turned down too quickly because the inner doubts were too great. When clarity returns next week, you will have the opportunity to look at things more soberly and perhaps make a second attempt where necessary.

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