Zodiac Signs

Venus In Virgo On August 5th: Its Impact On The Love Life Of Astrological Signs

From August 5 to 29, 2024, the planet of love poses in the constellation Virgo. Yes, right at the time of Mercury’s retrograde. Do you see this as a sign? You may not be wrong. Focus on Venus.

This month of August is starting strong. In the sky, contrary stars and contradictory messages follow one another. A very gentle New Moon in Leo that brushes us in the right direction on August 4th… Then a Mercury retrograde on Monday the 5th. Two rooms, two atmospheres, but Venus in Virgo is there to make us swallow the pill and help us focus on the essentials, this summer. For that, change of relationship strategy, sentimental planning, and mid-term romantic assessment are on the program. Yes, Venus in Virgo, it’s back to school, love-wise. We give you your homework to do according to your astrological sign.

Venus in Virgo: The Right Sorting

In Virgo, the constellation of reflection, Venus invites us to take a step back and seek justice in our relationships with others and our search for pleasure. In our professional relationships, this is the time to demonstrate both finesse and honesty. We say what needs to be said while remaining factual and cautious. On the money side, Venus in Virgo emphasizes budgeting and essential purchases. In daily routines, this is the time to prioritize our health and curb excesses.

In love, we are less rushed and more sensible. “Far from being a provocative seductress, Venus in Virgo is the queen of observation before any emotional exchange,” explains Marie Sélène in “L’astrologie Miroir” (Marabout). The seduction of Venus in Leo focuses on the amorous parade, while Venus in Virgo prefers simplicity and honesty. Singles readjust their desires while for couples, it is the time to take stock of the journey and speak directly. On this side, as in friendship, there can be movement. Venus in Virgo is also an emotional sorting of the type “you leave, you stay” or “who inspires joy in me?” in the manner of a Marie Kondo of relationships. Especially since, this year, the dates coincide exactly with those of Mercury retrograde, known to help us take stock.

  • Venus in Virgo, the positive points: more sincerity and common sense in relationships, less passion that goes “Schitt” after a month.
  • The bad sides of Venus in Virgo: a tendency to doubt oneself in love, to perfectionism in one’s relationships with others.

Venus in Virgo: what horoscope for my sign?

  • Virgo, Libra, Taurus: this trio is the most directly targeted since Virgo welcomes Venus and the other two are the planet’s favorites. For Virgo and Taurus, two Earth signs, it’s a perfect time to anchor yourself in your current relationships and put healthy lifestyle habits back at the forefront. For Libra, we reset the clocks on the health front, we make the necessary appointments for the start of the school year and we don’t forget to set healthy boundaries with others. But above all, these three take stock of what they want and what they no longer want, in friendship or love. Bonus: Wednesday, August 7 will favor rapprochements thanks to the duo of Mercury (communication) and Venus in Virgo.
  • Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio: for Capricorn (an Earth sign that is a friend of Virgo) and the two Water signs, it’s a bingo. Venus allows them to find a rhythm that suits them better and to organize themselves better. They plan and budget their next projects or events, and prepare for their back-to-school birthdays. On the heart side, it’s now or never to be sincere and to dot the’s.
  • Aries, Leo, and Aquarius: this trio may need to make some adjustments. Virgo’s adaptability is rarely praised, and we’re wrong. Because Venus in Virgo allows us to question ourselves, especially in what we want with our loved ones. We take the time to analyze the situation, to find solutions and compromises that suit everyone. A more humble attitude that allows them to be more attentive to those around them.
  • Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius: in tension with Virgo due to their position as a mutable sign in the zodiac, these people have two or three lessons to learn. Or more precisely, to catch up on. Venus in Virgo acts as a “personal vacation workbook” for them. What part of their relationships have they neglected? Where can they make additional efforts? For them, it’s about being more present and regular in the moments they experience as a couple or with loved ones. Special mention for Pisces and Sagittarius who tend to forget to rest in the summer, between all the excesses: don’t you want to start the new school year with a sick leave? Then press the “pause” button.

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