Zodiac Signs

What Is The Difference Between A Virgo Born In August Or September?

Does the month of birth change the face of the sign of Virgo? For astrologers, it’s all a question of date and… decals.

They love to play spot the difference: no doubt, Virgos will be delighted with this article. Picky, they only live for these little details that change everything. And in astrology, it usually takes very little to play on the nuance. An ascendant, a lunar sign, or a decan are enough to make all the difference. The smartest ones probably see very well where we are going with this. There are not two types of Virgo, but three.

What is a decan in astrology?

Better than two types of Virgo in astrology, there are three, and this is thanks to the decan systems. This is a distribution of natives of the same sign into three teams: first decan, second decan, and third decan. You may have already read this term in a horoscope, without really knowing what it was referring to. If astrology is not scientific, it still works with calculations.

The Virgo season lasts thirty days and on the circle that represents the zodiac, this corresponds to 30 degrees. Each decade is then a decan and your belonging to one of these three teams depends on your day of birth… But also on the year. Yes, Virgos are born between August 23 and September 22, but the dates of the astrological signs are likely to vary slightly depending on the year. To be sure of your decan, we recommend that you go and calculate your astral theme.

As you can imagine, depending on the decan of your birth, the symbolism of the astrological sign varies somewhat. Let’s be clear: a Virgo is a Virgo, a Libra remains a Libra and Aries will be well guarded. But the decals can bring nuance to an astrological profile and give depth to the way you perceive your sign.

Creative Virgo, studious Virgo, or ultra-sociable Virgo?

Traditionally, it is believed that natives of the first decan of Virgo (from August 23 to September 3) incorporate into their personality some elements of the sign that precedes it: Leo. She would then be a little more festive than a Virgo of the second decan, more epicurean, and more relaxed as well. Virgos of the first decan is said to have the grain of madness of Leo, its spontaneity (relative, we are talking about Virgos after all), and above all great creativity. This is how Virgos born between the end of August and the beginning of September would be gifted in the arts and full of ideas.

The natives of the second decan of Virgo (born between September 4 and 13) would be more reserved. Normal, since in astrology they are considered to be the perfect incarnation of their astrological sign: a humble, thoughtful, and provident Earth sign. The “middle” Virgos would therefore be the wisest of all. They represent the voice of reason, practicality, and love of effort. These Virgos are thirsty for knowledge, love to learn, and above all to put their knowledge at the service of others and concrete areas of daily life. They are the most reliable and loyal of all.

The third decan of Virgo, which includes those born between September 14 and 22, is reserved for the most worldly and sociable of all Virgos. They are more open and charismatic than Virgos of the second decan, but less flamboyant than Virgos of the first. Those born in the last decan have an unparalleled cheekiness since they inherit the communicative qualities of Libra, the Air sign that follows Virgo. More romantic, more airheaded too, Virgos of the last decan attach more importance than those of the second or even the first to social life. Their biggest problem? Managing to celebrate their birthday amidst the mountain of invitations to celebrate those of their Virgo and Libra friends. A real headache.

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