Zodiac Signs

What is the North Node in Gemini and how it affects you, depending on your sign

Starting from May, the axis change of the Lunar Nodes took place, which will slide towards the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, an event associated with important changes in the lives of the zodiac signs.
It seems that this distribution of the Lunar Nodes on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis is associated with global transformations, if we look back and note that the last time it happened was between October 2001 and April 2003, so right after the collapse of the Twin Towers in America.
From an astronomical perspective, the Lunar Nodes represent the points of intersection between the Moon’s orbit and the ecliptic, respectively the plane of the Earth’s movement around the Sun. The point where the Moon’s orbit intersects the ecliptic when the Earth moves away from the Sun is the North Node or Ascending Node, also called the Dragon’s Head.
The North Node will be in the constellation Gemini until January 18, 2022, and this grace period will represent a true initiation for many zodiac signs.
The North Node in Gemini means more communication and cooperation, openness to others and constructive attitudes. It is associated with greater flexibility in thinking, being sensitive to the transits of Mercury which retrogrades three times a year, stimulating the release of dogmas and outdated traditions, facilitating learning, the circulation of information and the implementation of new thought patterns.
In such a provocative context, we can expect sometimes radical changes in our lives, an accelerated evolution depending on the zodiac sign we belong to.


The North Node in Gemini stimulates your communication and persuasive abilities, so you will be able to implement any business, you will be able to sell your services at advantageous prices or give free rein to your creativity.

It is the ideal time to write a book, record a disc or organize a course that will change people’s conceptions. The North Node in Gemini is about sweeping change, so you may want to take a more active role in the community, especially since the South Node in Sagittarius makes it easier for you to connect with significant others who will help you put your plans into action. .


In your case, the North Node in Gemini is about financial stability, about professional opportunities and flexibility of action. You will find an amazing opportunity to put your passions and talent into practice right at work and you will finally be able to earn money doing what you love the most.

Your ability to establish profitable partnerships will help you expand your reach or find more opportunities for your initiatives. You will feel an important influence of the North Node in Gemini in the romantic sphere, where you need to change something in your domineering attitude to bring harmony to the relationship.

the Twins

The North Node, the great head of the Dragon, is in your sign, which means that destiny calls you to great deeds, opens the way to an important mission, which you fully take on. Your leadership side emerges and you will find it easier and easier to inspire and lead people. But others will not always adapt to your visionary force, so you must give them understanding and assistance; In addition, you may sometimes feel alone and overwhelmed by the burden of your mission, but the explosive force of the North Node will help you through these trying times. 


As with Gemini, the influence of the North Node on you will be beneficial especially in terms of your leadership skills, career development and reaching a new status on the hierarchical scale. Your action will extend to an ever-increasing number of people, you will have more decision-making power, but also greater responsibilities. Your ability to inspire others is very important because you will use it many times to make things happen. It is necessary to surround yourself with people who are as hardworking as you, who understand your vision and are willing to accompany you on the difficult road to success.


In your case, the North Node in Gemini is associated with ambition and authority, so you will need to step out of your comfort zone and put your talent into practice. It is true that nothing can be achieved without hard work, but you are not afraid of effort, so your chances of success are very high. Certain energetic influences will come to your aid, helping you attract abundance and harmony into your life. You will meet people you have been waiting for a long time, powerful people who will appear in your path at the right time to open your access to a new dimension of your existence. If you’ve been waiting for love for a while, get ready, because your soul mate is near.



The North Node in Gemini brings an unleashing of your spirit of adventure and the need to know new things, to explore larger dimensions of existence. Normally, this destiny awakening cycle would lead you to different places in the world in search of wisdom, but now you will focus more on inner discovery and understanding of your own Self. You will have the opportunity to meet people who will help you open your mind and learn a lot about yourself. Study, meditation and other spiritual practices, participation in philosophical discussions and debates will all be part of your evolution while the North Node is in Gemini.


The North Node in Gemini means for you new connections or deepening of older connections you have with different people. In the coming period you will focus a lot on relationships and you will meet people who could change your life or you will resume certain significant connections, including in the romantic sphere. In keeping with your passionate nature, sexual explorations will feature prominently in this journey of new connections, making your intimate life richer and more exciting. The distribution of the Lunar Nodes on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis will also be associated with karmic benefits in the financial area, so you will have money as well as love.


Your relationships are the main area influenced by the North Node in Gemini, especially if you want to rebuild certain relationships that have been damaged lately. A special person will appear in your life or a former love will return, from which you have not really detached yourself. It is possible to resume an important connection on a professional level as well, which will help you to put into practice some of your older initiatives. It will be an important period of self-reflection for you, where you will understand that you depend on other people to be truly happy and that your proverbial independence is sometimes not an obstacle to your becoming.


The karmic lessons you’ve learned lately will be integrated into your new spiritual evolution and personal development as the North Node moves deeper into Gemini. There will be a period of intense work, but also of well-being and healing for you. The next 20 months will be the occasion of a beneficial simplification for your mind, soul and body, in which your worldview will completely change. Good things will come into your life with great ease, be it money or relationships. The secret is your openness to the Universe, which attracts positive energies, as well as the removal of older blockages that stand in the way of your fulfillment.


The North Node in Gemini will unleash your creativity and turn you into a true craftsman of your own destiny. Your professional life will change radically, and if at first it will be difficult for you to adapt, later you will see that you have received the impetus necessary to awaken your potentialities and put your true passions into practice. You will no longer oppose your internal growth and you will have a sense of liberation from the tyranny of time. Your new attitude towards life will bring wonderful transformations in your family and romantic relationships as well. You will embrace a joyful style that will be reflected in everything you do, whether you are working or meeting friends.



For you, the North Node in Gemini will bring a sense of security, of coming home and finding the things that really matter. In the coming period, you will be more eager to spend time with those close to you or even in solitude that allows you to reflect on yourself, rather than always going outside yourself and indulging in a waste of energy. You’ve found that you prefer to slow down and tackle one thing at a time instead of trying to cover multiple tasks at once. You don’t want to give up this way of being calmer and closer to your being, but you will try to make it part of your life from now on.

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