Zodiac Signs

What Is Virgo’s Worst Nightmare At Work?

If your favorite coworker is a Virgo, we highly recommend reading this article. Here’s what drives Virgos crazy, when it comes to work. And not in a good way.

On the heart side, there are these little nothings that are real turn-offs for Virgo as for the other signs. At work, it’s the same thing. Each sign has its preferences, its requirements. And Virgo, who likes everything to be square, has (really) a lot of them. So if you want to work with her with good intelligence and a pleasant understanding, we advise you not to push her too far. To give you an idea, we present the temperament of Virgos, at work, and above all: what you should not do with them.

What is the character of the Virgo, at work?

The sign of Virgo is discreet by nature. Natives of this Earth sign can be quite expansive in private. But at work, they most often seek to fit in. Already, this particularly hard-working sign of the new school year makes it clear to you from the first introductions: he is there to work, not to make friends. A bit of a killjoy, Virgo? No, simply very particular about the boundaries between professional and private life. For her, schedules are schedules, protocols are protocols, and colleagues are colleagues. Except for rare exceptions. On the other hand, we can count on her to lend a helping hand in all circumstances. Helpful, Virgo has above all a great sense of teamwork and duty. She wants things to be done well and for everyone to do their part. Ingenious and far-sighted, she finds solutions to everything. This is also because she anticipates problems thanks to her military organization where nothing is left to chance. A perfectionist, she likes everything to be done according to the rules of the art, down to the smallest details.

  • The best professional compatibilities of Virgo? Gemini for his flexibility of mind, his ideas, and his good humor. Taurus for his reliability, his perseverance, and his pragmatism. On the other hand, with Sagittarius, it goes with difficulty.

What to Never Do to a Virgo Coworker

For such a rigorous sign, it’s fair to say that the exhaustive list of everything that deeply irritates them at work is as long as your arm. They hate nonchalant people who do as little as possible and incompetent people who say a lot without doing half of it. With a Virgo, don’t you dare be late for a meeting or waste their time in any way? No, they don’t find it “hilarious” to secretly change everyone’s wallpaper during their break. Not throwing the right trash in the right bin is tantamount to radically lowering their esteem. Making noise and preventing them from concentrating makes them want to kill. Any ordinary incivility drives Virgo mad.

Their breaking point, their worst nightmare, during a workday? That someone encroaches on their personal space. Coming back from vacation to realize that someone has stolen their chair or their equipment is equivalent to a declaration of war. Moving their things when everything is stored in a precisely designed place to be accessible if needed? The affront is too great for those who cannot bear anyone to touch their routine. Not to mention the germs. Because what really annoys them is that they will now have to clean everything. The height of ignominies to steal their designated cup. That is why when in doubt, they disinfect it every morning.

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