Zodiac Signs

What is your magical power, according to the sign

What is your magic power? You might think you don’t have any, but if you take a close look at your zodiac sign, you might find something!

Aries(March 21 – April 20)

The magical powers of Aries are closely related to energy creation and vitality. It has a natural ability to make people feel happier and more enthusiastic. It is endowed with sexual magic and any kind of magic that involves the release of negative and dangerous energy.

The natives of this sign are known to be successful in exorcisms and removing unwanted spirits. They are very brave and their fearlessness is also a kind of magical power.

Taurus(April 21 – May 21)

Taurus’ magical abilities may appear to be pure luck, but in fact, they are much more than that. Luck and wealth come easily to this native. When he feels good, it’s like the sun is shining.

He has a natural ability to make people feel safe when he is with them and his home is always welcoming. Taurus knows how to eliminate any negative energy floating around them.

Gemini(May 22 – June 21)

Gemini’s magical powers lie in their ability to communicate with almost everyone and their gift in social situations. They have strong telepathic abilities and seem to know what others are thinking.

The problem is that Gemini can be easily distracted and lose focus. They usually have so much going on in their lives that they tend to ignore their magical abilities. They just don’t have time for that now.

Cancer(June 22 – July 21)

Cancers have many magical powers, but they must feel that they are in a safe place in order to access them. If they are going to cast a spell or any kind of magic, they will make sure that no one can interrupt or observe them. They instinctively know what will happen.

They are also very good at providing the type of care that someone who is injured needs. They have an open heart, give solid advice and provide comfort and peace of mind. Cancers become so connected to people that they can be easily overwhelmed by someone else’s emotions. 

Leo(July 22 – August 22)

Leo has the kind of magical powers that lead to fame and fortune. Leo never seems to take a wrong step when it comes to what they set out to do or want.

His magic is one of personal magnetism and his ability to charm people, and these things help him get what he wants. Leos have a kind of magical power that makes them captivating and fascinating.

Virgo(August 23 – September 22)

The main magical power of Virgos seems to be focused on their natural ability to deal with many people and their needs at the same time. Virgos are masters of multitasking.

Since helping people and fixing things that are broken are Virgo’s main concerns, it is not surprising that much of her magical ability has to do with healing and turning chaos into peace. The more a Virgo learns and grows, the more her magical powers evolve.

Libra(September 23 – October 22)

Libra has a magical power when it comes to looking good. She may not cast spells, but she holds the elixir of beauty. Libras know how to put together an outfit and what makeup to wear to look their best.

Libra also has a magical power when it comes to making things harmonious and bringing people together in a positive way. Being able to achieve balance in relationships, with their lives and even in her body is another magical talent of hers.

Scorpio(October 23 – November 21)

Scorpio has a lot of magical powers, both positive and negative. It’s shocking what a Scorpio can do when they put their mind to something. He is very intuitive in both the material and spiritual worlds. He can communicate with spirits.

If he decides to use his magical powers, he is best at sex spells, defensive magic, and obstacle removal.

Scorpios’ instincts are primal and they have amazing survival skills. If they want to know the truth about something, they will use their powers to find out what it is. 

Sagittarius(November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarians seem to make magic wherever they go. They instinctively seek the most magical things in the material world.

They use their optimistic nature to tap into their magical powers and use the power of positivity to heal and neutralize negativity and pain. Sagittarians are travelers, and that includes where you can’t get to by plane, train, or bus.

Capricorn(December 22 – January 19)

Capricorns tend to be very grounded in reality, but that doesn’t mean they’re completely devoid of magical powers. They have the power to make things happen and complete anything. They use their natural ability to accomplish their goals and advance their ambition.

If a Capricorn wants to achieve something, he will do it. The most magical thing about him is how wise he is, regardless of his age. 

Aquarius(January 20 – February 18)

Aquarius is gifted at inventing and creating new things out of seemingly nothing. His creativity is a magical power, as is his ability to remove anything that hinders his freedom.

Aquarians are known for having a gift for astral projection and remote viewing. An Aquarian’s body may be asleep in bed, but his spirit is not.

Pisces(February 19 – March 20)

Pisces are very sensitive about the world around them as well as the other world. They are able to manipulate and use their dreams to find out what will happen in the future. If he imagines something, it will become real.

Because Pisces are so caring, they often use their magical powers to heal others. Pisces have the ability to speak with spirits and sometimes need to retreat into the world of their own imagination, just to unlock messages from the dead.

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