Zodiac Signs


There are times when it is very necessary to leave, and then come back with more force. There are many other times than that, it is not enough. There are times, that taking time is no longer necessary, because what can really cure you is leaving you forever. Then, the different reasons why the signs can go so as not to return.


Aries leaves the moment he discovers that it is another option. It is obvious that Aries may not be the priority of everyone around him, but neither will it be anyone’s main course. Aries has always taken his own desires very seriously and in them, his self-esteem is always in the first place. Easy and simple. If Aries feels that it is not someone’s priority, why dramatize? It goes, and that’s it.


Taurus takes EVERYTHING he does very seriously, and if in this case he decides to leave so as not to return, be very careful, because surely it is forever. The main reason why Taurus can grab his things forever is UNINTEREST. The moment he notices that he is sharing time, moments and happiness, with someone who does the same case as the flies, it’s over.


The main reason why Gemini can leave not to return? THE LACK OF TRUST. For Gemini, there is nothing worse than sharing LIFE with someone who has a brick wall complex. That’s right, Gemini sees that as a warning sign that says VETE, RUN… At the moment when Gemini feels that he is with someone distant and with zero desire to OPEN HIS HEART, he leaves… He does it so as not to suffer.


Although it seems incredible, it is true. Cancer will leave so that he does not return at the moment he has a HUGE excess of very theatrical love demonstrations. It’s amazing because people think that Cancer is like that. Very excessive in terms of demonstrations of love, but deep down, he has a very independent soul … Cancer goes to his roll, today is like that and tomorrow it is not known, but if it overwhelms him, he leaves. Point.


Why would Leo leave not to return? Because he noticed that he didn’t get enough attention he really needed. Leo is a love that needs real and sincere attention. If you notice that your partner says YES to everything to stop, or that directly, passes the subject and is always in the clouds, bad … Leo hates having the feeling of abandonment or being totally ignored.


The shyness. That’s right, if Virgo decides to jump for someone, he does it to win. But if he does and does not get the answer he wants or everything becomes very confusing, bye, bye … Virgo hates to make a fool of himself that way, or so he thinks … To be thrown by someone, he has to see MANY SIGNS and above all, it must be the other person who took the first step. If not, it goes away. And does not come back.


Libra will leave not to return, at the moment when his battery of patience with the lack of commitment, comes to an end … In other words? That Libra can leave you forever, because of fears and doubts. Libra needs to be with someone who keeps his word and who commits himself to death. If he doesn’t see that, he goes from suffering and directly, he cools and leaves …


Scorpio detests the lack of interest and it may be that this is one of the main reasons he has to go and never return … Scorpio wants to share his life with people who make EFFORTS, he does not want to live his time with someone to take care of like a small child … Scorpio knows what it is worth, and also knows that there are thousands more people to discover and know … Spend wasting time with someone who shows no interest.


The main reason why Sagittarius would leave not to return? FEAR OF FLYING. That’s right, Sagittarius is a lover of adventures and living life exploring the world. If you happen to be with someone lazy and very loving in your comfort zone, bad … Who is not willing to move his ass to know the world, to stay away from Sagittarius, because the archer is FREE and is passionate about people like that .


You lose Capricorn when you DO NOT convey confidence. The goat leaves to not return, as a good self-defense mechanism, because if it does, it is for something … Capricorn has a sixth sense very sorcerer. If he warns you that he is with someone something dark, bad. He doesn’t think twice, and he relies more on his criteria than on the words of the other person.


INJUSTICE AND CONTROLLING ACTIONS are very important reasons for Aquarius to leave and not give signs of life again until he feels like it. So is. Aquarius does not think twice, because he hates injustices and hates to share LIFE with someone who, in a way, takes it away … Aquarius was, is and will be free all his life.


The reason why Pisces can leave not to return? Not getting enough attention. That, or feeling like someone else in the life of your partner … Pisces wants exclusivity in every way. If you feel that your feelings are going to the background, bad .. But the shot is when he senses and hits his suspicions. Pisces hates to see how his fears come true … There, he leaves and does not return. For real…

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