Zodiac Signs

When Zodiac Signs Get Angry


In good times, a small piece of bread, in bad times… in bad times, it is better not to look for it. Aries has a lot of endurance as long as his morals are not affected, this sign prefers to get along with everyone. But if they betray him or question his name and person, he risks becoming a beast capable of putting anyone who tries to upset him in their place. Angry Aries will say and repeat over and over again how things should be. Since he does not tolerate injustice, he will defend his interests tooth and nail… And he will curse you. Come on, you can expect everything to come out of his mouth and only when he is completely sure that his words and shouts have had an effect, only then will he remain calm. In the meantime, let Troy burn!


Taurus is peaceful, calm, kind, and devoted. And everything good and beautiful that a person can be, but… What happens when Taurus gets angry? Sometimes no place or person in the world can calm him down. If someone dares to contradict you or trample on your arguments over and over again when he is completely sure of what he says and does. Then Taurus gets angry and closes up so as not to leave a choice to those who try to be too smart. It is not that they like conflicts, it is that they cannot stand anyone creating them. And when this happens, he risks getting carried away and surprising those who have never seen him like this before… Taurus has a lot of endurance but explodes when he can’t take it anymore. And there he gets confused because he blinds himself and does not see the damage he can do, but it is you who caused it, do not forget it.


Oh! Gemini with their good-natured nature provided you don’t annoy them with inappropriate and out-of-time comments or actions. Gemini gets angry at injustices, at inconsiderate people, at those who think they are superior. In short, those who try to be intelligent with someone they care about or with themselves tolerate neither.

This sign doesn’t mince words, they will say what they think to whoever it is necessary if their inner well-being depends on it. Gemini doesn’t want to get on bad terms with anyone, but for that not to happen, it’s better not to. You want to be on bad terms with this sign… It’s that simple. Otherwise, they will know what it’s like to be embarrassed. Nobody sent them to bother Gemini!


It’s not that the Crab has a lot of patience, but what he does have is a lot, a lot of endurance… Of course, when he sees them coming, he prepares himself mentally and physically for the attack.

The Cancer sign can tolerate some injustices, it can tolerate the shortcomings of others well, and it can even tolerate things that it simply would not do… But what if it is not willing to tolerate it on top of that, the person who ruins its life, of course, I turned the tables and threw things in its face. No, Cancer does not exist there. And if on top of that, it has to listen to nonsense from someone who has already disappointed it or has upset it in some way, then it reaches the limit of its patience and stops with clear truths and confronts anyone who dares to go that far, until it upsets them.… Their words can be the most hurtful and their actions can even drive you crazy, so think before upsetting Cancer whether something like this is worth it.


The Leo’s vein swells directly, just as when he is in a good mood he is in a very good mood, when he is in a bad mood it is better not to cross them, neither the lion nor the lioness. He is a real beast capable of destroying everything, he will not mince his words and he will be one of those who let go of everything that comes to mind without thinking about the consequences afterward… What consequences? “Leo would say with enormous anger. Because he does not care about what happens in eight or eighty years if he considers that he does not have to put up with certain things. He will assume the consequences later with the same courage he had to show the day someone dared to surpass him. Leo is truly Leo.


Virgo contains his fury until it invades him and lets out through his mouth everything he has been keeping for a long time. This sign knows how to control his emotions, but if there is something that drives him crazy, it is the lack of consideration. When they notice that someone is acting selfishly or offensively, they can keep their anger to themselves and get angry with themselves. But later, they will have to take out what they have inside to avoid getting hurt. What happens then? It happens that the anger he does is such that he definitively breaks the relationship with the person who has exceeded his moral and ethical limits.
Virgo does not benefit from excuses or justifications. The only thing that can help is a good clarification of the matter and even in this case, you will have to ask yourself if it is worth giving a second chance. When something ends, it is usually forever.


Libra can be quite confusing when angry, this happens because of its enormous ability to transmit what it feels in a peace that exasperates some. But be careful, all that glitters is not gold and if you get angry, if you try to express yourself over and over again and you feel misunderstood, you can be sent to hell in a few words. Then he will wish you good luck, perhaps with time. Libra is very polite and deep because it is also true that he does not like fights and that they leave a bad taste in the mouth for a long time.
For Libra, it is very important to be at peace with yourself and also with the people around you. But if they manage to make you angry, you may be surprised by this sign that represents the scales and the search for continuous balance. Whatever happens, you will find a way to return to that state of peace.


An angry Scorpio can be worse than a Scorpio, it can be a snake that will cautiously approach you and inject you with its deadly venom when you don’t even expect it. Scorpio knows that where it gives them, it takes them and if they have been disturbed, the best thing their enemy can do is walk away if they don’t want to feel the bitter taste of revenge in their flesh.
When they hurt him, Scorpio can’t suppress his desire to strike where it hurts the most to whoever dared to disturb him. Seriously, it’s superior to your good intentions. He may regret it later, but the damage will be done. Scorpio is a big fan of the eye for an eye because he knows that people only learn when they take their own medicine.


Sagittarius is the most explosive fire sign, especially at an early age. When they make him angry, he gets carried away to the point of losing himself. He has a cheerful character, he tends to sympathize a lot with everyone. He wants to help his neighbor in every possible way, but if he betrays him, lies to him, or gives him a hard time without it being necessary, he becomes unstoppable in his goals. And what will be your goal when they make you angry? Well, nothing more and nothing less than to make the misguided person who dared to attack him have a bad time … He will probably be very ironic and will go to the point where it hurts, and believe me, the Centaur will shoot his arrow right into the center of the target. And Sagittarius aims well!


Capricorn stops, holds back, and contains until the day he lets go of everything and leaves your life, just like that… but be careful! To get to that point, they have to have hurt him deep inside. The angry Capricorn will say what he has to say and settle the matter forever. He has a noble heart and it is not that he does not know how to control himself, but if they manage to make him angry, it is because they have done something great to him. This is not a sign that will shout to tell someone “We are not there anymore”, no… he will simply say it and fulfill it. The day he says these words, he follows them through to the end. This sign fulfills everything he says even when he seems to forgive, for it is of the utmost importance that the people who are by their side are loyal and good enough not to have to go to these extremes… And if you fail them, goodbye.


Aquarius is not the type to create a lot of noise or arguments, nor does he tend to get too angry. When he gets angry, he simply tells whoever is necessary to go to hell and that’s it. This sign is quite deceptive when angry because he knows how to control his emotions very well. Aquarius will not be one of those who get angry with the rest of the world, no… he will only get angry with the one who caused him that discomfort that manifests itself when he is facing the person who has annoyed him, damaged him, betrayed him. or simply bothered him. And when he gets close, he leaves no possibility of forgiveness. If he considers that they have crossed the line, he uses his greatest weapon, indifference… And you know, there is nothing that hurts more than indifference. Because Aquarius has a lot of willpower to run away from what has not done him good. And it’s going to screw you up, believe me, it’s going to screw you up a lot…


Angry Pisces can even be funny, but not because their anger has no reason, which it does… But because they can’t help but show the most dramatic part of themselves. Let’s not forget that he is one of the most sensitive signs of the zodiac and therefore he will not hesitate to point out what has bothered or hurt him. The most beautiful words may not come out of his mouth when he is angry, but the most appropriate ones do. When they try, Pisces can make the person who hurt them feel really bad and what may seem funny at first is not so funny in the end. With Pisces, tears and regrets will surely not be lacking. This sign is like the voice of conscience of those who have already crossed paths with him. At the time, there will be drama, but in the end, Pisces will not care if everything returns to peace.

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