Zodiac Signs

Why You’re So Hard To Love According To Your Zodiac Sign


The restless soul, always looking for something that makes it vibrate, opts for strong emotions and does not understand what half-love is. Aries, you break with the routine, you want a love that makes your heart beat faster. However, not everyone can handle so much. It’s not that you’re demanding, it’s that you’ve learned to give yourself your place. You want something worthwhile, a refuge after a bad day, something that makes you smile just thinking about it. Otherwise, you prefer solitude.


Do you like Taurus? You are not ready to give in, you are stubborn to the core, and you want things your way. You have already given everything and they have disappointed you, you have already pretended to be someone else to make the other happy and it was no use. From now on, your convictions are your priority. You want a person who contributes to you in every way. Loneliness does not scare you; independence is one of your best accessories and you have no time for someone who does not take things seriously.


Gemini, the master of autonomy, knows how to be happy in his skin. You have learned to see the good side of solitude. So, when someone tries to be part of your days, they must adapt to your rhythm, because you do not consider letting your guard down. You know what you want and you prefer to wait for the right person, rather than begging someone to change. You want someone who paints your days with colors, makes you laugh, and shows you that life is more than sadness.


Cancer is so pure, it has such an authentic love that few souls know how to love it. You are the one who knows how to keep silent for love, you give yourself deeply and are not afraid of having your heart broken again. You do not complain, you seek to protect, love, and show that there are still those who love beyond passion. You are not afraid of commitment; when you confess your love, it is because you want something nice and formal. You want the other person to have the courage to make the first move, otherwise you walk away.


Leo, the one who bathes in brilliance, never lets go of the finger when he wants something. However, you do not beg, no matter how much you feel love, no matter how much that special someone is in your thoughts and makes your stomach flutter. You are afraid of what people will say, and this makes it difficult for you to love because you care about what others think. You want to feel approved and for your partner to be approved too. Not everyone can handle that much pressure.


Behind your perfectionist breath hides someone fearful. You are the one who wears a huge shell, who does not want to show his vulnerable side without feeling safe. You are terrified that your fears, sadness, and dreams will end up in unworthy ears. You want something real, more than the perfect partner compared to others, you want someone with whom you can show your essence without fear. Therefore, you prefer to wait for the right conversation to come.


The Libra mind never stops; your mind and heart are constant circles where your fears hide. Thoughts make you believe the worst, so distrust is part of your days. Jealousy is your worst enemy, you can doubt everything and everyone. It is difficult for you to trust, especially after so many disappointments. There is a part of you that wants to dare, that gets lost in love, and another that screams at you to run away.


A strong, independent, and intense soul. Yes, Scorpio can be the love that shakes you all day long, that reminds you what it means to love without fear and with desire. But to take this step takes time and facts. You do not let yourself be carried away by beautiful words, you do not trust anyone easily. You are meticulous with what they tell you and you remember every detail. The past screams at you every time you want to give yourself another chance to love.


The heart that goes against the clock, always thirsty for fresh air, to live every moment. You run away from ties, that’s how Sagittarius is. Not everyone can handle such free and independent thinking. You love your solitude and when you move away, your partner may feel bad, but you need your space to recharge. You can be very cold when someone wants to change your lifestyle. You don’t give in, you want to be loved as you are, without demanding changes.


You are the one who remains silent, the one who gives yourself to the bone, but a part of you has difficulty expressing your emotions. It is as if you have a lump in your throat that does not let you let go. If it bothers you, if it pleases you, if it makes you uncomfortable, you keep it quiet. You become a mystery that few people know how to handle. It is difficult for you to open up deeply because you are afraid of failure. Therefore, you walk on the right side so as not to lose control, but this distances you from love.


The mind that is here and there, you have the gift of traveling in a second. You are the one who gets lost in a mass of thoughts. A noble soul who does not like to feel like someone is controlling his life. It is difficult to love yourself because you get lost out of nowhere, you take time to respond, and you cancel appointments. It may seem that no matter how hard they try, in the end, they are not your priority. This does not mean that you cannot love, it is just that you do it in your way, and only someone equally liberal will be able to understand you.


The one who gives everything, who gives in, who loves until his last breath. You honor love, but you have a role that most do not know how to handle. You are too sensitive, and for many, this is synonymous with drama. You feel twice as much, you can lose control when your emotions take over. Sometimes you get confused, you do not understand the reasons because your anger or your happiness takes over and this scares some. The contrast of your feelings can make anyone tremble.

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