Zodiac Signs

Your Horoscope For The Week Indicates That The New Moon In Scorpio Will Turn Your World Upside Down

This will be a particularly chaotic new moon. The week from November 12 to 18 promises to be intense with a new moon in Scorpio on November 13 at 10:27 a.m. French time. This lunar phase will strongly impact the fixed signs, especially those with positions between 11 and 29 degrees, but its chaotic influence will touch each of us. The new moon takes place in passionate, aggressive, and strategic Scorpio, partnering with combative Mars and opposing unpredictable Uranus. Expect unexpected conflicts, revealing deep truths that have remained beneath the surface.

Despite the complexity of this new moon, an opportunity for discussion and understanding will present itself between now and November 15th. Because Mercury in Sagittarius will form a sextile with Venus in Libra. Although Mercury is technically in “detriment” in Sagittarius, Venus is at home in Libra.

Despite a possible lack of filter, Venus in Libra will make it easier to manage complicated interactions with grace, understanding, and harmony. Stay tuned for awareness of what has been kept secret, but also take advantage of the opportunity to ease tensions through thoughtful communication.

How will the planets affect your zodiac sign this week?

Here’s what you can expect for the coming week, based on your sun and/or rising sign:

Here’s what you can expect for the coming week, based on your Sun sign and/or rising sign:


This week, take it easy.

This week, take things calmly and cautiously, especially with the new moon in Scorpio on November 13. The sun in Scorpio also forms an opposition with Uranus in Taurus, highlighting opportunities related to influential people who could have a positive impact on your financial situation.

This is a good time to consider a new position or seek a business partner. Although you may feel some urgency, Aries, the key to success lies in thoughtful, calculated actions.

Next, Venus in Libra, in your house of relationships, forms a quincunx with Jupiter in Taurus. Divergences may emerge, particularly in the management of finances with your partner. You might have different approaches to risk or disposable income plans. One may prefer to save while the other wants to seize opportunities. To overcome these differences, mutual adaptation will be necessary.


This week, a new and revitalizing energy emerges.

The new moon in Scorpio on November 13 brings a breath of fresh air, especially in your area of ​​partnerships. If you are looking for love, now is the right time to meet someone special. For those already in a relationship, a slight break from routine could spice things up. Even a simple “school night” could turn into an unforgettable romantic date.

Subsequently, Venus in Libra, in your house of work, forms a quincunx with Jupiter in Taurus. Your desk may be swamped with tasks, and people are looking for your attention. You might consider working overtime or juggling school and work deadlines. This week, the idea of ​​being able to clone yourself to accomplish all of this may cross your mind.


This week, a more effective solution presents itself to you.

The new moon in Scorpio on November 13 brings positive momentum, especially in your area of ​​daily routines. Freeing your life from an outdated process could bring you significant benefits.

This means taking different paths and adopting an innovative approach. These changes could save you time, energy, resources, and even money for your business. This week, explore innovative ideas to improve your usual methods.

Next, Venus in Libra, in your house of love, forms a quincunx with Jupiter in Taurus. Romance is possible if you and your partner can resolve differences in your schedules. The challenge lies in the need for one of you to compromise or give up something. You may find common ground, perhaps literally halfway between your respective places, creating a special magic.


This week, fun takes more place in your life.

The new moon in Scorpio on November 13 brings energy conducive to pleasure, especially as the sun in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus in your house of pleasure. You feel the desire to explore different and enjoyable activities. Leave your usual routine behind and brighten your mood by venturing in a new direction. The possibility of romance is also present this week.

Subsequently, Venus in Libra, in your home and family, forms a quincunx with Jupiter in Taurus. Family obligations may conflict with your desire to spend time with friends. Someone might need to adjust their plans. You could also seek help today.


This week, enjoy something atypical.

The new moon in Scorpio on November 13 promises a different experience, especially with the sun in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus in your family home. Your family’s eccentricities might bring you special joy.

This is a great time to meet family members with interesting lives or quirky hobbies. Explore an uncle’s collection of doorknobs or listen to a cousin play the accordion.

Next, Venus in Libra, in your house of communication, forms a quincunx with Jupiter in Taurus. You might receive confusing communication because the other party didn’t take the time to clarify the necessary information. Before you get annoyed, take the time to ask questions to clarify the situation. It is always better to get more information rather than proceed with a lack of understanding.


This week there will be joy in doing something new.

The new moon in Scorpio on November 13 brings a breath of fresh air, especially with the sun in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus in your house of physical activity. You might venture into uncharted territory, whether it’s test-driving a new car, riding a friend’s motorcycle, or enjoying an exotic food you’ve never tried before.

Midweek on November 15, Venus in Libra forms a quincunx with Jupiter in Taurus, warning against excessive spending. Although everything seems attractive and tempting, take a moment to think before opening your wallet. The deals seem great, but it’s wise to consider your spending carefully.


This week you become a money magnet.

The new moon in Scorpio on November 13, with the sun in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus in your house of money, awakens a new perspective on your finances. You might move from passive hope to active determination to find new sources of income.

A sudden increase in earnings from your side hustle is also possible this week. Explore paths to prosperity and seize opportunities as they present themselves.

Next, Venus, in your sign of Libra and your house of trust, forms a quincunx with Jupiter in Taurus. Your natural charm and confidence especially shine through this week, whether you’re standing in front of a crowd or sharing details about your income. Your charismatic presence leaves a lasting impression on others. Take advantage of your self-confidence to shine more this week.


This week you will plant promising seeds.

The new moon in your sign of Scorpio on November 13, with the sun in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus, marks the start of your lunar year. Take advantage of the influence of Uranus to experiment with newness and variety over the coming weeks. This will help plant seeds for a future harvest. Happy birthday, Scorpio!

Subsequently, Venus in Libra, in your house of rest and escape, forms a quincunx with Jupiter in Taurus. You might have social invitations, but you might prefer to spend time relaxing, playing video games, or streaming movies. This week, your desire to do what you like takes precedence over going out in bad weather.


This week, brilliant ideas will flow.

The new moon in Scorpio on November 13, with the sun in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus, offers an opportunity to explore creative passions related to theater, film, or fantasy. Take this week to consider a career in these fields, whether by attending a film convention or submitting a screenplay to a writing competition.

Next, Venus in Libra, in your house of friendships, forms a quincunx with Jupiter in Taurus. Balancing friends and work can be tricky this week.

You might have an important social event, but late-night work commitments might interfere. It might be necessary to ask a colleague to cover for you or exchange favors so you can enjoy your time with your friends.


This week, explore new possible paths.

The new moon in Scorpio on November 13, with the sun in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus, suggests you might be influenced by a daring friend who likes to take risks. They can encourage you to step out of your comfort zone, take risks, or try something new. Take advantage of this influence to explore new perspectives.

Next, Venus in Libra, in your house of career, forms a quincunx with Jupiter in Taurus. If you are unhappy with your current position, this week is a good time to consider the steps needed to achieve your future professional goals. This could involve multiple steps or perhaps a single action, like updating your resume.


This week your reputation will shine.

With the new moon in Scorpio on November 13 and the sun in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus in your house of social status, you stand out in exceptional ways.

Whether through a video, podcast episode, or meme, you could drive increased engagement from your audience and strengthen your connections with like-minded people. This is a great week to find your tribe.

Next, Venus in Libra, in your house of education, forms a quincunx with Jupiter in Taurus. If you are currently in school, you may be facing deadlines or exams. However, family distractions or disruptions at home could interfere with your concentration. Use headphones to create a conducive study environment, or help your children with their exam preparations. You could also contribute to the learning efforts of others.


This week, a little effort will bring you closer to your aspirations.

With the new moon in Scorpio on November 13 and the sun in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus in your house of travel, you may feel a desire for escape and a change from your daily routine.

It’s a perfect opportunity to take a spontaneous trip, whether it’s a short drive or an in-depth exploration of a new place. If you are already traveling, be open to new experiences and meeting people from different cultures. Even delays can provide you with unexpected opportunities.

Next, Venus in Libra, in your house of resources, forms a quincunx with Jupiter in Taurus. If you’re looking for new financing, be prepared to take care of some paperwork. Although it may initially seem overwhelming, the process might be smoother and faster than expected. This is a good time to obtain loans or explore financial options. A bit of paperwork might stand between you and your desired outcome, but it’s worth the extra effort.

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