Zodiac Signs

Your Most Powerful Chakra Depends On Your Zodiac Sign!

A chakra is an energy center located in both the physical and non-material body. This energy center acts as a node that connects all bodies with physical and mental functions. Each chakra is imbued with occult powers known for thousands of years. These focal points are influenced by spirits, the energy of the earth, and, of course, the stars. This is why each zodiac sign has one powerful chakra. Through this powerful chakra, each sign of the zodiac expresses its virtues and sensitivity.

But, if it is closed for you, then you will feel heartache and devastation. To fix this, you need to work on your cup with special stones that will help open it.

Powerful chakra of each zodiac sign

The association of the chakras with traditional alchemy originated centuries ago when the magic of the Far East was mixed with the occult sciences of the West. Wise alchemists have been tasked to create these connections for healing and empowerment.

Each of the 7 chakras corresponds to one planet, the traditional ruler of each zodiac sign.

Aries: Sacral Chakra

The powerful Aries chakra is the sacral chakra where the Kundalini resides. This is a chakra located in the genital area, pulsing with a bright Martian color. When activated, this chakra radiates confidence and magnetism.

When blocked, it causes feelings of guilt, shame, and self-doubt. That’s when an Aries gets angry. The true strength of an Aries comes from believing in yourself. When this belief is lost, anger and frustration are activated. Ruby helps to activate this chakra.

Taurus: Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is where the heart beats, in the center of the chest. The Chinese have linked a very important acupuncture point to the meridian of the conception vessel, which is used to treat heart problems and emotional imbalances. With activation, everything is possible. We attract affection and healing energies, and we are one with the World and the Higher powers. Love is the key to everything. Maybe that’s why Taurus is so gorgeous.

When we are blocked, emotional pain devastates us. Sorrow closes the Gates of Love and brings down the energy of Taurus. Grief is like a parasite that feeds on your life energy. It’s time to say goodbye to sadness! Rose quartz and emerald will help you with this.

Gemini: Throat Chakra

Ruled by Mercury, Gemini has a sensitive and at the same time powerful point. The throat is their powerful chakra, which is associated with any kind of communication and self-expression. When the chakra is activated, we are creative and can deal with difficult situations using our inspiration. Maybe that’s why Geminis are so smart and creative.

Lying and not accepting yourself block the throat chakra. When we are blocked, we lose the ability to express ourselves, which leads to self-pity. The inability to express oneself is the absence of freedom. Turquoise can help us achieve greater balance, accept ourselves, and heal emotional wounds. Gives you the power to express yourself. Sapphire also activates your chakra.

Cancer: Third Eye Chakra

The third eye, located between our eyebrows, is the focus of psychic and subtle energies. It is the gate from which psychic forces enter or project. When activated, we receive ideas and information from other planes of being. Maybe that’s why Cancer is so charming.

The illusion blocks the third eye. It seems that the illusion is caused by our intuition, but it is an extension of our selfishness. When your chakra is blocked, you feel lost, like nothing makes sense. Silver can help open the chakra, wear it and your powerful chakra will always be open. You can also wear sapphire jewelry, they will help too.

Leo: Crown Chakra

The powerful Leo chakra is the most important and is called the Crown. She is associated with the Sun. It is located on the top of our head and is used in raja (royal) yoga to connect with the Divine powers. When it is activated, spiritual enlightenment passes through us. Maybe that’s why Leo radiates grace.

When we are blocked, we lose touch with the divine. This is how a Leo can become self-centered. To open the chakra, use gold, the metal of kings. Diamond is also associated with the crown chakra, as is quartz, which helps us banish negativity and connect with the gods.

Virgo: Throat chakra

Ruled by Mercury, Virgo has a sensitive and at the same time strong point. The throat is their powerful chakra, which is associated with any kind of communication and self-expression. When we are activated, we are creative and can handle difficult situations using our inspiration. Maybe that’s why Virgo is so collected and intellectually developed.

Lying and not accepting yourself block the throat chakra. When we are blocked, we lose the ability to express ourselves, which leads to self-pity. The inability to express oneself is the absence of freedom. Wear items with turquoise or sapphire, they will help you open your chakra.

Libra: Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is where the heart beats, in the center of your chest. The Chinese have linked a very important acupuncture point to the meridian of the conception vessel, which is used to treat heart problems and emotional imbalances. With activation everything is possible. We attract affection and healing energies, and we are one with the World and the Higher powers. Remember, love is the key to everything. Maybe that’s why Libra is so charming and harmonious.

When you are blocked, emotional pain devastates you. Sadness closes the Gates of Love and causes the Libra energy to collapse. Grief is like a parasite that feeds on your life energy. It’s time to say goodbye to your sadness, wear jewelry with emeralds and rose quartz. Your heart chakra will be open and you will be happy.

Scorpio: Sacral Chakra

The powerful Scorpio chakra is the sacral chakra where the Kundalini resides. This chakra is located in the genital area and pulsates with a bright green color. When activated, this chakra radiates confidence and magnetism. Maybe that’s why Scorpio is so attractive.

When blocked, it makes you feel guilty, ashamed, and insecure. That’s when a Scorpio gets angry. The true strength of a Scorpio lies in believing in yourself. When this belief is lost, anger and frustration are activated. Activate the chakra with the ruby, it will heal you.

Sagittarius: Solar plexus chakra

The energy chakra of Sagittarius is the solar plexus chakra, which is associated with Jupiter, the planet of opportunity and expansion. It is located directly under the xiphoid process above the navel. This is an extremely powerful chakra for all occultists, as the Gate of Astral Energy is located here. When activated, enthusiasm and new opportunities appear. Maybe that’s why Sagittarius perceives secret wisdom so well.

Shame blocks the solar plexus. When blocked, laziness and a loss of desire to move forward and create are manifested. This is also very important for our health. Open the chakra with jasper and tiger’s eye or ruby.

Capricorn: Root Chakra

The powerful Capricorn chakra is the root chakra. Where it is located is a matter of controversy, some believe that at a distance of five centimeters between the legs. Others believe that it is located at the base of the spine. No matter where it is when activated, we feel creative and safe, and we can do everything in this world because we are part of it. Maybe that’s why Capricorn is so good at controlling his desires.

Fear blocks the root chakra. When blocked, there is a feeling of nausea and insecurity. We feel isolated, lonely, and weak. Remove the blockage with obsidian and emerald stones.

Aquarius: Root Chakra

The powerful Aquarius chakra is the root chakra, just like Capricorn. Its location is debatable, but when it’s open you feel more creative. You are filled with a sense of security and that you are capable of anything. Maybe that’s why Aquarius is so extraordinarily creative.

Fear blocks the root chakra. When blocked, there is a feeling of nausea and insecurity. We feel isolated, lonely, and weak. Help open your chakra by wearing an emerald, it is associated with the health and strength of your chakra. Also obsidian.

Pisces: Solar plexus chakra

The power chakra of Pisces is the solar plexus chakra. She is associated with Jupiter, the planet of opportunity and expansion. It is located directly under the xiphoid process above the navel. This is an extremely powerful chakra for all occultists, as the Gate of Astral Energy is located here. When activated, enthusiasm and opportunity emerge. Maybe that’s why Pisces are so capable of magic and endowed with intuition.

Shame blocks the solar plexus. When blocked, laziness and a loss of desire to move forward and create are manifested. This is also very important for our health. Tiger’s eye, ruby, ​​and jasper – these stones will help you in opening your chakra. Wear them and be happy!

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