Zodiac Signs

3 Zodiac Signs That Are Basically The Universe’s Favorites Between July 2nd-8th

3 Zodiac Signs That Are the Universe’s Favorites Between July 2-8 Be bold by following your intuition. This period offers you a divine opportunity to explore your intuition with renewed boldness and creativity, as Mercury returns to Leo on Tuesday, July 2, just before the Cancer New Moon on Friday, July 5. New moons are always conducive to new beginnings, and with Mercury in Leo, you can expect significant changes, exciting opportunities, and a powerful momentum toward the future.

This time will be particularly favorable for three zodiac signs, offering them not only the luck they are looking for but also the opportunity to make it last.

On Monday, July 1, Neptune began the week stationed retrograde in Pisces, inviting you to discover the truth and find hope in what is authentic. This celestial movement can reveal valuable insights and help you manifest lasting projects rather than fleeting successes.

As you move closer to cosmic energy, adopt an attitude of self-confidence, take time for reflection, and know that this new beginning is full of good fortune.

3 Zodiac Signs That Are The Universe’s Favorites Between July 2nd-8th

1. Scorpio

Scorpio, an exciting time awaits you with opportunities for action and success! The New Moon in Cancer brings you luck and renewal, while Mercury in Leo stimulates new offers and abundance in your career.

You have been patient and persistent, and now the universe is beginning to manifest the results of your efforts.

It will be important to open yourself up to change. Sometimes this means letting go of what is familiar and comfortable. You are being led onto new paths and new possibilities, and to follow them you will need to let go and trust what is emerging before you.

Be prepared to welcome opportunities, whether they come in the form of a move or a career-related trip.

Scorpio, you are destined for success, but to achieve your goals, you must be willing to take risks by trusting your intuition. Learn to allow space for your feelings without imposing strict deadlines or plans.

Have faith in your inner guidance, and you will discover that your intuition has always been able to lead you to the best version of yourself.

2. Cancer

You have an exceptional intuitive gift for creating wealth right now, dear Cancer, and it’s time to start turning those ideas into concrete actions. With Mercury in Leo starting Tuesday, July 2, you’ll receive the inspiration you need to improve your finances and attract more abundance into your life.

But the real magic will happen when the New Moon in Cancer emerges on Friday, July 5, giving you the perfect time to put your ideas into action.

Spend time writing down your thoughts or meditating to validate the ideas your intuition inspires. Whether it’s revisiting an old project, adjusting your rates, or asking for a bonus, you’re in tune with Leo’s energy to receive a financial gift.

Start planning for success now by writing down your ideas and outlining steps for their implementation, so you can plant the seeds of financial abundance during the New Moon.

The most important thing to do with the energy of this time is to create space to listen to your intuition and not dismiss an idea just because the old version of you didn’t believe it was possible.

Be bolder and more confident, recognizing not only what you deserve, but also your ability to manifest your desires.

3. Gemini

Gemini, you have the opportunity to take the time you need without having to rush things right now. Neptune has started its retrograde motion in Pisces, giving you a new perspective on your career path and the state of your career goals.

When Neptune is retrograde, you are being asked to see more clearly what is in front of you. This process will help you understand the next steps to take and remind you that truth is the key to a solid building.

Use this time to see things as they are, and you’ll find that this clarity can also bring you a good dose of luck.

Be open to reflection during this time and don’t see anything as a failure, but rather as a divine opportunity. The universe is truly working for you right now, and it will be important to see clearly what is coming your way to manifest more success and recognition in your professional life.

As you are invited to delve deeper into your career, you may discover a desire greater than simply receiving a paycheck.

Neptune retrograde can offer you the understanding and insight needed to determine what adjustments need to be made to fully live out your professional purpose and work toward a more meaningful goal.

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