Zodiac Signs

5 difficult signs to conquer. Find out who they are!

If you want to know if you are one of these people or if you think you have met one of these kinds, astrology can confirm or deny it!

There are a lot of reasons why some people are considered difficult, at least when it comes to relationships and dating. It could be because of bad past experiences, a bad mood at the moment, or maybe it’s because they just don’t care enough. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to conquer them, it just means you need to know the potential risks before tackling them.

What are the 5 zodiac signs that are hard to conquer?

Signs difficult to conquer: Virgo

Virgo has a very good opinion of herself. When you meet her, you almost feel judged. She can be very curious, but not in the best way.

She wants to know what she’s getting into. Virgo is also very critical and distant. She prefers to keep you at a distance instead of letting you fully into her heart, otherwise, she’ll feel like she’s losing control, and she likes to be in charge so much! It is almost impossible to get her to open up and it takes a lot of time and patience to succeed.


Scorpio is sometimes hot, and sometimes cold when it comes to dating. He can be very affectionate and happy to be with you, and the next minute he can be grumpy. It’s very hard to keep up with what he’s feeling at every moment, even though he expects you to be able to. And worse, Scorpio is almost impossible to read.

He is aloof and cold from birth because he feels he needs to protect his heart before opening up to someone instead of being receptive to love.


Sagittarius is not a big fan of commitment. Relationships make him feel bound to someone forever, and he just wants a friend to be more intimate with. It is difficult to conquer because it starts from the beginning without much hope. He also loves the chase more than he loves catching the person he’s chasing. He would rather flirt than get serious with someone because it is much more comfortable for him.

Difficult signs to conquer: Capricorn

Capricorn would be an easy person to win over if they weren’t so cautious all the time. Its practical nature is very useful in other situations, but love means taking risks, even if you might end up with a broken heart. It’s much easier for him to prevent, which is why he seems so lost in love. Capricorn behaves in love meetings as in business ones. It feels more like an interview than a flirt because he is very methodical and almost robotic when he first meets you. He trusts his mind more than his heart and prefers to think rather than feel when it comes to love.


Aquarius is a very independent sign. She is a private and aloof person, preferring to be on her own rather than be vulnerable in front of someone else. Of course, that doesn’t make him mysterious in the way he wants, but rather cold and distant. He wants to protect himself from being hurt or misunderstood. His reticent attitude and the fact that he doesn’t let others get to know him make him impossible to read or understand.

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