Zodiac Signs

5 Zodiac Signs Facing Major Upheavals With The July 21st, 2024 Full Moon

The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21: Revelations and Reflections

On July 21, a splendid full moon in Capricorn at 5:17 a.m. in Quebec and 12:17 p.m. Paris Time will highlight the emotions, projects, and dreams that you have left aside. This lunar moment represents a powerful cycle of collective liberation, often marked by significant revelations and a desire to clean up our lives.

For me, full moons always bring to mind the idea of ​​cleaning up my personal space, as it is often during these phases that I feel relief from expectations, anxiety, and stress as if each wipe of the cloth is cleaning away not only dust, but emotional burdens as well.

This full moon has the power to reveal the most hidden aspects of your life, inviting you to explore the depths you usually ignore. To make the most of this moment, it is crucial to confront these truths with the full moon in Capricorn, to set the stage for future opportunities.

Interestingly, this will be the second Capricorn Full Moon we’ve had in the space of a month, with the first occurring on June 21st. While each Full Moon brings unique influences, there are parallels between these two events. As we approach July 21st, you’ll begin to understand how the revelations of June’s Full Moon helped lay the foundation for a larger vision for the future.

This full moon could help you clarify issues related to work, family dynamics, personal expectations, your ambitions, and your public reputation, all themes associated with Capricorn. Take a close look at whether you have been observing ongoing revelations on these topics in recent weeks. This is where your energy should be focused to maximize the benefits of this lunar period.

Full Moon in Capricorn: More than just a worker, a guide to harmony

It is common to reduce the Capricorn archetype to a simple image of a professional ambition machine, focused only on work and career. However, it is essential to understand that Capricorn is much more than that. Represented by the sea goat, a mythical creature with a goat’s head and a mermaid’s tail, Capricorn embodies the ability to combine logic and emotion to overcome life’s challenges.

The full moon in Capricorn offers an opportunity to shine a light on how the head and heart can work in harmony. This lunar phase invites you to recognize that your emotions, even if you try to ignore them, have their place alongside reason and logic. This is a good time to allow these two aspects of yourself to coexist and strengthen each other.

However, there is no need to rush into immediate action. Full moons are also a time of healing and reflection. Despite Capricorn’s dynamic energy, take the time to give yourself a well-deserved break, whether it’s a vacation or even a short 15-minute break. Avoid jumping headlong into projects or decisions based on the revelations you may experience during this time.

The full moon on July 21 will be particularly influenced by Pluto, which intensifies emotions and experiences. While this full moon can give you the momentum you need to move forward with your goals, it’s crucial to approach this period with caution and patience. Avoid getting carried away by excessive impulses or ambitions that are too big for the moment.

Full Moon in Capricorn: Pluto’s Influence, Chiron’s Tension, and How to Turn Revelations into Progress

The Capricorn full moon on July 21 is a time of revelation, and while Pluto amplifies and intensifies emotions, this influence is fundamentally positive. Expect a powerful opportunity for transformation, but also be aware of a subtle tension created by Chiron, which is in Aries at the time of the full moon.

Chiron, often called the “wounded healer,” shows us how we hurt ourselves, whether physically, emotionally, or spiritually. With Chiron in Aries, you may be feeling some deep pain or hurt related to the revelations you experience during this full moon. It’s important not to let yourself be overwhelmed by negative thoughts like “It’s my fault” or “I’m not good enough.” These tense moments are opportunities to learn and grow. Recognizing where you made mistakes allows you to avoid repeating them in the future and to strengthen your wisdom.

The full moon encourages you to reevaluate your work habits, plan for future successes, take stock of your accomplishments and seek a better balance between your professional and personal life. You may feel a little critical of yourself due to the heightened emotions of this full moon, but don’t let the negative get you down. Use this tension as a springboard for progress and personal development.

Take time to feel and understand the emotions that arise, but once you become aware of what needs to be changed, take action with determination. There is a real beauty in the process of release and transformation that this full moon offers you.

For a more accurate interpretation of how this full moon will influence you, don’t forget to check your rising sign.


With the full moon in Capricorn, your shadow will emerge from the darkness and reveal itself in the light. You may feel that the weights of the world are becoming too heavy to bear or that challenges seem insurmountable. Rather than letting yourself be overwhelmed, take a moment to withdraw from the external tumult and delve into your psyche.

If you’re facing fears or uncomfortable emotions, face them rather than run away from them. Avoidance is the trap of this full moon: it’s crucial to confront the aspects of yourself that you’d rather ignore. If you’ve been avoiding a difficult conversation, putting a complicated relationship aside, or accepting painful truths without confronting them, now’s the time to push yourself further than you’ve ever done before.

While this full moon may seem intense, it holds the promise of liberation. Think of this time as a time to rip off the band-aid and clean the wound, even if it may be uncomfortable. What is this metaphorical wound you have been hiding that now needs to be carefully tended to?

By confronting these challenges, you will open the way to true healing and positive transformation.


It often takes three weeks to form a new habit, but only one week to break it. Breaking a bad habit can be a challenge, but the full moon is here to offer its support.

As a Leo, you are drawn to the exquisite and luminous pleasures of life, whether it is romance, leisure, gastronomy, or spirits. You are made to have fun and enjoy this existence to the fullest.

However, this full moon invites you to pause and reevaluate your balance. Have you perhaps been putting too much energy into work to the detriment of yourself? Have you not taken the time to engage in beneficial activities like exercising or eating healthy?

This full moon will encourage you to adjust your habits and find a happy medium between your responsibilities and your pleasures. It’s a great time to create habits that reflect your true goals and build a more balanced life.


The full moon is here to help you break down the barriers you’ve built around yourself. As a Scorpio, you feel deeply, but expressing your emotions can sometimes be a challenge.

This full moon offers you a unique opportunity to open your heart and share what you’re feeling, even if your instinct is to keep it all to yourself. Scorpio energies often push you to be vulnerable before opening up to others, but the full moon encourages you to take the first step toward openness.

Listen to Capricorn’s message and apply the same standards of sincerity and honesty that you expect from others. Be willing to welcome others into your emotional space without prejudging their reaction. You may be pleasantly surprised by how they respond to your sincerity.


With a new full moon in your sign, it’s the perfect time to deepen your self-awareness and embrace all facets of your being. Exposing your vulnerabilities may be a challenge for you, but it’s an essential step toward a more authentic expression of your emotions. Capricorn is often seen as the sea goat, favoring logic, reasoning, and pragmatism above all else. However, this doesn’t mean you should repress your vulnerability.

This full moon invites you to create a space where you can express your feelings honestly, without hiding or stifling them. Rather than trying to control the entire world around you, focus on what you can control: your inner world.

You have the power to choose how you react and how you express yourself. Let your truth emerge freely, accepting both the good and the bad, the yin and the yang, that coexist within you. This full moon encourages you to follow your path, without imposing external standards on yourself, and to show yourself as you truly are.


You may feel anxious about falling behind the plan you had outlined some time ago. Your idealism may have led you to believe that you would have accomplished much more by this point, but that is not necessarily the case.

This doesn’t mean your dream was in vain or that you should abandon your strategy. It’s time to reevaluate where your plan is going and revisit how you intend to achieve it.

Even if a little voice whispers, “There’s still work to be done,” take time to celebrate your current successes. You might also discover new truths about your community and circles of friends.

These people play a crucial role in supporting and inspiring you on your path to your goals, so don’t hesitate to call on them to remind you of your true aspirations and encourage you in your efforts.

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