Zodiac Signs

5 zodiac signs that are embarrassed by everything

Embarrassment is an emotion of self-consciousness, created by the disconnect between how we think we should act and how we actually do.

Being a Virgo, I can admit that what the zodiac says about me is totally true, at least as far as this subject is concerned. I am easily embarrassed and often in situations that others would laugh at. I expect too much from myself and from those around me and, most of the time, I end up being disappointed. I tear the thread in four and give a negative note to everything that is said to me or that I see. I am never satisfied with what I have or do and I have the impression that those around me are laughing at me. I’m embarrassed by something that doesn’t exist!

However, becoming embarrassed shows that you care, perhaps too much, about what others think of you.

No one likes the idea of ​​being judged negatively. If you feel ashamed all the time, you are probably extremely sensitive. Humiliation often comes with embarrassment, and while some people never feel this way if we consider the personality traits determined by astrology, there are sure signs who feel embarrassed very often.

If you can look at an embarrassing situation with humor, then you care little about what you did. But, not everyone manages to do that!

Which zodiac signs are ashamed of everything?


One of the reasons why Cancer often becomes embarrassed is his emotionality. He is on alert when dealing with negative emotions such as embarrassment, anger, or anxiety, which makes him extremely sensitive.

Having said that, he often feels judged and thus he becomes ashamed and embarrassed.


Virgo wants to be the best and do everything perfectly. But when things don’t go the way she wants, she feels ashamed. If she lowered her expectations of herself, she would no longer cause herself failure, humiliation, and embarrassment. She also tends to take things too seriously, especially actions that make her feel bad.


Although Libra is extremely intelligent, she is sometimes quite naive. She often finds herself in situations where she believes and claims that something is accurate, and then feels embarrassed that she should have realized that it wasn’t.

It is difficult for him to look at things with amusement since he feels like a target.


Pisces have a very rich imagination and there are times when they imagine they have done something embarrassing. They see the things they do, such as their habits, mannerisms, and how they react in social situations, as potential ways to create awkward situations. If they didn’t make such a big deal out of it, they wouldn’t feel so humiliated.


Capricorn likes to be considered a capable, disciplined, and educated person. But sometimes you just need to relax.

If he’s always stressed and afraid he’ll do something embarrassing, that’s probably what will happen. He tends to take things too seriously.

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