Zodiac Signs

Astro April 2023: What Does The First Month Of Spring Have In Store For You?

Spring has already arrived, and the good weather is finally back!

The Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter are in Aries and this brings us all much more energy and dynamism.

Not only to start something new but also for everyday things.

Want to know what is written in the stars for you during April 2023?

What events will be the most significant for your zodiac sign?

Let’s find out together…

But also be sure to check the horoscopes for your moon sign and for your ascendant.

This is how you will discover in detail what the sky has in store for you in April 2023.


March 21 – April 19

The universe is preparing great opportunities for you in April, Aries!

All your efforts and hard work will be rewarded.

Interpersonal relationships of all kinds will be at the peak of your life.

At work, as well as in everyday life, over the past month, you have come to the aid of everyone who needed your support.

So you can consider what happens to you as karma!

You certainly deserve it.

Now is the time to reap what you have sown.

Especially on April 11, you need to prepare well and open yourself up to good luck.

Indeed, the sun and Jupiter will be at your side.

You can achieve all your desires and there is no better time to do so.

As Mercury begins its retrograde journey on April 21, communication and banking will be more difficult.

Try to be more patient precisely because it’s a challenge for you.

As a family, you can also experience unexpected situations that are not particularly difficult, but that takes you in another direction.

Believe that the universe does everything for your good.

April is a good time to book an appointment for a massage or spa day.

Relax to be able to host all events in top form.


April 20 – May 20

Mercury is in Aries until April 2.

This energy has been good for you so far, but starting April 3, Mercury changes signs and enters your sign, Taurus.

This will improve your overall communication, so now you can easily share your ideas with others.

You should use this power while it lasts.

You don’t have to worry too much about the April 19 solar eclipse.

Use this new energy and focus on yourself, you will be fully inspired throughout the month.

Mars is good for you too.

You can put this engine to good use, especially at work, and make tremendous progress.

When it comes to your health, you should pay more attention to whole-body relaxation.

Any type of water therapy today is a wonderful option for healing both your body and your soul.


May 21 – June 21

Use April to make new connections and rekindle old bonds.

It’s easy to make new friends right now, but you’ll also be spending time with the people you love the most.

Without much effort, your appointments will work perfectly.

Any type of time together that is fun would be a wonderful idea.

But it is better to go on a trip with your friends.

In the middle of the month, the stars have a clear message for you: network well and don’t hesitate to ask for help.

You will be more than amazed at how easily certain wishes on your list come true.

Venus enters your sign on April 11, bringing even more love and joy into your life.

Just watch out for big expenses, as they can arise unexpectedly.

But you will certainly be well prepared because Mars will support your career and bring you a lot of money.

At the end of April, you can start thinking about investing and discussing it with someone you trust.


June 22 – July 22

April is a good time for you, Cancer!

The planet Mars is in your sign and it gives you a lot of good energy to use.

It would be a shame if so much courage and self-confidence went unused.

Don’t worry about the solar eclipse coming soon.

It will only bring you good opportunities.

Like big changes or a brand new start (whether in the family or professional sense, of course, depends on you).

Staying by the water is always good for you, but especially now that you need to listen to your intuition and deep inner feelings.

The tips for healthy living in April are quite simple: eat well and make sure you get enough exercise.

That should be enough.

Take full advantage of this moment!


July 23 – August 22

All eyes will be on you in April, Leo.

Take advantage of this attention while it lasts and get out there!

Either way, you’re going to be the star of every party and you’re going to spread your radiant energy everywhere.

This is how you will most likely receive an invitation to a date.

Either way, try your luck.

Jupiter in your friendly Aries sign is good for you too, as it puts you in a good mood.

But don’t make big decisions.

Now think about and weigh all the options available to you.

At the end of the month, you’ll be ready to take action.

Try not to overeat and drink, as these activities can quickly spiral out of control.

Finding a healthy balance is the most important thing.

If you’re feeling overworked or anxious, find a quiet place and take time for yourself.

Spiritual exercises like meditation or calming affirmations are a good option for you.

Especially during Mercury retrograde from April 21st.


August 23 – September 22

Let’s start with the fact that late March and early April is a very favorable periods for all Virgo natives who wish to travel.

It can be short or long trips, in any case, they will be comfortable for you.

Your connections and relationships will peak in April.

If you use them wisely, you can also make remarkable progress in the field of work.

Watch out, though, because Mercury goes retrograde from April 21.

Mercury is the ruler of your sign and you already know how much this affects you.

So stay calm.

Plan, but don’t act.

When Mercury becomes direct again, you will be able to take more action at work and home.

It will now be a challenge for you to have a healthy and balanced diet.

It would be better to plan your meals, for example on weekends for the coming week.

This way you don’t have to decide what to eat when you’re tired or depressed.


September 23 – October 23

Any Libra natives who are single will especially appreciate this period, as it brings you lots of new opportunities, knowledge, and love.

During April 2023, get ready, because there can be great endings and even greater beginnings.

If you finish something now, chances are you’ll start something even better right after.

Whether it’s relationships or work, changes are coming and they’re going to be huge.

April can be the month you start investing.

But in something permanent and long-term.

It can be real estate or any project you have been thinking about for a long time.

At the end of the month, you can start slow.

When you’re feeling tired, relaxation exercises and relaxing music are great ways to calm your mind so you can stay focused.


October 24 – November 22

You will be full of new ideas, try something new or travel.

You should take advantage of this flow of ideas and thoughts in your work.

On the other hand, if you are not quite single, your partner will not appreciate this part of your behavior, which is of course perfectly understandable.

You should sit down together and settle everything between yourselves.

You should (as always) trust your intuition.

It never cheated on you.

But if your love life is in the green, think about (or rather, feel) where you’re stuck.

In what area of ​​your life do you feel uncomfortable?

Can you change that now?

If so… Great!

Do it before April 21.

If this is not the case, wait until Mercury becomes direct again, everything will be easier.

Don’t forget to take care of yourself too.

Not only your loved ones, but you also need attention and rest.

Don’t work late, eat regularly and try to walk as much as possible.


November 23 – December 22

Venus in Taurus hasn’t changed much in your life, Sagittarius.

Wait, however, for it to come into Gemini on April 11th.

Then she will make a bigger party in your love life.

You will be curious and talkative, so it will be an ideal time to get to know each other better.

Go out and enjoy your friends.

Just make sure you don’t drink too much alcohol.

When you’re in a relationship, long, deep conversations with your partner are on the horizon.

You will both enjoy this moment.

Although Jupiter is in Aries, which gives you a lot of energy and zest for life, you have to be careful not to take on so much at once.

Whether at work or home.

No matter how smart, efficient, or quick you are, you are only human.

Try to relax earlier and preventively.

A healthy tip would be to find an enjoyable sport that you enjoy and then try to exercise regularly.

It can be something like walking or jogging.

The main thing is that you spend time in the fresh air.


December 23 – January 20

Capricorn natives will appreciate time at home, as Mars in house-oriented Cancer will bring such energy.

Relationships with friends and family can become even more meaningful and deep at this time, bringing balance to your life.

It’s not just about work, but Venus in Taurus gives you great job opportunities.

On April 11, when she changes her sign and enters Gemini, you will notice that all conversations will speed up and events will multiply.

At this time, you might meet someone at a company party, so you should not skip such events.

You exercise and maintain your fitness.

But what about your mental health?

You can only be completely healthy and balanced when your body and mind are in harmony.


January 21 – February 19

At the beginning of April, the natives of Aquarius will have a radiant aura and simply captivate people.

Be careful who you let into your private life, though.

Needless to say, you have to trust these people.

This will be especially important when Venus enters talkative Gemini on April 11.

Venus can change a lot of things in your life if you let her.

For single Aquarius natives, this is the perfect time to meet that special someone.

But even then, you have to be careful, because people can say a lot without actually talking.

You can see through this quickly and easily as an intuitive person.

It’s nothing more than a waste of time.

When it comes to family and friends, you shouldn’t change anything at this time while Mars is in Cancer.

Everything is going well!

You can only schedule changes if you wish from April 19.

You should think about getting enough sleep.

You probably can’t sleep for 8 hours in a row, but first, you have to manage to get to bed at the same time.

It creates habit and balance.


February 20 – March 20

Dear Pisces, you should be fine as long as Mars is in Cancer.

It suits you and brings no problems in the areas of friendship and family.

It is only when it changes signs and enters Gemini that there can be waves.

Things should always be better at work now that Venus is still in Taurus.

Everything you do in the field of work should be completed by April 11, or April 19 at the latest.

Mars is in your friendly Cancer sign and has positive influences on you.

As long as all of these planets, as well as Jupiter, are supporting you, you can breathe freely and focus on your well-being.

You should pay more attention to your diet.

Maybe she just needs an adjustment!

You should also be more serious about your physical condition.

More training, exercise, and fresh air will do you good.

Don’t pay as much attention to calories as to the quality of the food you eat.

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