Zodiac Signs

Astrological Signs Ranked From Most Addicted To Love To Least

There’s a thin line between healthy love and love addiction, and it’s super easy to cross it if you’re not careful.

One moment you are relaxed, everything is fine, and the next moment you are full of doubts and you search his phone the moment he leaves it unattended.

Love can make us do crazy things, but love addiction can turn us into that possessive, jealous person we never wanted to be.

Certain astrological signs are more likely than others to become addicted to love and here is their ranking from most to least:

1. Scorpio

With intense passion comes intense love, which is why Scorpio tops this ranking and no one can beat you there.

It’s almost like you can’t help but become addicted to love.

You’re usually very careful, but once you let someone in, there are no limits. This is exactly why it can easily become too much.

You enter a phase where you want to know your partner’s every move, you want to spend as much time as possible with them, and your libido increases over time while theirs decreases.

You turn into someone possessive and controlling.

There are days when you don’t know what’s happening and you don’t even recognize your reflection in the mirror.

Your fears put you in this situation.

You hate the feeling of being dominated by your emotions and you fear that the other person will hurt you or betray you.

If you don’t cure yourself of this addiction, you will be the one to cause harm or end your relationship.

2. Cancer

Cancer is at the very top of this ranking and there is one main reason for that – which is the same reason that makes you so amazing and capable of loving deeply – you are very emotional.

When you fall in love, you do it so deeply that you cross all boundaries.

If you don’t practice self-control, it’s easy to go too far.

Before you know it, you could be spending hours digging through your partner’s social media accounts.

You will be jealous of every girl who reaches out to him; you will always think that new problems are on the horizon and that everything will collapse.

You worry so much and your biggest fear is that it will all end, which is why you become dependent on the other person.

Unfortunately, this addiction is the first thing that will drive him away, so try to live day by day.

3. Capricorn

Capricorns are addicted to familiarity. You hate change when it comes to love and that’s what makes you stay, even when you know the relationship is far beyond saving.

What makes you a love addict is that you are unable to differentiate between love and habit.

You’re so used to the situation you’re in and the person you’re with that you can’t force yourself to let go.

Try to remember that some changes are good; they are there for the better and a more satisfying life.

Don’t stay where you are not appreciated, loved, and cherished.

4. Gemini

You fall in love easily. You see perspective and opportunity in everyone you associate with and it’s easy for you to become attached.

You are a true love addict, your partner becomes everything you can think of: the center of your universe and the only purpose in your life.

You have a habit of putting your partner first and neglecting your interests, your friends, and everything else going on in your life.

Your romantic relationship should not exclude the rest of your life.

Boyfriends come and go, but friendships always remain there. You should be your biggest priority.

You are jealous of all the women around your partner.

Your unhealthy attachment makes you believe that all other women see in him what you see and that someone is going to steal him.

In reality, if it’s truly yours, no one will ever have the chance to take it from you.

If he’s not committed enough to you, the sooner you know, the better. See, there is no reason to stress at this level.

5. Pisces

All your life you have dreamed of your prince charming and the perfect fairy tale. Unfortunately, life is a bit hard and doesn’t always follow your dreams.

While there’s nothing wrong with wanting to have a healthy, stable, loving relationship, you tend to go too far and have expectations that your partner isn’t ready or able to meet.

Try to stay a little grounded and notice all the ways your partner and your relationship are beautiful in real life.

There is no reason to look for romance in your dreams. Try to find the right balance.

When you have made peace with the fact that everything can’t be perfect, that won’t mean you have to settle for a love less than the “I can’t live without you” love.

6. Taurus

Whatever the question, love is your answer to everything. You are a caring, loyal, and stable partner.

However, if you fall in love with someone too deeply, your dark side will surface.

You give too much and expect the same in return. When it doesn’t happen, you try to make it happen.

Your approach may be a bit wrong; you can’t manage your partner’s life or control what they do or don’t do.

All you can do is try to meet them halfway.

Relationships are two-way. You can’t be the only one pulling the strings and putting in all the effort.

7. Sagittarius

Your desire for adventure will not be able to grasp what real love is until you are with your soulmate.

Someone imperfect who makes your life perfect. Someone who understands you, lets you be yourself and in no way “attaches” you.

You are not addicted to love because you can stand on your own two feet and are not looking for someone else to complete you.

You are a well-rounded person on your own.

Yet you crave love – a healthy love that will allow you to breathe and be yourself.

Once you have it, all your adventures will be in this one person.

8. Libra

Love for you, as a Libra, is like the cream that comes at the end of a cake.

It rarely turns into addiction; it only adds to your happiness.

You love the feeling of being in love and it absorbs you.

You’ll do your best to make things work out, but you have boundaries and once someone crosses them, there’s no going back. You know when enough is enough.

You may go a little too far trying to make the other person happy, but the right partner will know how to appreciate it.

You like equality, which is why you will appreciate a partner who knows how to give back what is given to them.

Your positivity and social skills can get you through any adversity.

You’re not afraid to be alone and you have a whole bunch of people you can count on.

Even when you’re single, you’re never alone. Your relationship status doesn’t define you or scare you.

9. Aquarius

When it comes to expressing your love, you fail miserably; it’s just not your cup of tea.

When it comes to loving someone, you always feel more than you show.

In the fight between head and heart, the head always wins. This is why you, as a rational Aquarius, never fall into the trap of love dependence.

You can’t stand jealousy, control, or possessiveness, which is why you don’t practice them on your loved ones either.

10. Aries

You are focused on your personal growth, your career, and your social relationships and you want your love life to work.

This is one of the reasons why you cannot become dependent on one person.

You are a devoted partner and you are willing to work on a relationship, but you are not ready to make the other person the center of your universe.

That is why you strive to have a healthy and normal relationship that allows you to be with your partner and at the same time have your own life.

11. Virgo

The probability of you becoming addicted to love is zero.

You know your worth, you know what you want, and you’re not willing to settle for less.

There’s nothing you wouldn’t do for the right person, but you’re always down to earth and demand reciprocity in a relationship.

You are analytical, and rational and rely on your logic when making decisions.

That’s why no matter how much you care about someone if things don’t work out and you’re treated badly, you leave.

12. Leo

The true queen of those less addicted to love is certainly the Leo woman. You have a large reserve of self-love and you put your happiness first.

You won’t stay in an unhealthy relationship just to avoid being alone.

You will end it because you know deep down that you will be better on your own, no matter how much it might hurt at first.

Leos are truly one of a kind and they set an example for all other signs because no matter how much you love someone, you always love yourself a little more.

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