Zodiac Signs

Astrological Signs Ranked From Most To Least Loyal

Being loyal is much more than just being faithful. It’s about one hundred percent commitment and dedication to your partner on every level.

It’s keeping your promises, always being behind your loved one at all times and never abandoning them when they need you.

Loyalty is one of the most important qualities we all look for in our potential mates and from the start we would like to know how loyal they are.

Well, we’re giving you the opportunity since you’re about to read the ranking of astrological signs from most to least loyal.

1. Cancer

If your partner is Cancer, congratulations because you’ve just hit the jackpot.

You can be almost one hundred percent sure that he will not cheat on you in any way because Cancer is undoubtedly the most loyal of all the astrological signs.

This sign usually has a hard time finding a perfect partner, but once a Cancer falls in love for real, they never invest halfway.

On the contrary, he is someone who will give you everything of himself, without expecting much in return.

2. Scorpio

Scorpio is known as one of the most jealous and possessive signs.

However, he is also one of the most loyal people you will meet.

And this doesn’t just apply to their romantic relationships – Scorpios are just as loyal when it comes to their friends and employers.

One of their best interpersonal skills is the fact that they never abandon the people they love.

They are not the ones who will abandon ship, but those who stay until the end to fight for you with their lives.

3. Taurus

Some of the main personality traits of Taureans are their stubbornness and determination.

They are not people who give up easily when they have decided on something and this makes it a sign of loyalty.

If a Taurus left their partner hanging, they would consider it a personal defeat.

This would mean that he did not follow his decision and for him, it would be a sign of weakness.

4. Virgo

Being an earth sign, Virgo likes everything to be tidy and down to earth.

They don’t like to play games and are generally stable and loyal when it comes to their relationship.

When a Virgo commits and promises to stay with you through tough times, be sure that they will never let you go.

They’re the kind of person who stays with their mate through good times and bad, in sickness and in health.

5. Leo

It is well known to us that Leos have huge egos.

Leos cannot stand it when they are insulted or belittled in any way.

However, this does not mean that they like to put down their partner just to be superior to them.

On the contrary, Leo wants his mate to also have a good reputation and is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve this.

They will always stand by their loved one, ready to defend her from the whole world.

6. Gemini

Contrary to popular belief and despite being a water sign, Geminis are quite loyal when in a long-term relationship.

The truth is that Geminis like to play games and have fun, which usually suggests that they can’t settle for a real relationship or get involved in a serious relationship.

However, the truth is very different.

Yes, Geminis need time to find someone who will be worthy enough to give up their single life, but once they do, everything changes in their life.

Once they come to love someone for real, they become completely devoted to their relationship and become a committed and loyal partner in no time.

7. Libra

What keeps Libra from being one hundred percent loyal is their indecisive nature, which often causes them to act inconsistently in a relationship.

The truth is, you can expect anything from a Libra – they can be completely engaged today and disappear the next as if you never mattered to them.

8. Capricorn

Capricorns are used to carrying around all the emotional baggage from their past relationships.

All that trauma they suffered in the past has destroyed their ability to engage with new people.

Their biggest mistake is believing that everyone will hurt them the same way their exes did, which doesn’t allow them to be loyal to their partner.

The truth is that this sign tends to punish new people for the mistakes made by people from their past.

9. Aries

Aries is someone who follows their emotions, no matter what.

They will always do this because they place them above all the principles that guide them in life.

Don’t get me wrong, this doesn’t mean an Aries isn’t capable of being loyal at all.

This simply means that they won’t have a hard time leaving a long-term relationship if they fall in love with someone else.

No, they won’t be unfaithful to their partner, but they also won’t stay in a relationship that doesn’t make them happy.

10. Sagittarius

Sagittarians are always looking for excitement and they cannot stay in one place for a long time.

The same goes for the people they become attached to – Sagittarius quickly loses interest, causing them to look for someone new who will challenge them on an emotional level.

All of this combined means that Sagittarius is not a very loyal or faithful person.

Their free spirit controls them and makes them constantly pursue new experiences and new people.

When in a committed relationship, Sagittarius usually feels tied down and trapped since they can’t stand not being completely free.

The irony is that they will likely be most loyal to those who do not seek to limit their freedom.

11. Pisces

Pisces are generally infatuated with the idea of ​​love and this is what causes them the most problems when it comes to being loyal.

This sign is addicted to the butterflies in their stomach and the excitement they feel at the start of a relationship.

So, once the honeymoon phase is over, Pisces gets bored and looks for a way out.

All of a sudden they feel stuck and all they want to do is fly out of this cage called a serious relationship.

12. Aquarius

When it comes to the least loyal sign, Aquarius is a sure winner.

He’s afraid to expose his true self and show his vulnerabilities and weaknesses, no matter how much he cares for you.

The truth is that Aquarians have very high standards, which makes them very cautious when it comes to giving themselves to someone.

They don’t care about most of the people in their lives and they only have a small circle of people they like.

However, all this does not mean that an Aquarius does not have what it takes to be loyal because he can and will devote himself to the one he considers worthy of his commitment.

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