Zodiac Signs

Boyfriend vs. friends. Why they will never get along, depending on his zodiac sign

When you fall in love, you hope that your friends and your lover like and understand each other. But, this may not happen. What would be the reasons, depending on his sign?

It would never cross your mind that he wouldn’t get along with your friends until the day he met them. You hope everything will turn out well and you are excited to introduce him to everyone. You can’t wait for everyone to meet this amazing guy because you feel like he’s the one.

He looks good, has a great attitude and respects you. You see a future with him, so you wait for the perfect moment, then invite him to hang out with your friends.Everything suddenly changes, becomes distant or even rude. Why is this happening?

We all have people we like more than others, and it’s mostly because of our own personality.

We like people who look like us.

To understand why the man you care about acts like this, we can look to astrology for some answers.

Here are the reasons why he doesn’t like your friends, depending on his zodiac sign:


Aries loves to be number one in everything, so when he sees someone who surpasses him in a certain skill, he feels threatened. Never surpass the master!


Taurus loves to relax and be in quiet environments, so when they meet someone with too much energy and volume, they instantly hate them.


Geminis are not very good at focusing, so when they meet someone who is slow-talking or not at all energetic, they reject them from the get-go.


Cancer is very sensitive and emotional and can easily pick up on someone’s feelings or mood at a glance. If he meets someone cold or direct, he will take him as a threat.


Leo loves fame and the idea of ​​being idolized and admired for every step he takes in his life. If someone doesn’t praise him, he definitely won’t like it.


The native of Virgo places a high value on reason, he is not a big fan of people who let themselves be guided by feelings. So, don’t expect him to care that he’s hurting someone sensitive in your circle of friends.


The Libra native likes to attract the attention of the people around him because it makes him happy. That’s why he does everything to stand out, it can even create conflicts with your friends.


Working hard and being very determined and ambitious comes naturally to a Scorpio. So if she meets someone she perceives as lazy, she won’t bond too well.


Sagittarius values ​​adventure. So if he meets people who prefer to stay indoors, then they will not be good friends.


Capricorn is a fan of meditation. Having self-control in matters of his life is something very important to him. Any kind of distraction from his peace affects him more than anything, so he removes those who do that.


Aquarius wants to radically change the world. He feels that things need to happen quickly, so when he meets someone who does not agree with the way he thinks and acts, he deeply resents them.


Pisces values ​​creativity. Order and standards are not seen with good eyes by them. So if they meet someone boring, they won’t be able to spend time with them.

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