Zodiac Signs

Capricorn Is Silent, And Scorpio Screams: The Horoscope Of Whims

I am a Scorpio! I do not want to decide anything! I want a dress!


Capricorn acts up indecisively. Because, on the one hand, I want to, but on the other hand, we are all adults, what a kindergarten! Therefore, the Capricorn young lady rejoices at every legitimate occasion to show off like a child and uses it to the fullest. In a sense, he pouts and silently sits in a corner, waiting: when will someone realize that something has gone wrong ?!


Aquarius is naughty inconsistently. On the one hand, she wants everyone to run around her and vie to offer her all sorts of pleasant things, and on the other hand, she wants everyone to disappear and leave her alone, because the Aquarius lady is never capricious just like that: she always has really good reason. In general, a classic of the genre: “Hug me. Well, hug me. So, I removed my hands!

Aquarius is naughty inconsistently. On the one hand, she wants everyone to run around her and vie to offer her all sorts of pleasant things, and on the other hand, she wants everyone to disappear and leave her alone, because the Aquarius lady is never capricious just like that: she always has really good reason. In general, a classic of the genre: “Hug me. Well, hug me. So, I removed my hands!


Fish act up with pleasure. Some young and inexperienced fry even secretly (as it seems to them) look in the mirror at their protruding lips and wrinkled hands. Oh, how I suffer, how subtly I feel! Everyone saw?! Seasoned sharks reach such heights in the art of caprice that they can quite get by with just one movement of the eyebrow. They can, but they can’t do it: who will voluntarily deprive himself of pleasure?


Aries is naughty like a child. Like a kid in a store. Thank you, it doesn’t fall on the floor, but on the sofa, but then everything goes according to a proven pattern: you need to beat with your legs, scream and sob excitedly, and then nothing will change, of course, but it will become easier. Young lady-Aries will feel better. As for her relatives, we are not sure.


Taurus is naughty and prudent. Firstly, only when he knows that he will get a profit, and not in the neck. Secondly, according to a preconceived insidious plan: whims are a subtle tool, this is the pinnacle of the art of manipulating others, especially when these neighbors are men. Thirdly, yes, roll it all! I am a girl! I do not want to decide anything! I want a dress!


The twins are capricious and verbose. Flowery. Brightly. Theatrically. It seems especially impressive that the Gemini at this moment breaks up into several personalities, in the sense, physically: well, one person cannot make so much noise, this is contrary to the laws of nature! Fortunately, the whims of the twin young lady end as suddenly as they begin: as if someone’s invisible hand turns off the tap. A moment – and she is again in a great mood. And who managed to turn gray while she was capricious – he is not a horseman.


Cancer is naughty. It is useless to console her, offer sweets, gifts and calm down – all the more so: she has already tuned in! I tuned in seriously and now roll back the free program with concentration. And woe to those who dare not watch it to the end! She will remember it, no doubt about it. Will remember it forever! And then her whims will seem like happiness to you. But it will be too late.


The lioness is naughty secretly. That is, in public she pretends that she is a capricious person, well, that’s scary! True, at this moment she is not so much capricious as is issuing orders and valuable instructions. But alone with the closest, she can afford a real whim. True, we cannot accurately predict which one: maybe she will quietly whine about the fact that no one loves her, or maybe she will start with an offended pout and end with a pile of broken dishes. It’s like luck.


Virgo is naughty in silence. However, you should not think that she does not make any noise at the same time: first, the Virgin makes a face, and, so you understand, this face in itself makes an unforgettable impression on all those involved, and then she throws something at the wall. Or a person who didn’t immediately realize what she meant when she made her face.


Scales act up unusually cute. So that anyone wants to immediately take this cat in their arms, caress, comfort, and buy ice cream. And all because Libra is capricious delicately: they allow themselves this only when they understand that everyone around them is in order, the mood is fine and they still have nothing else to do. Therefore, Libra is the only sign whose whims are always satisfied. Learn!


Scorpio is naughty fiercely. Intoxicated. Loudly. So everyone around ran around and vied with each other and began to offer her some water, tasty treats, money, and movies. And she capriciously refuses, otherwise how. Because the main goal of the whims of the Scorpio young lady is not to get something, and not to let off steam. The main goal is to stir up this human swamp. Well, she’s bored. It’s been a long time since anyone got desperate because of her, ha ha ha.


Sagittarius is naughty rarely, but fiercely: like all signs of the zodiac at once. Because if you have already decided to give yourself free rein, then the evening will not disappear! So when Sagittarius starts the song “I want something, but I don’t know what”, it is recommended that the weak spirit immediately leave. Because it will all end on a tearful note: “Stop the Earth, I’ll get off!”

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