Zodiac Signs

Daily Horoscope 17th October 2023


The stars tell Aries that this is not the most suitable day for open, energetic actions and advancement in a new direction. The period of passivity, relaxation, and emotional “sticking” to certain experiences may continue until nightfall. The background of the day can be intimate fantasies, secret fears, details of the past, or secret affairs. Many decisions these days are made intuitively.


On this day, Taurus should not strive for obvious leadership and openly demonstrate their ambitions, beliefs, ideals, and spiritual strength. Also today it is better to come to terms with the atmosphere of intrigue and understatement. The right people can become silent, go into the shadows, and temporarily disappear from the horizon. To understand the mood of the interlocutor or unravel the motives of the secret maneuvers of a competitor, you will have to show insight.


Today, the stars recommend that Gemini take care of their business or everyday routine, as well as, if necessary, the nuances of their health. This day helps to delve into the complex and unpleasant part of the work. It may require not so much physical or mental, but emotional involvement in the task being performed. It is good to do things that require insight, imagination, or secrecy.


Today, a suitable lifestyle for Cancer will be suggested by circumstances or their instincts. Depending on the situation and their mood, they can relax or immerse themselves in their favorite activity, which for them combines duty and hobby. This day is good for secret actions, emotionally rich solitude, and the revelation of sensuality. It also allows you to strengthen your faith and pay tribute to your spiritual life.


Today, Leos may find themselves dependent on the emotional background around them, for example, on the atmosphere in their home or business. If possible, do not allow yourself to be immersed in negative emotions on this day, as it will be difficult to fight them. Even with a cheerful mood and a successful combination of circumstances, it is advisable to refrain from new responsible undertakings, including household ones, on this day.


Today, Virgos will be luckier if the day before they caught the right emotional “tone” and managed to adapt to the situation, for example, they found themselves on the same psychological and spiritual wavelength with the right people. In this case, the things that started will develop on their own, without requiring control. Rational thinking these days gives way to imagination and instinct. Insight can become more important than formal logic.


Today, the stars advise Libra to control their material resources, otherwise, things may disappear or money may slip through their fingers. The day may encourage secret spending and emotional purchases. There may be actual or psychological dependence on other people’s funds, credit, and tax debts. It doesn’t hurt to be careful when running a business or household. Not the best day for communication.


Today, Scorpios are on their emotional wavelength, can be deeply immersed in their feelings, and are separated from the outside world by an invisible wall. At the same time, they are very insightful. Many decisions will be made by them on a whim and will turn out to be correct – at least for the present moment. If there are no urgent matters, you can take a rest. It’s good to listen to music, be near the water or in solitude.


Today the stars advise Sagittarius to choose solitude, silence, or a private mode of work. This may happen by itself: new circumstances may encourage secrecy and behind-the-scenes maneuvers. If there are no urgent matters foreseen, you can rest. There may be an interest in magic, other people’s secrets, or secrets of the past. It is advisable not to delay your current studies until late and go to bed before midnight.


On this day, Capricorns have a heightened intuition; their own experience tells them a lot. They will act and wait for a reason. If from the outside their behavior looks like indecision, laziness, or procrastination, the impression will be deceptive. The hidden potential problem of this day may be despondency; it is advisable to maintain a positive attitude within and around you.


Today, Aquarius may continue to struggle with one temptation or another, which they will take as a gift from fate. The stars advise not to discount the experience of the past, if any, and also not to ignore “subtle” signs: strange premonitions, omens, negative sensations. If events develop in secrecy, you should be patient and wait until the secret becomes clear.


Today, Pisces can hope for a successful course of their affairs, including abroad and in working with foreigners. Many Pisces will be invisibly looked after by a “higher power” that takes the form of faith or intuition. If there are no urgent matters, you can succumb to laziness and let things take their course. But closer to night, control, caution, and restraint will be required: instinct and luck will begin to fail, perhaps an obstacle or disappointment.

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