Zodiac Signs

Daily Horoscope 21st December 2023


Today the stars advise Aries not to postpone target activity until the evening. The first half of the day is the best time for sports training, specific business events, short adventures, and other energy-consuming activities, including cooperation with foreigners. The closer the evening is, the higher the likelihood of disruptions in current affairs, as well as irritability, fatigue, and indulgence in old bad habits.


Taurus should remember that this is not the best day for their initiative. There is a high probability of starting a business at the wrong time, without proper moral or informational support. If the situation requires certain active actions, it is better to delegate them to other people, and even then only in the first half of the day: as evening approaches, even very reliable partners and assistants will increase the likelihood of errors and failures.


Today, Geminis can afford to be active if they trust their friends or partners. The first half of this day is a good time for cooperation, including with an eye to the future. But at the slightest doubt about a person or a project, the stars advise being careful: it doesn’t hurt to be convinced of the benefits of the actions taken or their safety. It might make sense to check someone else’s reputation.


Cancers should not underestimate the treacherous moments of these days. There is a risk of being seduced by the imaginary ease of choice, agreeing to an unprofitable offer, and not noticing the catch. It is not advisable to make important decisions. It’s too early to put an end to the dialogue. But it is important not to remain idle if you want to achieve your goals, for example, to continue fulfilling your job responsibilities or your part of the old partnership agreement.


Today Leos are luckier in the morning. They may expect minor obstacles to be removed or a temporary compromise to allow them to continue with their actions. While dealing with current affairs, it is important to simultaneously create foundations for the future, as a counterbalance to possible problems. The results of the day depend on the level of energy: if it is low or the malaise has worsened, successes may be more modest than expected.


Virgos should not turn off their personal “security mode” today, since minor crises, disappointments, and dead ends are possible until nightfall. The cause of problems can be both the external environment and one’s condition, for example, inattention or fatigue. One of the obstacles may be a lack of data. Not the best day for risky adventures, important meetings, and responsible undertakings.


Today, the stars advise Libra not to miss the opportunity to collaborate with people of interest, but at the same time be guided by their mood: perhaps at times it will be uneven. The first half of the day promises to be the most productive. As evening approaches, moments of other people’s dissatisfaction or nervousness may become more frequent, and a loss of interest in the common cause or the previous form of interaction is possible.


Today, Scorpios may find themselves immersed in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and frustrated that it does not bring them quick results. Instead of enjoying the pleasant aspects of life and indulging their tastes, many Scorpios will be forced to adapt to a contradictory work environment, take care of their health or the needs of their pets, look for a suitable job, or solve everyday problems.


Today, the stars advise Sagittarius to find use for their strengths and talents but to choose moderate forms of activity. Complete inaction is undesirable, but there is no need for overload. The peak of energy and excitement is expected in the first half of the day: this is a good time for games, sports training, and individual business events. You should not choose this day for shopping, office meetings, or business correspondence.


This day may not be very productive or comfortable for Capricorns. The stars advise them to do only things necessary for the situation, to avoid new beginnings, unnecessary fuss, and increased stress. A light warm-up will distract you from obsessive thoughts and help “reboot” your brain before a new round of conversations, thoughts, trips, retraining, working with documents, or information searches.


Today, circumstances may invite Aquarius to adventure, to one or another form of business or sports activity. The stars advise accepting the invitation if such plans are not related to travel, the use of accurate data, and the need to constantly be in touch: problems cannot be ruled out with this. Also, now you shouldn’t expand your social circle – on the contrary, it would be wiser to reduce it for a while.


Today it is better for Pisces to postpone important meetings, search for information, and work with documents and texts. They should also hold off on purchases, deals, and radical changes in their long-term plans. By avoiding specific financial transactions and targeted undertakings, you can work on your well-being in general: this is a good way to distract yourself from the difficult topics of the moment and relieve accumulated stress.

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