Zodiac Signs

Daily Horoscope 21st November 2023


Today, Aries’s pillars are instinct, secrecy, or the ability to use their secret emotions as a driver. There’s no point in wasting time if it’s time to complete a secret matter or draw a line under the past. The problems of the day are inaccurate information, poor communication, and misunderstandings, especially when communicating in a foreign language and with people from afar. It is undesirable to go on a voyage, choose a route, transport, a travel companion, a guide, or a teacher.


Today, the stars do not advise Taurus to place too high hopes on their communication with foreigners and friends from afar, as well as with students and mentors. Conversations on free topics are welcome, but it is advisable to postpone an important introductory meeting, discussion of plans, the beginning of the educational process, or going on a long business trip: in such cases, there is a high probability of hitches and confusion.


The stars warn Gemini about the weak effectiveness of today’s contacts. Any dialogue is capable of drowning in intriguing but vague arguments. There is a possibility of a lesson being canceled, an appointment being postponed, being late, being confused, or failing an exam or interview. Poor knowledge of the language or unpreparedness for a serious conversation can let you down. That attempt to reach an agreement may be premature.


Today, Cancers run the risk of encountering ambiguity at any moment, especially when traveling and in contact with strangers, but they have a reliable pilot in a sea of ​​guesswork – instinct. Many Cancers will very successfully supplement it with specialized education or creative imagination. But still, you should not choose this day for undertakings, for example, to go on a journey, to start work or treatment abroad.


Today, Leo’s success largely depends on their emotional state, insight, and spiritual guidance. In business and everyday life, the ability to keep secrets, recognize deception, or “read between the lines” will be useful. The main obstacles are low tone, despondency, and negligence, especially in the past. It makes sense to reduce the workload and focus only on completing tasks and closing vital issues.


Today, Virgos need to be more careful in communication situations and not take anything for granted: there is a high risk of omissions, confusion, and deception. It makes sense to check information about a partner, employer, tenant, intermediary, or guest, about housing, product, or service. It is advisable to avoid communication on serious topics, official visits, and signing documents. You should not give your interlocutor arguments against yourself.


Today Libra is not in the most comfortable position. Many Libra will be dependent on some circumstances, for example, on their well-being, work schedule, family duty, worries, and worries about their wards. Uncertainty about medications or necessary little things, routes, or communication channels can add to the problems. The day sets the stage for data leaks, rumors, confusion, distraction, doubt, and delays.


Today, the stars advise Scorpios to slow down and reduce the fuss, but not to forget about the sense of duty: if there are unfinished things, it is important not to delay in completing them. If there are no immediate concerns, you can take a break to rest and prepare for a new course of action. You should not count on reliable information and complete sincerity these days. In important conclusions, it is better to rely on your instincts.


Today, Sagittarius should not rely on their eloquence and intellectual talents. Logic will begin to conflict with imagination these days. There may be gaps in memory, lapses in argumentation, or errors in calculations. It’s better to hold off on an important interview, an agreement, or a bold statement. This day also encourages one-sided or mutual deceit. Perhaps the household members will not be too honest.


Today the stars are forced to disappoint Capricorns, who are waiting for news, are getting ready to travel, are looking for information, or are planning to do calculations. Messages can be delayed, confusion is expected along the way, facts can be replaced by rumors, and in any intellectual work errors are inevitable. There is a risk of data leakage. It makes sense to postpone correspondence, targeted travel, registration, and paperwork.


Today, the stars advise Aquarius to postpone transactions, payments, and shopping, and also to abandon precise planning of financial affairs for the future: there is a high probability of mistakes, which in the foreseeable future may result in a lack of funds and forced savings. General attentiveness to current affairs and contacts will not be superfluous due to the high risk of misunderstandings, deception, gullibility, and absent-mindedness.


Today Pisces are hostages of their habits, moods, and well-being. Their emotions are not always constant, and their goals are not always clear. Many Pisces will not be averse to deception, but they can become a victim of someone else’s deceit. The tendency to have one’s head in the clouds may be coupled with uncertainty about one’s surroundings, such as professional prospects or treatment plans. There is no need to rush through the interview and paperwork.

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