Zodiac Signs

Each Astrological Sign Has Its “i Will Love You Until…” What Is Yours?

Aries: “I will love you until you give too much of yourself on every level.”

Aries is not afraid to go after what they want. He hunts and hunts endlessly. This is why you risk losing an Aries as soon as things become too easy for him.

They enjoy the thrill of the chase, so it’s advisable to leave a little mystery between you and your Aries partner. Otherwise, he will be bored.

Keep him busy. Always make him chase after you and let him do his best to keep you in his life. So he will spend his entire life trying to turn your head.

Taurus: “I will love you until you hurt me.”

Taurus has a soft heart beneath that tough exterior. He doesn’t let anyone in easily, but once he does, his love is unwavering.

However, if you play with Aries’ feelings, break their hearts, or they get anxious because of you, you will lose them forever.

To prevent this from happening, stay true to your words. Deliver on your promises.

And avoid insulting them in any way.

There is always a way to say things kindly without humiliating someone.

Words can hurt and you can’t take them back, so be careful.

Gemini: “I will love you until you try to double-cross me.”

A Gemini hates nothing more than people who look down on them, and who think they are intellectually superior. He will see through any plan of manipulation and put a stop to it.

Geminis are communicative and intelligent and therefore appreciate someone with whom they can bond on a deeper intellectual level.

However, they will not forgive those who think they can outsmart them.

Be honest and clear about everything you say and do – it’s the only way to stay with a Gemini.

Cancer: “I will love you until I can be sure of your emotions.”

Cancer is a highly emotional and compassionate sign.

He always tries to understand people and give them the benefit of the doubt. Cancers will do anything for love.

That said, what they seek most is emotional security. They need to be reminded daily that they are loved and appreciated.

They need someone sure of their feelings.

Going back and forth and being indecisive will make a Cancer lose confidence and make them run as fast and as hard as they can from you.

So if you can’t tell them where you stand, don’t even bother going out with them.

Leo: “I will love you until you take me for granted.”

By default, Leo is the strongest and safest zodiac sign of all. He will be just as confident and invested in his romantic relationship.

Leos love themselves, but they will love their partners just as much.

They will do everything in their power to make them happy and satisfied.

But once he feels like there is no reciprocity and the other party doesn’t even recognize the efforts he is making, Leo will slam the door and never look back.

If you want to keep a Leo in your life, follow his lead.

Also invest, respect, and appreciate it, otherwise you will lose it.

Virgo: “I will love you until you betray my trust.”

There is nothing a Virgo values ​​more than honesty and loyalty.

If you lie to those born under this sign or, even worse, if you cheat on them, you can forget them for good.

They will erase you from their lives forever. For them, lies are intolerable, no matter the reason.

They know that the basis of any relationship is trust. Once betrayed the relationship will never be the same.

If you’re serious about your relationship with Virgo, stay trustworthy.

There is no room for lies, lame excuses, or broken promises. It’s a question of honesty.

Libra: “I will love you until you have disturbed my inner peace.”

Chaotic relationships full of conflict and unbalanced are not for Libras.

They are the diplomats and the great bringers of peace of astrology.

If their relationship isn’t going well and they find themselves on an emotional roller coaster, it’s only a matter of time before they decide enough is enough.

Libras are forgiving by nature, so they are not the type to give up on someone so easily.

But if they find themselves in a turbulent situation, their love will fade little by little and they will never be able to forgive.

So if you are serious about this relationship, don’t play with his inner peace.

Scorpio: “I will love you until you lie to me.”

Scorpios in love are truly something remarkable. Their love is full of acceptance.

They don’t care about your past, your flaws, or the things you’re ashamed of, as long as you don’t hide them or hide anything from them.

Secrets have a habit of coming to the surface and once a Scorpio finds out you lied to them, they won’t be able to let it go so easily.

Of course, he may forgive, but he will never forget.

He will have resentment inside, which could break the relationship.

So whatever you do, be honest and a Scorpio will love you with all your perfections and imperfections.

Sagittarius: “I will love you until you kill me with your pessimism.”

Believing that something better is waiting around the corner is what gives Sagittarians strength.

They have a positive outlook on love, work, life, and any situation before them.

This is why someone who only focuses on the negative is not the right candidate for them.

All this pessimism will drive Sagittarians crazy and keep them away from a relationship.

If you want to keep your relationship with a Sagittarius, make sure you look on the bright side.

Be their biggest supporter and not someone who holds them back with negative thoughts.

Capricorn: “I will love you until you give up on love.”

A Capricorn is love in itself. They are ready to go beyond if they feel that love is true.

They will love unconditionally, support, and try as many times as it takes to make things work.

The only time they give up on love is when they see that it is useless, that all the efforts and investments come only from their side and the other person is not involved in any way.

They will eventually be exhausted from this whole situation.

So, if you want to stay loved by a Capricorn, make sure you return everything they give you to keep your love alive and constantly work on improving your relationship.

Aquarius: “I will love you until you stop being yourself.”

An Aquarius values ​​a person who has embraced their individuality, someone who is not afraid to speak their mind and clearly express their opinions on certain issues.

Aquarians appreciate people who are genuine and intelligent and not those who are conformists who nod their heads and agree with what everyone says.

Don’t be afraid to speak your mind and stay true to your morals and principles.

Even if they disagree with you, Aquarians will applaud you and remain intoxicated by your passion and uniqueness.

Pisces: “I will love you until you make me doubt if I am the one and only.”

Someone with a wandering eye and a flirtatious nature is not the right choice for a Pisces.

Even if the situation doesn’t go beyond “innocent” flirting, they won’t be able to tolerate it.

If there’s a grain of doubt in their mind that they’re not the only ones you’re thinking about or sharing your bed with, they’ll run away as quickly as they can.

So if you’re serious about your intentions with a Pisces, don’t make him doubt you.

Make sure he knows that he is the only and there is no one better than you for him in this world.

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