Zodiac Signs

From April 15th: 5 Zodiac Signs Are Really Lucky This Week

New week new luck? This applies to five zodiac signs from April 15th to 21st – because our weekly horoscope promises them a great time full of success, positive energy, and happiness in love. You can find out here whether you are one of these five zodiac signs and what to expect if you do.


Those born in Gemini draw heavily from the Sun and Venus in the week from April 15th to 21st and, thanks to them, have incredible charisma. The inner strength that you now feel naturally also has positive effects: career advancement opportunities are within reach. And private? Sun and Venus also bring a breath of fresh air into your love life and provide tingling feelings for both singles and couples.


The zodiac sign Pisces can look forward to a strong week! Mars and Jupiter bring you luck ensure that you are super disciplined and move one step closer to your goals – whether professional or sporting. You now really want to move forward, take on new challenges, and be the best version of yourself. And that’s exactly what you can do and your hard work will pay off.


Anyone born under the zodiac sign Aries benefits from the sun and Mercury from April 15th to 21st. You feel in top shape this week and can impress at work with your persuasiveness, which will give you lasting advantages. Things are also going well when it comes to love: Singles now have the best chance of a promising flirt and true love and couples feel close and connected.


Those born in Aquarius could have the best week of the entire year! From April 15th to 21st, you’ll be in connoisseur mode and will appreciate your relationship – if you’re married – more than ever. But it will also work for singles. The stars predict great feelings… In general, you feel full of motivation to make your dreams come true and can now get a lot closer to them.


The zodiac sign Sagittarius is bursting with energy this week. Sun and Venus ensure that you feel good all around and develop new joy in life. This positive attitude not only affects your love life (singles could have a special encounter now) but especially your professional life. When it comes to salary negotiations, you’re particularly lucky now.

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