Zodiac Signs

Here Are The 3 Signs Most Compatible With Virgo

Hyperdemanding, the type to want to control everything, Virgos are said to be as difficult in love as in friendship. We give you the astrological signs that are sure to match this back-to-school native.

We grant you, that we make it more fun than the Virgo’s reputation. Model student, she is said to be a control freak, and boring. The truth is, of course, that this introverted Earth sign only reveals her true personality after having given you her trust. The native of the grape harvest then reveals herself to be the most loyal and helpful of the entire zodiac. Humility, kindness, lively intelligence, and deadpan humor: believe us, you are going to want to be compatible with a Virgo. What is it all about? For astrology, friendly or romantic compatibility is complex and requires the analysis of both astral charts. But for beginners, we give you an overview of the three astrological signs that best suit Virgo.

Who does Virgo get along best with?

The number one rule in astrology is that of the complementarities of the elements. Water, Air, Earth, and Fire: each sign has its atmosphere, like a Power Ranger. As a patient and resilient Earth sign, Virgo naturally gets along with Water signs. For astrologers, a Water and Earth alliance is more than beneficial since it is said that “Earth nourishes Water”. Friendships that last a lifetime and love stories that flow like a long, quiet river. This is particularly the case with Cancer, Virgo’s obvious accomplice. Both are keen to maintain a small but solid circle for bonds that last over time. Especially since Cancer and Virgo share a concern for others. In this duo, we support each other, we take care of each other and we help each other through thick and thin.

Same thing for Scorpio, also a Water sign. He shares Cancer’s hypersensitive sensitivity, but his way of seeing things is closer to that of Virgo. These two want to understand everything, analyze everything, and break everything down. Their keen sense of observation and their insight bring them together: they tell each other things without embellishment. Honesty, even a little raw, is seen here as a flower that we make for ourselves because we trust the other. Finally, these two are great introverts who are completely absorbed in their passions. They will teach each other everything about their current obsessions. Their language of love? Sending each other anecdotes about sociology or how bats reproduce.

This astrological sign is most compatible with Virgo

Between them, it’s as obvious as between beefsteak tomatoes and buffalo milk mozzarella. And no, don’t see this as an allusion to Taurus, even if he and Virgo adore each other. The one who matches best with Virgo? The other Earth sign is Capricorn. The constancy and reliability of this great silent type reassures Virgo who needs to know things in advance. If this sign native to winter has a somewhat austere and pessimistic character that puts off more than one (Libra, in the first line), it is precisely his realism that attracts Virgo. No crazy passion that drains his batteries, no love that tears apart like a TV soap opera. For the two Earth signs, the important thing is to build something that holds up. Trustworthy, Capricorn will know how to secure Virgo’s heart. Ambitious and always ready to push others upwards, the sign of the goat boosts the self-confidence of the Virgo. Together, this “power couple” can move mountains. Their mode of communication is simple, and frank: no frills or lies. In friendship as in love or at work, in good times as in bad, this duo is unbreakable.

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