Zodiac Signs

Here’s Why These Three Zodiac Signs’ Love Lives Could Change This Summer

Meeting or breaking up. Between the two, there is only one step. Or rather one planet… This summer, the stars have a very specific plan for three astrological signs that could see their love life take a new turn. It’s hot in the zodiac and we’re not just talking about a heatwave!

Love at first sight or thunderbolt. This summer, the planets are doing what they want. For astrology enthusiasts like us, this means a lot. Mercury, Saturn, and Neptune are in retrograde while Venus and the Sun are blossoming in the sign of Leo. On the one hand, there is a need to follow our desires and listen to our desires. On the other, priority is given to making decisions. Breaking with routine, reviewing our habits, daring to free ourselves from codes, and jumping over obstacles. The most creative season of the year is also intended to free hearts. Between meeting and breaking up, the lives of three astrological signs could then change completely. Let’s take stock.

Summer brings good luck to singles of these astrological signs

The big winner of the “Cosmic Hearts Lottery”: is Taurus, for whom the attraction of novelty is more tempting than ever. His social life promises to be particularly active and his libido follows suit. The planets offer him a hint of audacity and freedom that invites him to flirt. With sensuality and passion, he can expect anything especially nice surprises. Singles of this sign are likely to have nice encounters. The dates follow one after the other. It feels good and above all, it gives you back your self-confidence.

Taking advantage of good cosmic influences is also Aquarius ‘ credo. The last Air sign known for its originality has every interest in standing out this summer. Neptune (dreams) and Jupiter (luck) suggest that he dares everything. He fully assumes his colorful personality and makes it a strength. His charm shines thanks to the passage of Venus (love) in a friendly sign. His smile is contagious. Better still: it is in his close circle that he could end up finding the rare pearl. On the program: a friendship that turns into romance and a divine idyll. This goes to show that sometimes the best things are still those that we have under our noses.

Horoscope: This astrological sign could make a new start in their love life

If love seems to take hold of several members of the zodiac, for others, the summer promises to be a little more complicated. She who hates conflict will be served since clashes and breakups thus threaten Libra. We specify all the same before seeing them faint that this is not necessarily to her greatest disadvantage. Quite the contrary, this summer, Libra is rediscovering herself. She is taking time for herself, granting herself the right to be “more selfish” than usual. A way of putting herself back at the center of the chessboard and above all granting herself a break to reconnect with what drives her. Mercury retrograde suggests that she review how her relationships are balanced. Does she receive as much love as she gives? Does she have the feeling of being sufficiently surrounded or, on the contrary, of no longer having a single second to grant herself?

All these questions allow her to define a clear course and set her limits. There is what she wants and what she no longer wants. She sorts things out and dares to say out loud what her heart tells her quietly. Result: she says “ciao bye, bye” to everything that bothers her and goes sailing toward other skies when the story no longer suits her. So yes, the stars predict a breakup, but behind this separation, a meeting will quickly take place. Libra finds herself, rediscovers herself, and learns to love herself in her entirety. Enough to give her back her self-confidence to start a new (school) year by being more radiant than ever. She is the “queen”.

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