Zodiac Signs

Horoscope For The Week Of December 11-17.

The week will consist of a combination of breakthrough energies. From Monday, the feeling of wanting to take some decisive action will only grow. On the one hand, this is great, because such proactivity can become a solid foundation for development, on the other hand, there is a risk of “breaking the woods.” Astrologer Polina Kovalenko told us what is better to concentrate on and how to express yourself in the next seven days to avoid disappointments.


Militancy. You will have to defend your interests, including material ones. Therefore, at other times your behavior cannot be called pleasant, and your manners cannot be called peaceful. But what can you do, without metal in your character this week it will be difficult to convey your desires and convince others to take your intentions seriously. But even with such justified pressure, the main thing is not to overdo it: still try to control your emotions.

Lucky days: 12.12, 17.12


Partnership. It’s a good time to reconsider cooperation agreements if some nuances no longer suit you. The same applies to material issues. During the week, difficulties may arise in communicating with your loved one. Moreover, a quarrel will break out over a trifle related to everyday life. Such intensity of passion is the flip side of a high-energy period. Restraint and understanding that at any other time this trifle would not have caused such heated debate will help avoid conflict. So it’s better to let everything go on the brakes.

Lucky days: 14.12, 15.12


Job. This is not the best time to change your usual place of work due to emotions. However, if there is dissatisfaction related to overtime or payment that does not correspond to the workload, these topics can be raised. Management can treat such a conversation with understanding. Especially if you present convincing arguments in your favor. For some colleagues, cooling may occur, but there is no need to worry about it: this will not affect work.

Lucky days: 16.12, 17.12


Love. This week will be difficult if you are experiencing romantic feelings. There is a risk of becoming disappointed in the object of your affection or quarreling with your partner. A situation will occur after which the attitude towards a potential or real loved one will undergo radical changes. You could say that this week you will take off your rose-colored glasses.

Lucky days: 12/11, 12/14


Housing. There will be a need for repairs – even cosmetic ones. There is no point in undertaking major work yet; it is easier to eliminate minor breakdowns and destruction. Relationships with someone in the elderly household may also change. Perhaps these changes will cause changes in the house.

Lucky days: 13.12, 16.12


Purchases. This week you will buy more often than usual. Most likely, these will be inexpensive goods. But even in this case, try to carefully select things and household appliances, because you most likely will not be able to return them. You need to be especially careful when shopping online. Paying attention to reviews will help you avoid poor quality.

Lucky days: 12/11, 12/15


Money. Significant expenses await you. Moreover, in your case, the energy of the week will encourage such behavior. So don’t turn on your favorite austerity mode, on the contrary, try to buy everything you need. These can be either seasonal items or purchases related to self-education or recreation. If you are going offline shopping, invite one of your friends: they will give good advice. The help of friends will help you find what you need.

Lucky days: 12.12, 17.12


Responsibility. These days you will have to decide a lot on your own, sometimes you will have to take responsibility for large work tasks yourself. Although this was not initially included in the plans. This kind of reactive feedback on your part will establish you well as a specialist. You will be able to avoid getting exhausted from the workload if you review your plans and rank things in order of importance. Unlike Libra, you’re better off cutting down on expenses this week. This will not be difficult to do, because there will not be much time for shopping.

Lucky days: 12/11, 12/14


Closedness. Try to keep social activity to a minimum. Now you should spend more time alone with yourself, and communicate, if necessary, only with those who do not annoy you. Rest more, and try to get some sleep. Ideally, add a preventative visit to the doctor to your to-do list, especially if this visit has been on the agenda for a long time. Don’t discuss your personal affairs with random people – a little later you will thank yourself for such foresight.

Lucky days: 12.12, 16.12


Friends. There will be several reasons to chat with old friends. You may decide to stop all contact with someone: some of the person’s actions will seem outrageous to you. A breakup can happen instantly, and you won’t even be able to clearly explain to yourself why this happened.

Lucky days: 12/11, 12/15


Career. A combination of circumstances at work may prompt you to think that it’s time to change direction. You will decide that you have suffered a professional fiasco, so you will desperately begin to look for an activity to switch. But the stars advise not to rush to such hasty conclusions: closer to the end of the week, the work situation will begin to level out. It won’t be all that bad. Moreover, you will feel in demand and experienced in your field.

Lucky days: 13.12, 16.12


Trips. Long trips will be successful. You will go to a place that has long been of interest. During the trip, you will meet interesting people. Without knowing it, they will affect your values: you will reconsider old attitudes, you will probably get rid of several illusions and you will begin to perceive life more realistically.

Lucky days: 11.12, 17.12

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