Zodiac Signs

Horoscope: Mid-August Brings Good Luck To These Two Astrological Signs

They have the wind in their sails. Two zodiac signs are the luckiest this week from August 8 to 15, 2024 according to Jean-Yves Espié’s horoscope.

Whether they are happy Augustans comfortably curled up against the warm sand or valiant August workers (in flip-flops if possible), these two signs are winning the jackpot this week. Astrally speaking, at least, but it’s still something. While in the sky, mid-August promises to be eventful for some, they have the soul on vacation, wherever they are. It must be said that between Mercury’s retrograde and the Jupiter/Mars duo that pushes the sliders of our impulsiveness into the red, it’s tense for everyone. Well, almost. Because according to Jean-Yves Espié, this zodiac duo is the darling of the stars this week.

Horoscope: The second week of August boosts this sign

Energy is coming back to him (finally) like a boomerang. No more Mercury retrograde in Virgo slump, Aries is regaining a new momentum. And that’s thanks to three stars. There is of course “the support of the Sun in a Fire sign [which] brings you an energy that invites you to think outside the box with inspired initiatives.” Leo season is a time of joy and creativity for this other Fire sign which is Aries. But two other stars join forces to accentuate this effect.

“The presence of the planet of action in a complicit sector increases your efficiency,” explains Jean-Yves Espié about Mars in Gemini. Aries’ fetish planet, that of energy and restlessness, gives him back his self-confidence. He wants to move mountains. And that is also thanks to the giantess of the sky who puts the spotlight on Mars: we have named Jupiter, the planet of luck. The atmosphere encourages Aries to rediscover their sacred fire, their motivation, and above all their desire to surpass themselves. All to the benefit of the cosmic sheep, as the astrologer concludes: “What you are currently putting in place bodes well for great results.” Congratulations from the class council.

This astrological sign is the luckiest in mid-August

We know some who will hardly dare to believe it: they are Aquarius. It must be said that the season of Leo (their opposite sign) is never easy for these children of winter. However, the wind is turning and blowing in their sails again. Since Venus left the bosom of Leo for that of Virgo, on August 5, the current is flowing much better with their loved ones. Even Mercury (which is retrograde, of course) offers them a break of a few days before returning to Leo on the 15th, just to calm the dialogue and think things through with a clear head. No more mental panic, everything is gradually getting back to normal.

But the real cosmic boon of the week for Aquarius is the meeting in Gemini of the planet of action and that of luck. “Welcome the helping hand of Mars and Jupiter passing through an Air sign,” advises Jean-Yves Espié. “Opportunities are opening up to you, you benefit from openness on all levels. Luck is a state of mind, and this beautiful influence is there.” In short, this middle of August serves as an ideal window of opportunity to try your luck, push your luck a little, and see what happens. Especially since, according to the astrologer, there is a good chance that the actions undertaken at this time will be victorious. As such, a comeback can happen quickly.

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