Zodiac Signs

Horoscope: Mid-August Promises To Be Eventful For These Four Astrological Signs

An “astral weather update” is for the week of August 15: some storms and disturbances are expected in the cosmic vault. Well, especially if you are part of these four astrological signs.

Were you planning a long relaxing weekend? A week of vacation to disconnect? We’d better warn you, that it might be a bit less relaxing than expected. In any case, according to astrology. From August 12 to 15, the astrological climate is electrifying. The cause? Jupiter and Mars meet, in Gemini: it’s the clash of the titans. We explain why a particular zodiac quartet could feel some turbulence on their flight.

Jupiter and Mars attack: a stirring mid-August

In astrology, every detail counts. Whether we give it importance or not, the language of the stars sometimes speaks for itself. This is what it does not hold back from doing, between August 12 and 15, with a peak between the 13 and 14. For those who did not take the “astrology as a modern language” option in high school, we will make it as short as possible.

Jupiter (expansion, luck) and Mars (action, desire) are in conjunction on the 14th. That is to say, they will be stuck together tightly, at the 16th degree of the constellation Gemini. And when Jupiter is near another star, it is said that it amplifies its themes. The meaning of Mars? Action and fighting.

  • The good side? Courage, desire to fight, willpower, and libido increased tenfold.
  • The downside: impulsiveness, anger, conflicts, tendency to act (very) personal.

The Moon (emotions, creativity) in Sagittarius is in opposition to Jupiter and Mars, on the other side of the zodiac. This furious desire to prove one’s worth and advance one’s projects does not prevent one from feeling a need for novelty, for discovery.

  • The advantage: optimism, charisma, and humor that defuse situations.
  • The backlash: excesses, thoughtless decisions, shirking of responsibility.

We add the two other cosmic protagonists who form a nice square of discord with the others: Venus and Saturn. The areas that are most concerned are that of relationships (love, friendship), but also work and contracts. Especially since we remember that Mercury is retrograde and that misunderstandings can be the order of the day. For the astrologers of the Astrobistro site: “There is aggression in the air and the climate can be explosive in the literal sense (storms, violent winds, landslides, etc.) as well as figuratively… Obviously, on an individual level, we are not all concerned.”

Which astrological signs should be wary of mid-August?

  • Pisces: a feeling of general vagueness. Saturn is retrograde in its constellation, Venus is in opposing territory (Virgo), Jupiter (luck) has been challenging it for two years and now Mars is joining in too. For Pisces, this is as destabilizing as possible. It may be that several areas of its life no longer suit it, that its desires and plans for the future are changing. But since tension, in astrology, can be good: the idea is to take advantage of a moment when you are a little lost to explore paths that you would never have followed otherwise. This is a bit like the lesson of the arcana of the Fool (or the Fool) in the Tarot of Marseille.
  • Sagittarius: This moment brings out the “wise” in “Sagittarius”. He who tends to rest on his laurels and his immense self-confidence could dare to question himself and contradict his preconceived ideas. For that, the lesson of Jupiter in Gemini is still and always to listen to the points of view of others, to remain curious and open.
  • Virgo: Since it’s Venus who’s visiting them, it’s especially on the relationship side that things are likely to become… interesting. Because Virgo tend to take a lot on themselves and internalize their outbursts until they no longer externalize anything at all. Even if they are encouraged to dare to take a stand and express their disagreement, beware of uncontrolled outbursts. Remember that just because Mercury is retrograde doesn’t mean that anything you say can’t be held against you.
  • Gemini: this is the most affected by this configuration of the planets. But not in the same way for everyone, as the astrologers of Astrobistro write. “If you were born between June 3 and 13, do not rejoice too much in the transit of Jupiter on your Sun, because in August, this great benefic [traditional nickname of Jupiter] is rather badly accompanied in the Sky. On the other hand, if you were born between February 3 and 13 or between October 5 and 15, the Mars-Jupiter tandem will rather give you energy.” Double horoscope for a double sign: the circle is complete.

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