Zodiac Signs

Horoscope: Mid-november Promises To Be Complicated For These Two Astrological Signs

There are days with it and days without it. Here’s why the week of November 9 to 15, 2023 could be more intense than expected for two chosen ones of the zodiac. Fasten your seat belts, things are going to change!

Every week, the stars show us all the colors. Energies vary, planets move, and celestial influences are more or less intense. If for some astrological signs, luck is part of the program, for others, it is more a question of stress, tensions, and questions. Is this a reason to break down and give up everything? The answer is no. You just need to organize yourself and understand the issues that are being put in place to better understand the energies. This is where astrologer Jean-Yves Espié comes in. Through his horoscope, he shares all his advice to help the most impacted signs reverse the trend. Why is it better to give yourself a little rest? How to manage not to get angry? Here are all the details that will help you have a great week between November 9 and 15, 2023.


With Scorpio season in full swing, the New Moon is intensifying the work the sky is asking us to undertake this month. It’s about facing our fears, and understanding what blocks us or prevents us from moving forward to succeed in freeing ourselves. This week, we risk being slightly on edge. Emotions are running high. Feelings that were forgotten or that we did not dare to confront come to the surface. More than ever, the stars invite us to demonstrate more sincerity and authenticity. It’s time to face the situation. No more lying or dodging.

If the situation seems quite stressful, Venus (planet of love) comes to Libra to help us find the right balance while Mercury (communication) arrives in Sagittarius with the desire to bring about a renewal in our exchanges. Thanks to these two planets joining forces, we will be better able to take a new look at what is happening. Mercury in Sagittarius pushes us to explore new avenues, to broaden our horizons. Venus in Libra is responsible for helping us listen a little more to our hearts and our desires. A revival is in the making. A new chapter in our lives begins. It moves, it waltzes and it accelerates.


Although he is not known for being stubborn, Aquarius does, however, like to question everything. Passionate about debate and driven by the desire to stand out, this great original is the type to always want to take the opposite view. Problem: this week his revolutionary character could well get the better of him. “If you experience some fatigue, it’s normal,” warns Jean-Yves Espié. It must be said that celestial energies do not help anything: “Several influences risk being felt as excessive or annoying. » The many planets in Water signs (Sun, Moon, Mars, Neptune) push Aquarius to dig into the depths of his soul to bring out the best. Too complex for an Air sign like him who prefers lightness and joy to the existential questions that concern him.

Fortunately, the discomfort is only temporary. “Rest assured, the presence of Venus in a friendly sign will give you the flexibility to approach complex situations,” underlines the astrologer. Venus in Libra advises Aquarius to show more kindness towards themselves and others. Better: it helps him to listen to others and his feelings to put him on the right track and help him find his way. “You will obtain excellent results,” promises Jean-Yves Espié. The icing on the cake: after an intense and complicated start to the week, everything will return to order, and smoothly.


We would have liked to vary the pleasures, unfortunately, it is yet another sign of Air which finds itself at the bottom of the rankings this week. Gemini is severely tested by the sky. He had every interest in getting ready because it might shake things up. “Mercury, whose passage into the opposite sign pushes you to want to be both in the oven and in the mill,” warns the astrologer. The pace is strong, the pace is intense and the challenges are significant. Mercury could also cause Gemini to become scattered. It is essential to stay focused on priorities and “keep your smile”. The first Air sign must not lose its legendary good humor. He has everything to gain from rolling up his sleeves to get his head above water. We take one task at a time and stay the course.

Like Aquarius, he will be able to benefit from the support of Venus to bring him “a little oxygen and flexibility of mind which attracts the good graces of those around you”. In other words, the planet of charm and seduction will help him to convince, to delegate, and above all to surround himself with the right people to help him. Little extra: Venus soothes morals and brings hearts together. The opportunity for Gemini to take breaks to reconnect with loved ones.

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