Zodiac Signs

Horoscope: October Starts (Very) Well For These Three Astrological Signs

The arrival of October has a positive effect on many astrological signs. Energies change, projects evolve, and situations unblock. Here is the trio that could benefit the most in the coming days. 

“October is good if it’s in season.” The announcement of this new month sounds like the death knell for summer. That’s it, we are officially in autumn. A cocooning period that invites rest and above all helps us to (re)find our balance. As the thermostat plummets, we dive into the eclipse season. A fatal turning point in astrology, since it is the time of big decisions, reversals of situations, and above all the ideal moment to review our daily life to improve our future. After a New Moon in Libra that invited us to draw up a list of our desires to feel good, or better, the first week of October is marked by a major event: Jupiter retrogrades on October 9 while Pluto resumes its direct course on the 11th. Translation? Jupiter (luck, expansion) questions us on our definition of happiness while Pluto (revolution, change) pushes us to take our lives back in hand. Finances, career, social stance, and interests. We can expect some lively twists and turns this week again.

Fortunately, this does not rhyme with “stress” for everyone. Some astrological signs feel particularly inspired by this new dynamic. Others will even be carried by the stars. With Venus and Mars in Water signs (the most sentimental of the zodiac), we inject more sensitivity into our decisions. The Sun and Mercury in Libra (justice, balance) help us find the right words and focus on the essential: what soothes our hearts. A situation that brings luck to three astrological signs, as Jean-Yves Espié explains in his horoscope for the week of October 3 to 9, 2024. Decryption.

Horoscope: This astrological sign is more creative than ever

When the planets align above your head, it is generally advisable not to resist. On the contrary, the opportunities that this can bring are like sweet promises. We regain self-confidence, and we see luck smiling at us. This is exactly what is happening for Gemini. The first Air sign can count on a magical trio to help them move forward. This week, “the Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter are joining forces to bring the best in luck,” announces Jean-Yves Espié. For the astrologer, there is no doubt: Gemini can expect some nice surprises. There is movement in the air and above all a desire to shake things up. A perfect moment to shine.

A boost of energy, power of conviction, and a hint of luck. Gemini benefits from an ideal combination to make their ideas heard. That’s good, the most ingenious of signs has no shortage of them. In the coming days, new projects could see the light of day. “It’s a positive, stimulating contribution to open you up to the outside world and fuel your creativity,” the astrologer even emphasizes. What do you need to understand behind all this? “It’s time to say and do what you’ve decided, to work your network effectively to get results.” Gemini has everything to gain. They impose their vision of things, prove how indispensable they are, and how capable they are of taking a step back. They’re the person you can count on to untangle a tangle of knots and, above all, to unblock situations. A little extra: their enthusiasm has a positive influence on those around them. We’re ready to follow them into the craziest projects. In short, this week, their talent shines.

Horoscope: the arrival of October brings a smile back to this astrological sign

And when he’s in good shape, his whole world lights up. After a somewhat tense September, Sagittarius finally finds his aura again. This week, he can count on the Sun (energy) and Mercury (words) as a sign of complicity. The duo promises to make him smile again and, above all, gain confidence. His charisma is on the rise, and his good mood spreads. “You gain in optimism and communication, which translates into higher morale,” summarizes the astrologer. Everything speeds up. Exchanges are simpler, discussions are more fluid. Projects move forward more easily. It’s ideal for laying the foundations for a new era.

Jean-Yves Espié seems convinced: “You are now ready to restart the machine and bring others along in your wake.” Sagittarius’ power of conviction is such that nothing and no one can resist it. “You just have to listen to everyone’s needs and move towards a lasting collaboration.” In this momentum, new alliances could be sealed. Partnerships are consolidated. Their place is evolving and we are not just talking about professional life here. Sagittarius seems ready to commit, to developing their relationships. The bonds they are building or have built in the past are strengthening. Their friendships and love affairs could then come to the forefront. Behind all this lies the desire, if not the need, to show more sincerity and perhaps even to reveal a little more of what is in their head and heart. If Sagittarius is close to you: take advantage of this opening to spend delicate moments with him.

Horoscope: Here is the luckiest sign of the week from October 3 to 9, 2024

It’s not his birthday yet, but October promises to be his moment of glory. In the coming days, Scorpio will be the center of attention. All the stars are aligning above his head to put him back on center stage. He who doesn’t like to shine – he’s more of the mysterious and discreet type – takes a liking to this new positioning. It all starts with Venus (love, charisma, sensuality). In his sky, the most romantic planet in the solar system boosts his self-confidence. Enough to make him more charming and more diplomatic. He finds the right words, seduces those around him, and soothes ills. “At the same time, Mars brings you great energy.” A shot of ambition that makes him more resilient. Here he is, ready to go straight to the goal, sweeping away obstacles.

His perseverance is his best asset this week. “Focus on a goal without ever giving up,” advises Jean-Yves Espié. With such a situation working in his favor, everything is done to help him accomplish his dreams. Scorpio is about to make his projects a reality and reach his goal. The situation is unblocking, a liberation is taking place. If he should not rush and rely on patience, Scorpio has all the keys in hand to flourish. “Powerful slow planets guide you to optimize your chances of success,” promises the astrologer. With that, it’s hard not to sit proudly on the top step of the top signs of the week. A real winner!

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