Zodiac Signs

Horoscope: The Arrival Of Virgo Season Brings Luck To These Three Astrological Signs

The week of August 22-29, 2024 marks the entry of the Sun into the Virgo side of the celestial vault. According to astrologer Jean-Yves Espié, this is a very good time for three zodiac signs.

It had to happen. Back to school announces the end of vacations, the decline of summer, and the season of wet raincoats. Yes, Virgo season arrives on August 22, and with it, it’s a “budgeting, hydroalcoholic gel, and medical appointments” package. An atmosphere that is certainly a little more serious than the very whimsical Leo season, but chin up! Virgo season is above all an opportunity to get back into your habits, improve them, and get off to a good start for the new school year. And that mainly concerns three astrological signs who are taking advantage of it to get a nice breath of fresh air this week.

Horoscope: This astrological sign can take the plunge this week

The Sun and Venus in Virgo galvanize him and give him a little more heart to work. Taurus is particularly spoiled this week, according to Jean-Yves Espié’s horoscope. “The arrival of the Sun in an Earth sign favors taking initiatives aimed at making a binding project, a contract, or a deal a reality,” he announces. It’s all good for the cosmic bovine who has the support of Uranus and Saturn on his side. The first has been pushing him to his limits since 2019, the second allows him to adapt better and better. In short, Taurus is getting out of his comfort zone and projecting himself even further. Be careful, however, not to put the cart before the (celestial) horse and to remain diplomatic. Because Mercury retrograde in Leo invites you to communicate accurately to avoid misunderstandings. “Focus on gentle negotiation and adaptation to each person’s requirements to be heard,” advises Jean-Yves Espié.

Horoscope: Everything is working out for this astrological sign

Things are gradually getting back to normal for Capricorn after a hectic summer. This is what Jean-Yves Espié says: “Everything is getting better, or almost, with the double support of the Sun and Venus in accomplice signs.” The star of energy and that of relationships join forces to make things smoother for Capricorn. Misunderstandings fade away, trust is reborn, and above all: we can once again look to the future with those we love the most. Moreover, this end of summer delights Capricorn who is overflowing with projects for the start of the school year and the fall. Thanks to Uranus (star of renewal), “you will benefit from an extra burst of warm vitality that is accompanied by communicative fluidity.” An opportune moment for Capricorn’s affairs of the heart.

Horoscope: This astrological sign is the luckiest this week

Without further ado, the astrological sign that is definitely in vogue this week is, of course, Virgo. Her birthday season is here and it’s not just the prospect of going back to school or receiving her weight in pounds as a gift that delights her. In astrology, it is said that the Sun represents energy, creativity, and love. So when it is in Virgo, it is this sign that it makes shine brightly. And that is good for the business of this pragmatic Earth sign. “Consider the dual presence of the Sun and Venus as an opportunity to move your business forward,” confirms Jean-Yves Espié. “When the former brings you warmth and assurance, the latter encourages your disposition to make the most of situations and to be both flexible and convincing.” All the signals are green for Virgo. Enough to take any weather forecast with philosophy.

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