Zodiac Signs

Horoscope: The Month Of December 2023 Risks Being Complicated For These Two Astrological Signs

Stress, tightening deadlines, tensions. For some astrological signs, the end of 2023 is more intense than expected and this is not necessarily good news. Explanations.

The race for gifts is on. Between two hot chocolates and three garlands to hang, it’s time to take a step back to better organize yourself. This involves being able to predict the potential hazards caused by the stars. Mercury retrograde, the passage of Venus in Scorpio, and the arrival of Mars in Sagittarius. Having trouble understanding what all this means? This is where we come in. After having scanned the sky to give you the horoscope for the month sign by sign, we have drawn up a list of the signs for whom the end of the year promises to be a success. But, because we cannot always win the cosmic lottery, it sometimes happens that celestial energies put our nerves to the test. This is the case for the next few weeks. Between the delays and misunderstandings caused by Mercury, the star of communication, and the intensity demanded by Mars, the planet of action currently in a Fire sign: the atmosphere promises to be electric. What should we understand behind all this? Two astrological signs have every interest in buckling up because things are likely to change… Without further ado, here is the duo who will “flop” in December 2023!


She looked forward to this period with great impatience. After a month that was a little too intense under the control of Scorpio, Libra was delighted to reconnect with the Sagittarius season and the holiday spirit. For her, nothing is better than knowing that she is surrounded and making multiple appointments to meet up with her loved ones. Problem: she had not anticipated the arrival of Mercury retrograde and therefore tensions. The planet of communication, which is about to turn around in the sky in mid-December, could cause some inconvenience on the relational level. Here is Libra confronted with its worst phobia. What do we do when we feel like no one is there to support us anymore? If on the heart side, the beauty seems to have lost a little of her joie de vivre, on the professional side, everything is turned upside down. The conjunction pushes Libra to redouble their efforts. There are deadlines to meet, hiccups to manage at the last minute, and a workload that seems to pile up. Result: stress mounts and the nerves of the most diplomatic of the zodiac are tense.

Difficult to keep calm and juggle all the tasks. For Libra, the month of December may be a little more sporty than expected. No problem, the beauty can reassure herself, she still has allies in heaven to help her find solutions. First, there is Mars in his friend Sagittarius, who offers him strength and resistance to any test. Libra does not let herself be discouraged, she goes into battle, determined to stay the course and achieve her goals. If she has to work twice as hard, she knows that she will not let herself be destabilized by a few small changes in the program. Then there is Mercury which, on December 30, returns to Sagittarius to reconnect it with light mood, gentleness, and fun. If this happens rather late, you can be sure that Libra will have regained its legendary smile and joie de vivre to celebrate the transition to the year 2024. Tchin!


Life is far from being a long, quiet river. If Gemini usually likes to party and do karaoke and one-man shows, the great prankster of the zodiac risks becoming disillusioned. This month the stars entrust him with a mission: to succeed in remaining focused. It’s not easy for an Air sign not to be entertained. He, who is known to be somewhat dissipated, will have to roll up his sleeves if he does not want to see all the efforts he made in 2023 go down the drain before taking out the party favors. Mercury retrograde pushes him to review the meaning of his priorities. What is his place within the collective? Do his relationships deserve him to invest so much? Does he adopt the right position in the face of this or that situation?

The Sagittarius season makes him want change, the Capricorn season pushes him to take responsibility. Between the two: the first Air sign must be cautious. If he would prefer to have fun, there is more time for action or even reaction. Heaven asks him to prove that he also knows how to be serious in carrying out his projects. Fortunately, Gemini is smart. He will know how to find the right arguments to get out of trouble. The situation could therefore be reversed from one moment to the next. But that’s also the advantage: Gemini loves surprises. This month, it will be served!

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