Zodiac Signs

Horoscope: This Sunday, March 17th Will Give A Taste Of Spring To These Astrological Signs

On March 17th, 2024, an annual astrological phenomenon promises to give wings to certain signs of the zodiac. While others will have to be careful not to burn them.

These days, are you oscillating dangerously between a feeling of déjà vu, artistic blur, letting go, and a surge of optimism? Even though it’s a classic late-winter mood, you can always count on astrology to point out the culprit stars. We have named: Neptune and the Sun. The planet of dreams and that of realization come together, like every year. Good news? Yes and no. It depends. With these two, anything is possible. They only meet once or twice a year, and it’s always to leave a strong impression. At the gates of spring, this celestial duo prepares us for the arrival of sunny days and encourages us to see further. Too far, perhaps? That depends on your astrological sign.


In the program? A little crossing that could well shake up our vision of things this Sunday. A casino (“at the heart of the sun”) is the term used when a star is located at the same degree of a constellation as the Sun. This March 17th, Neptune and our star will be united at the 27th degree. We navigate through a potion whose recipe is a clever mix of the symbolisms of the Sun and Neptune. The first represents our energy, our life force, our joy, expression, and self-realization. The second represents our unconscious, our dreams, our spirituality, our faith, but also healing. This Sunday may be conducive to becoming aware of our desires, trying to make our dreams come true, remembering buried memories, or allowing ourselves to forget others.

Is it vague for you? It’s normal, it’s the Neptune effect. The planet is the one that blurs the boundaries between us and others, reality and dreams. It’s a golden opportunity to let yourself be hopeful, to open up to others without fear, and above all to create. Artistic projects are favored. And yes, repainting your wall matters. But watch out for the smoke screen. Neptune also represents mirages in astrology. Especially since on this day, the Moon is not in good agreement with Neptune. For Claire Decroix-Babault and Audrey Labuxière of the Instagram account @astrobristro, this tension could make us somewhat “disconnected from reality (states of mind, intuition, illusions, zenitude, sensory…)”. It can have good sides, as well as bad ones. “Be careful, however, of inattention and thoughtlessness, which can lead to errors of judgment. » You have been warned.


  • Pisces and Leo are on the front line. Associated respectively with Pluto and the Sun, they take this moment as an opening. The field of possibilities widens, they project themselves far and allow themselves to hope wildly. A state of mind that pushes them to communicate their optimism with others. They are as enthusiastic as they give breath to those close to them: a foretaste of spring and the beautiful days to come.
  • Cancer and Scorpio, in Water signs, are indirectly affected by this moment of uncertainty. Is it pleasant or not? In all cases, they let themselves be carried away, considering desires that they would never have considered before. A small downside for Cancer, whose favorite star (the Moon) will not be at the party this Sunday in Gemini. The keyword: trust others more (like Pisces) and communicate (like Gemini).
  • Taurus and Capricorn saw their mental barriers fall on March 8th with the alliance of Mercury (communication) and Neptune. As a result, they get involved in the game and let themselves be carried away by their imagination. The winter fog fades, and they start to dream of summer and even make plans for the comet. Which? It’s up to them.
  • Aquarius feels the tide turning, thanks to Mars, and decides to follow in the footsteps of the new. In short, he weighs anchor and decides, like Céline Dion and Garou, to “slide with the wind”.
    For Aries and Libra, the moment is conducive to forgetting: “Just a break, a respite. » Breathing that pushes them to shed unnecessary weight that prevents their boat from moving forward. A mental sorting that could be useful when the duo is disrupted by the lunar eclipse of March 25th.
  • For Virgo, Gemini, and Sagittarius, this is a confusing time. Since they all form a tense angle with Pisces, in astrology they resist this impulse. The lesson of Neptune and the Sun? Pause, relax and de-dramatize. It’s Sunday, we don’t forget: anything is serious.

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