Zodiac Signs

How Does Each Zodiac Sign Handle Loss


Aries will become enraged. If they’ve not made any mistakes, they strike out at everyone near them.


Taurus will make contact with those they care about. They need cuddles and embraces, as well as assurance that everything will be well.


Gemini will drawback. They withdraw from the ones who love them the most in order to be utterly alone. And this is how this zodiac sign handles loss.


They always find excuses to condemn themselves for anything that has gone wrong. They are deeply remorseful.


Leo will tell themselves that it’s okay to weep. They let out all of their feelings. They were able to release it all.


They attempt to make sense of what has transpired. They try to reason things out intellectually since it makes no emotional sense.


Libras work to ensure that others do not end up the same way. They strive to solve any issue they come across around the globe.


They make light of their grief by making jokes about it. They attempt to laugh it off, to keep the anguish at bay. And, this is how the Scorpio zodiac sign handles loss.


Sagittarius is oblivious to their suffering. They shouldn’t have to worry about it since they’re having a good time.


Cap will push themselves to death. They keep themselves occupied so that they do not have time to be depressed.


They smoke, drink, or engage in other harmful behavior. They find a method to divert their attention in the only manner they understand how.


Pisces will run out of energy. They sit at home, hiding beneath the blankets, waiting for the anguish to subside.

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