Zodiac Signs

How The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse In Pisces 2024 Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

The Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18, 2024, marks a powerful energetic turning point.

The partial full moon lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 18, 2024, represents a significant moment. You may be wondering how this celestial event will influence your zodiac sign. Enter this eclipse portal with an open mind and without expectations.

Each full moon is associated with a seasonal event, and September’s full moon, called the Harvest Moon, marks the end of the harvest season. In ancient times, this full moon helped farmers extend their workdays to reap the fruits of their labor. Spiritually, the Harvest Moon is a culminating time, perfect for taking stock of your intentions, goals, and ambitions. If you haven’t yet achieved your goals, this period may encourage you to redouble your efforts.

To celebrate the Harvest Moon, incorporate fresh produce into your meals, such as fruits, salads, nuts, and grains. You can also practice meditation or candlelight work under the light of the moon to honor this phase.

The full moon in Pisces will also be a partial lunar eclipse. Partial lunar eclipses occur when the full moon, sun, and Earth are not perfectly aligned, causing the moon to be partially obscured. These eclipses are more common than total eclipses and can occur up to twice a year.

In astrology, eclipses have a huge and often unpredictable impact. They are associated with major events, unexpected situations, and opportunities. A good rule of thumb is to observe what happens three days before and after the eclipse, as this period can offer clues as to what will manifest.

On September 18, 2024, the partial lunar eclipse will occur at 25 degrees Pisces, at 04:34 French time.

This phenomenon closes a lunar cycle that began with the New Moon in Pisces on March 10, 2024. Expect unexpected results and be ready to welcome changes. The best way to get through this cycle is to accept what comes and let events guide you.

Record what is happening by writing a journal or artistically documenting events. This eclipse is particularly significant because it marks the beginning of the Pisces-Virgo axis, offering a glimpse of what will unfold in the upcoming eclipses of 2025.

In the middle of Virgo season, this full moon in Pisces invites you to adopt an attitude of letting go. Consider this period as an opportunity to see things from a new perspective, like the Hanged Man card in the tarot, which symbolizes the suspension of time and a new perspective.

The overall theme of this period will be service, with the Sun in Virgo opposing the Full Moon in Pisces. You may feel a sense of martyrdom or a victim mentality, especially if you feel pushed to do more. Find a balance between giving to others and taking a step back to avoid feeling taken advantage of. Learn to set boundaries so you don’t fall into the extremes of martyrdom or victimhood.

The lunar eclipse in Pisces will awaken retrograde Uranus in Taurus, which could bring surprising revelations and radical changes in the way you think and feel about life. What manifests externally could reflect internal transformations that are underway. In hindsight, the events of this lunation may seem less surprising if you take the time to reflect on the changes they brought.

Pay attention to your dreams and spiritual signs, as the full moon in Pisces will be in conjunction with Neptune retrograde in the same sign. Spiritual messages will be particularly clear. Welcome these revelations with openness to move forward in your spiritual journey.

How the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign:

Here’s what you can expect based on your sun sign, moon sign, or rising sign (and it’s recommended to read for your rising sign):


Massive internal changes will occur when you least expect them, Aries. The eclipse will hit your twelfth house of self-destruction. Think about how you may have adjusted your thought processes, subconscious approach, and emotions over the past six months. Without even realizing it, you may have unconsciously reacted differently to the same stressors and triggers.

Healing is not linear, but you should see substantial growth between now and this eclipse. Pay attention to who or what is affecting you during the three-day periods before and after this eclipse. You will be challenged to rise to the occasion during this time to see how far you have come.


How do you know if someone is a true friend, Taurus? People’s true colors and intentions will be revealed, as the eclipse speaks to your eleventh house of greater community. Think about who has come and gone from your life in the last six months. You may have grown closer to someone you previously considered an acquaintance, perhaps even a stranger.

Likewise, your best friends may have drifted apart. Overall, you may have noticed an intuitive adjustment in your friendships based on the stages of life each of you are in. The eclipse will reveal who is aligned with your current stage of life. Don’t be surprised if your connections fluctuate during this eclipse portal.


What do you want to leave behind when you leave this world, Gemini? This heavy question will weigh on your heart and mind, as the eclipse stimulates your tenth house of inheritance. Ideally, you may want to be memorable. Think about everything you’ve accomplished, completed, and achieved in the last six months.

Are you proud of yourself? Do you want to be known for these milestones? Your answers to these questions will speak volumes about the life you create. Let this eclipse guide you to create a legacy that highlights who you truly are. You have an incredible opportunity to realign your life’s path and purpose, which will be supported in your legacy.


Life will take you where you need to be, Cancer. Learn to trust the journey, as the eclipse triggers your ninth house of spiritual journeys and adventure. The last six months may have taught you to enjoy the journey rather than focusing on the destination. You may have gotten more out of living in the moment.

New schools of thought may have inspired you to delve deeper into your morals, spirituality, and belief systems. Teachers of all kinds may have imparted wisdom to you when you least expected it. Between now and the eclipse, you may feel more balanced in the ways of the world. Find your peace with where life has taken you.


Are you where you want to be with your financial matters, Leo? Money will be at the forefront of your mind, as the eclipse provokes your eighth house of assets and debts. You will reap all that you have sown by this eclipse, which depends on your financial efforts over the past six months.

This lunar cycle may have helped you become more financially independent. Perhaps a debt was settled, or you were able to get your financial affairs in order. However, you may also have made some poor financial decisions during this cycle. Hopefully, this eclipse will shed light on what you need to work on to feel financially stable and independent.


You can never say or do the wrong thing with the right person, Virgo. Adopt this mentality when the eclipse illuminates your seventh house of commitment. For better or worse, your relationships from the past six months will be tested by this eclipse. These relationships can be romantic, platonic, familial, or professional.

Regardless of the type of relationship in question, it’s time to think about whether or not you want to maintain this connection. It may be time to end some of your arrangements if they’re causing you more stress than they’re worth. However, the eclipse could also give you the courage to take a partnership to the next level. It depends on what you want in your relationships.


Is it time to get your act together, Libra? The eclipse will encourage you to reimagine your sixth house of mundane activities, health, and work. You may have fallen off the wagon in the last six months. Perhaps you’ve been deterred from the job search, or maybe a healthy routine has fallen through the cracks.

Likewise, you may have intuitively aligned with a regimen that supports you. Depending on what you have been working on, the eclipse will show you the results of maintaining or abandoning your daily goals. Whatever happens, use this eclipse power to get back on track with professional, personal, or health goals that you feel called to focus on.


Give yourself space to create something beautiful, Scorpio. Indulge in your passions as the eclipse moves through your fifth house of joy and creativity. Taking time for yourself throughout the six-month lunar cycle may have been a challenge. Between work, personal duties, and family, you may have had a hard time focusing on your enjoyable hobbies.

You may have abandoned a passion project that was in progress, or even postponed dating. But you may have found something new that nourishes your soul. A sexual awakening may have occurred, or you may have gotten involved in a new outlet. As the eclipse approaches, think about what makes you smile and what you can do to maintain that happiness.


Don’t live in the past, Sagittarius. Nostalgia is imminent, as the eclipse activates your fourth house of home and family. These past six months may have been particularly focused on your personal life. You may have been very involved in family matters, such as spending time with loved ones and researching your family history.

You may have entered your hermit age if you needed time to regroup. The beginning of eclipse season will help you break free from this reclusive period. However, you should be prepared for something unusual to happen at the last minute with your home, family, or ancestors during this eclipse before the cycle ends.


There are no coincidences, Capricorn. The spirit is trying to get a hold of you, especially since the eclipse is stirring up your third house of communication and locality. The last six months may have encouraged you to be more in tune with your immediate environment. When you pay attention, you’ll notice that the Universe will always have a message for you.

Past interactions, local observations, and whimsical musings may have coincidentally aligned with your life. You may also have noticed more spiritual signs in your backyard, like animal sightings and angel numbers. Listen to your intuition as the eclipse approaches. The answers you seek may be closer than you think.


Nourish your soul, Aquarius. Be honest about your desires, as the eclipse will accentuate your second house of personal possessions and value systems. Your relationship with your personal possessions and financial opportunities may have changed over the past six months.

This lunar cycle may have taught you the value of a dollar, which may have impacted your overall self-esteem. For example, you may have passed up low-priced offers because you know you are worth more. The lunar cycle may have also encouraged a more spiritual relationship with your belongings, forcing you to reconsider your attachments to the material world. Expect to reap what you sow through the eclipse.


Finding who you are isn’t easy, Pisces. Your sense of self will be the central theme during the eclipse, as the Moon ignites your first house of identity. These past six months may have challenged you to grow. You may have received comments about your physical appearance, disposition, and first impression. You may also have felt a deep desire to embark on your journey of self-improvement.

However this metamorphosis was triggered, you’ve grown in many ways throughout the lunar cycle. The way you carry yourself may look drastically different between now and the eclipse. Honor who you were while making room for the person you haven’t yet become. Read your full monthly horoscope for September.

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