Zodiac Signs

How The New Moon In Cancer In July 2024 Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign


This New Moon will closely touch all the subjects related to money and the materialization of your projects. Without a doubt, during this season you will have several favorable days for, Aries. The energies will be very intense and everything will happen very quickly, but you will have to be attentive to know how to take advantage of them. The New Moon in the sign of the crab will help you to reflect a lot on what you want and what you are doing to achieve it. This will be the luckiest time for you because you will be well prepared to receive the rewards of all your efforts at work. In addition, you will have several lucky days during this month: the 7th, the 21st, the 27th, and the 31st. So take note and check! There will be certain planetary transits that will significantly improve your self-esteem and you will be fully equipped to make your dreams come true.


Taurus, you will be more focused than ever on finances and earning money through your work. With this new Moon, you will be more active than ever, so get ready because you will have days where you can experience unusual energy. During July, pay attention to the days: 5, 11, 20, and 28, because the transits of certain planets will have a lot of influence on you. Take advantage of these vibrations to get started and pursue your dreams. You have everything to achieve them, just trust. The new Moon will bring a lot of clarity to your daily life and you will feel more emotional than ever. Also, do not be afraid to express your feelings, they will be well received and you will find reciprocity in your closest relationships.


You will be more in tune with your desires and will finally give yourself the value you deserve, Gemini. This new Moon will bring you a new version of yourself, that you did not know until now. You will also seriously evaluate some relationships that perhaps you should no longer have in your life and you will place yourself above everything that affects you to simply move on. Throughout this month, you will also be lucky to have days when you feel full and confident, and that will allow you to seek the goal of feeling more fulfilled: days 1, 14, 22, and 28 will be ideal for you. Do not be afraid to start over and focus these new energies towards the future that you desire so much. You deserve to be recognized after so many months of work, both personal and professional.


This is your season and with the new Moon in your sign, everything will happen so that you shine brighter than ever, dear little crab. Are you ready to live wonderful and enriching experiences? Well, this month has a lot to offer you and with the lunar vibrations, you will have what you want… when you want it. You will be very happy these next few weeks, you just have to be well-prepared to receive what the universe has prepared for you. There will be certain astrological transits that will be very beneficial for you, so note these days that will be very special for you: the 2nd, the 5th, the 11th, the 18th, and the 27th. Now more than ever, promise yourself to listen only to the voice of your intuition and not. You will not let anything or anyone turn you off, Cancer. You came into this world to succeed and be happy, so don’t waste it.


It’s time to grow a lot and finally have stability in your life, Leo. Thanks to the influence of this new Moon, you will be firmer than ever. This July 2, the planet Mercury will enter your sign, so your communication will become more fluid and direct with others. This will be very beneficial for you because you will have the support of your loved ones and you will feel supported by them. The vibrations that this Moon will bring you in the next few weeks will be ideal for you to invest a lot in your skills and perfect the things that you know you can improve in your daily life. Remember to be yourself and pay attention to the following days: 2, 7, 13, and 26, because you will be eager to live new experiences and know this new version of yourself. The planetary transits will have a pleasant influence on your personality, which will bring out your best version to others.


Your motto during this New Moon will be: “Make things happen.” And so it will be, dear Virgo. You will have to be prepared to feel the intensity of your emotions and approach them with great caution. They can sometimes overflow, but you can control it. Pay attention to July 20, because you will have the influence and strength of the planet Mars (which will be in the sign of Gemini) to excel in your work and be recognized. Throughout this month, you will have several planetary transits that will be greatly beneficial to you, so note the days: 19, 20, 23, and 30; because many opportunities can present themselves to you. Whether it is business travel or a promotion at work, your professional life is going to be turned upside down. Your time to shine and be rewarded for your achievements has finally come, so don’t waste it and enjoy it!


You will want to expand your horizons, Libra. This new moon will greatly mobilize everything within you and you will want to connect with others and the world in general. You will be encouraged to live new experiences and you will feel this influence throughout the month. There will be, however, certain days when your energy will be at its best: the 1st, the 5th, the 17th, and the 27th. So take note! Because you are going to live one of the best months of the year for you, did you know that? You will want to try new and exciting things, so July will be quite a challenge for you, Libra. The astrological transits will motivate you to take this first step, so do not hesitate and do not be afraid, because you will have a lot of fun with each opportunity that comes your way. You will also feel fulfilled in your work and the professional field.


With this New Moon, you will be able to significantly improve your business and finances, Scorpio. The vibrations of this season will also help you to be more economical and careful with your spending and budget. And even if you will indulge yourself from time to time, you will take it easy without wasting too much. You will notice that the stars will be in your favor throughout the month, mainly on the days: 2, 11, 20, and 21. So be attentive to receive what the universe wants to send you, you deserve it, Scorpio! You have worked very hard to achieve your goals and you will finally receive the rewards. Finally, everything will go well for you. In addition, you will have the influence of the planet Venus in the middle of the month, which will give you the vitality and energy to overcome any obstacle.


Sagittarius, the influence of this new Moon in Cancer will allow you to close cycles and start over. Now is the time to put an end to things and people who have hurt you in the past. You deserve to rebuild yourself and focus on what adds to your life. You will reorient the course of your life over the next few weeks. You are taking advantage of the lunar energies to reconnect with your desires and your values. Note the following days, because they will be the most important for you of the month: 12, 15, 20 and 22. You will seek stability and tranquility in your home and with your loved ones. In addition, you will be able to connect with new people who will be interested in you and you will find that you can open yourself up to living new experiences with them. The goodwill takes a little longer, but it will come Sagittarius.


Are you ready to say yes to life and spontaneity? Well, I hope the answer is yes, Capricorn. Because this new Moon has many surprises in store for you. You will be able to venture into somewhat new experiences in your personal life. So don’t waste it, because it doesn’t happen to you very often. The vibrations will be intense, but they will captivate you like never before, Capricorn. If there is something you have wanted to do for a long time, take the first step because you will be surprised by the results. The most favorable days for you will be the 1st, the 6th, the 7th, the 25th, and the 31st. So be careful and attentive. You will have to make decisions quickly and listen to your intuition. There will be certain planetary transits that will favor you on a professional and business level. Do not lose the desire to go further and make yourself known.


Everything that is destined to come into your life will come during this New Moon, Aquarius. Are you ready? Many changes are coming your way, in various areas of your life. So pay attention and note the most important days of this month: the 10th, the 13th, the 19th, and the 21st. You will have the support of the stars, who will join forces to benefit you fully. You will notice the changes when you dare to take the first step because, to your great surprise, you will grow a lot economically and professionally. In addition, you will have confidence in yourself again and in the voice of your intuition, which does not fail! Take advantage of this divine and astral energy to go all the way to your goals. What matters most now is that you are true to yourself and your desires. Everything else will fall into place by itself and you will not have to do anything.


You will reconcile with yourself, little fish. Thanks to this new moon in your companion the crab, you will reconnect with your whole being to give yourself back the value you deserve. The culminating moment has arrived, where you can become stronger than ever. You will deepen your connections and you will want to make the changes that you deem necessary to distance yourself from those toxic people who contaminate your energy. In addition, you will receive wealth and abundance, because once you begin to vibrate with love, positivity, and peace, everything will come in correspondence, Pisces. You deserve to be happy and live the life you want. Just leave behind the suffering and everything that binds you, which does not allow you to move forward towards your deepest desires. This new moon will bring clarity and greater self-acceptance. But you should keep in mind that certain days of the month will be the most favorable for you: the 3rd, the 7th, the 15th, the 17th, and the 31st. Great things await you!

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