Zodiac Signs

How to break up with him without making him suffer, depending on his zodiac sign

Find out how to break up with him without hurting him, based on his zodiac characteristics!

Aries(March 21 – April 20)

Aries is the type of person who likes to be first in everything.

Therefore, if you are the one who takes the first step towards breaking up, this will destroy him. Maybe he’ll try to make up with you just so he can give you the booties. To buy time, the best way to break up with an Aries is to become that person they can’t stand: lazy, overly cautious and confused. Thus, the ball will be in his court and he will look for separation. If you also like to always be in first place, you may have to step on your pride for this!

Taurus(April 21 – May 21)

Since Taurus prefers stability and is extremely set in their ways, the best way to break up with them is to upset the things they rely on.

However, that doesn’t mean you have to cheat on him to destabilize him. You can try easy, decent things like starting to rearrange things in the apartment, refusing to eat from the same place over and over, and maybe even forcing him to try something new every time you’re with him. In other words, be as annoying and spontaneous as possible and push him out of his comfort zone. Eventually, the Taurus will boil over and take the first step towards separation.  

Gemini(May 22 – June 21)

The Gemini native’s strength is communication.

Therefore, any misunderstanding you have must be a discussion away from being resolved. If you want to break up with him and prevent the relationship from being saved, you must always be against him and give him a fork. If you feel trapped, just get up and walk away or ignore him, and that’s an option. However, you should know that this can increase the likelihood that your belongings will be thrown on the street.

Cancer(June 22 – July 21)

Cancer is the most attached zodiac sign.

Once you are in a relationship with him, he will perceive you as his forever. This means that even if you break up with him, he’s the type who will still try to stick around and call your family or friends from time to time to check on things. There’s no way any of us like that, but that’s the way he is. Therefore, and it’s really no laughing matter, you might want to consider moving to another city and changing your phone number.

Leo(July 22 – August 22)

To break up with a Leo, you just have to tell him that you are no longer interested in him.

It may be a cliché, but it works best because it will make him feel completely different than the best boyfriend you’ve ever had. You won’t tear his soul to pieces, but you will hurt his pride a little and that’s enough to get him out of your life.

Virgo(August 23 – September 22)

Two important things to know about Virgo are that she is a perfectionist and very caring, so she will try to make her partner happy at all times.

That being said, if you’re going to break up with a native of this sign, it’s better to stop showing them so much appreciation. This may not seem like the best idea, but he only lasts and works in a relationship if he feels useful to his partner. So, making him feel underappreciated is the best way to separate yourself from him. If you constantly tell him that you don’t need his help, he will most likely see no point in staying in the relationship and will decide to move on.

Libra(September 23 – October 22)

The Libra man believes that equality and fairness are most important in a relationship.

Therefore, he wants everything to be divided in half, to give and receive equally. If you want to break up with this native, lie on the couch and do nothing. Laziness will drive him crazy. The less it seems to him that you care, the easier it will be for him to get out of the relationship with you.

Scorpio(October 23 – November 21)

Scorpio is a mysterious sign that does not want to feel tied to a person.

That being said, tell him I love you to get him out of your way. Scare him by giving him the impression of a serious relationship, talk about marriage, for example.

Sagittarius(November 22 – December 21)

A Sagittarius looks at love like a sport, so the best way to end the relationship with him is to tell him that you can’t keep up with him.

You can do this both literally and figuratively. Just don’t give him what he needs in the bedroom, especially when he’s trying to have wild sex with you, and he’ll be out the door sooner than you expected.

Capricorn(December 22 – January 19)

Capricorn is known for being obsessed with status and power.

Therefore, anything that threatens his good reputation must be removed as soon as possible. That being said, act in such a way as to put him in a bad position. He starts a fight in public, shows his lack of etiquette at dinner with his professional collective, flirts with his brother at a family reunion. Things like this will make him think you don’t deserve him.

Aquarius(January 20 – February 18)

Being very independent, Aquarius will not catch you wanting to break up with him.

He is known for his lack of commitment and involvement. Another thing about an Aquarius is that they can be paranoid at times. That being said, if you want to break up with him, do something that he might interpret as control over him. Make the plan for him a few days in a row and he’ll be happy to part with it!

Pisces(February 19 – March 20)

The Pisces native is very sensitive and also melancholic.

He would like to get stuck in childhood, because adult life is not something that suits him and is not his forte. In short, he prefers to avoid responsibilities just for his own comfort. Ask him to do big man things and he’ll be happy to walk out of your life all by himself!

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