Zodiac Signs

How to talk to him to conquer him for good, according to his zodiac sign

Communication is very important. It can be the one thing that makes or breaks a relationship before it really begins.

So, find out how to talk to him to really win him over, according to his zodiac sign!

Aries(March 21 – April 20)

The Aries man is a master in the art of communication. He is direct and honest in his dialogue and expects others to do the same.

He does not like uncertainty at all, so when you talk to him, be open about your intentions towards him.

Show him that you are confident in yourself and your ability to intrigue and win him over. By doing this, he will take you seriously and continue to talk to you about a number of other topics.

Taurus(April 21 – May 21)

The Taurus man appreciates original, genuine conversations. Therefore, he will appreciate a girl who takes the time to find out what he is passionate about and who talks to him about it.

Talk to him about your evolution and how your life has been so far and ask him to do the same. Important, meaningful conversations really make him happy!

Gemini(May 22 – June 21)

The Gemini man is ruled by Mercury, the planet that represents communication. Geminis are very sociable and like to talk with strong-willed people.

The Gemini man does not care what the topic of conversation is, as long as he is intellectually stimulated.

When you talk to him, make sure you’re knowledgeable about the topic and convey what you have to say clearly and firmly.

Cancer(June 22 – July 21)

The Cancer man doesn’t talk much, so it will be up to you to initiate the conversation and make him feel comfortable enough to open up to you.

Cancer is very family-oriented, so talk to him about your loved ones and paint vivid pictures of your fondest memories especially for him.

He is genuinely interested in hearing about other people’s lives. 

Leo(July 22 – August 22)

The Leo man likes to be admired. The best way to talk to him is to start by complimenting him. Show him you’re paying attention and he’ll gladly return the favor. Once you’ve done this, you should be able to move on to a more open conversation.

Leo likes to feel like a man, so find time to talk to him about a problem that you think only he can solve. He will ask a lot of questions because he loves to use his mind to solve difficult problems.

Virgo(August 23 – September 22)

The Virgo man is very shy. Therefore, it would be best to talk to him via phone or text to ease the pressure.

Some things she enjoys are animals, nature, books and art. Talk to him about any of these topics and he’ll forget how scared he was as he finds confidence talking about things he knows a lot about. You won’t be able to make him stop. 

Libra(September 23 – October 22)

The Libra man is an air sign that loves constant mental stimulation. He likes to share what he knows with others and likes people who have a lot to say.

The Libra man likes to discuss anything, no matter how insignificant the topic may seem.

Talk to him about how your day was, your fears and dreams!

Scorpio(October 23 – November 21)

The Scorpio man lives to experience and express emotions and feelings.

Start the conversation by telling her how you feel and how you feel. He likes people who can be honest, so don’t hesitate to tell him what you think about him or love in general. She also flirts with him a bit.

A Scorpio man will be attracted to your confidence and your flirtatious and affectionate open nature. 

Sagittarius(November 22 – December 21)

The Sagittarius man is an eternal traveler. He loves nothing more than travel that aims at a better understanding of the meaning of life.

Tell them about some of the places you have visited or would like to visit and why you want to do so.

Exchange your best travel stories so he realizes you’re just as adventurous as he is.

Capricorn(December 22 – January 19)

The Capricorn man does not like people who are too loud.

The best thing you can do is keep the conversation calm. Talk to him about music or holidays, both topics he likes.

Follow her lead and keep the conversation going until she feels comfortable enough to open up about family and other things she cares deeply about. 

Aquarius(January 20 – February 18)

The Aquarius man is an air sign. This means that he is an intellectual being who gets bored quickly if he is mentally stimulated during conversation.

Having a big soul and a humanitarian spirit, you should talk to him about the charitable causes that interest you and tell him why it is important for you to help others.

This sets his mind in motion as he is reminded of his own plans to help change the world.

Pisces(February 19 – March 20)

The Pisces man is the person who reads the people around him very well.

He’ll love it if you’re completely honest and open with him, so start by talking about yourself and give a full idea of ​​who you are.

Then flip the script and ask him questions that will encourage him to open up about his feelings. It’s not something he does easily, but it’s not impossible either.

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