Zodiac Signs

How to tell if he’s using you based on his zodiac sign

No one likes to be used. Find out if he’s using you based on his zodiac sign!

Aries(March 21 – April 20)

Competition is very important to Aries, from work to relationships, he always has to come first.

This means that she is full of confidence in him and with her help, she can charm anyone. In the worst-case scenario, he could use you and see you as a prize to be won. The warning signs are hard to spot because he is so good at making you feel special, especially in bed. If you have doubts that he is only using you for sex, ask him to meet you more often during the day. If he’s always busy when you invite him to have lunch with you or spend the weekends together, it means he just wants a relationship with benefits from you and it’s time to move on.

Taurus(April 21 – May 21)

Taurus is one of the most reliable zodiac signs, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have its downsides.

He is possessive and very driven by material things, which may mean that he will want to turn you into his thing, like a watch or a car, for example. He might be flattering at first in the way he makes you feel in public, but that’s all you can get from him. There is a risk of seeing you as an accessory and not appreciating you for who you are. And just like a watch, he can easily get bored of you, only to hunt down the next big trend, leaving you heartbroken. If you’re worried that they view you as an object, pay attention to how they treat you in public and in private. Ask how was your day, how was work and what are your interests. These are simple ways a man shows that he cares about your life.

Gemini(May 22 – June 21)

Stability is not the strong point of the Geemni native.

His feelings can change at any moment, making you always wonder what your relationship is really like. This could lead to a very turbulent romance. One of the trickiest things about it is that you can’t rely on it. Whenever you make plans, they are interrupted by various other things. Frequent cancellation of plans in the last hundred meters is a clear indicator that they do not respect your time. It can also make you doubt yourself. Try not to wonder too much about what you’re doing wrong because it’s most likely his fault.

Cancer(June 22 – July 21)

Cancer is very deep and tender in relationships, but like everyone, they also have flaws.

The biggest red flag you should watch out for in your relationship is how he presents you to other people in his life. There could be some serious reasons why he decides to keep his relationship with you a secret from his friends and family. Maybe he is embarrassed by your relationship itself and wants to convey the idea that there is nothing serious between you. Whatever the reason, this little secret could mean he’s using you. He gets all the benefits of love without admitting that you and he are a couple. Maybe he’s waiting for another woman to take that step.

Leo(July 22 – August 22)

The king of the jungle, Leo, exudes confidence through every pore.

He can be soulful and fun. His love of life is contagious and you can’t help but admire the way he surrounds himself with beautiful experiences. However, it’s not just about experiences, it’s also about money and material things. He is greedy and any conversation you have with him will end with you feeling like you did something wrong. In a relationship, no one should pay for everything, and this is a clear indicator that he is using you for your wealth, which is not acceptable. You work hard for your money, and if he takes advantage of you, get away from him ASAP

Virgo(August 23 – September 22)

The Virgo man is very hard working and always tries to climb the hierarchical ladder, doing anything to get to the top.

That being said, he can use you to make his entrance. It’s about connections at work, for example. He can use you to reach your influential friends who can help him professionally. Does he always want to meet yours but never remember his? These techniques may seem harmless, so pay close attention to how you speak to the people you meet. If he is discussing work, money, or even asking for favors, then you should have an important conversation with him!

Libra(September 23 – October 22)

The Libra man is a very well-groomed gentleman, in most cases.

His impeccable taste and manners may be the things that first attracted you to him. Along the way, he may decide that you are not up to his standards. He will not keep you hidden, but he will be in constant search for something better. No one should ever be overly critical of their partner, especially when it comes to physical appearance. If he tells you how to dress or how to do your makeup, he’s using you to make his image as complete as possible. If they never express interest in your life and try to control your appearance, it’s time to get out of the relationship.

Scorpio(October 23 – November 21)

In most cases, the Scorpio man is full of feelings and knows how to express them.

This can be a great foundation for your relationship, or it could lead to major disappointment. He doesn’t use you for sex as much as he uses you for your feelings. He can be an emotional terrorist. He can use you to get the love and affection he needs without giving anything in return. You can tell him you love him and have him smile and hug you, but without saying the same. Pay attention to these indicators!

Sagittarius(November 22 – December 21)

The Sagittarius man’s passion knows no bounds.

From sex to love, he will make you feel a lot of pleasant things. He puts so much passion into everything he does that he sometimes feels the need to share it with several women. There is a possibility that you are one of them and he is using you for his sexual needs. Either way, it’s unfair to you. To be able to realize this, you should pay attention to the moment when he speaks to you. Does it only happen late at night or during working hours to notice you? If so, his free time may be occupied with other ladies. The good news is that he won’t be able to lie to you, but you have to confront him about his absence and he’ll be honest with you, for better or for worse.

Capricorn(December 22 – January 19)

The Capricorn man is hard to read. Even in a healthy relationship, he has difficulty expressing his feelings.

When you try to talk to him, he is never available. Or, if you send her a message suggesting a plan, you rarely get a response, except for sexual messages. These are signs that he is not emotionally involved and is only using you for sex. It gives you the feeling that you are not sure who it is. He never opens up and refuses to respond to your romantic gestures. If you notice all this, it’s time to stop!

Aquarius(January 20 – February 18)

The Aquarius man has major difficulty fully committing to a relationship, in other words, he is emotionally unavailable.

However, he is very careful about taking you out on dates or any such gestures, so it will be quite difficult for you to figure out if you are an exception or not. Romantic conversations are not his forte, so a confrontation with him could be rough. Did he try to change the subject or refuse to talk about the evolution of your relationship? This is a pretty clear sign that he is using you for sex, but he doesn’t want anything serious with you. This is very frustrating, especially if you have other plans for yourself.

Pisces(February 19 – March 20)

The Pisces man is very unpredictable but able to keep you on your toes.

This can lead to an exciting relationship or a disappointing one. The bad part is that there aren’t many signs to help you figure it out. His biggest problem is loyalty. He is prone to infidelity, something that cannot be ignored if you are looking for a serious relationship. One of the few ways you can tell if he’s using you is to pay attention to how interested he is in your personal life. Does he ask you questions with concern and listen to your answers with interest? If so, it means he cares about your well-being and who you are as a person. Without this expressed interest, he is most likely taking advantage of you for sex while simultaneously looking for a partner with whom he feels he is a better match.

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