Zodiac Signs

Is he suffering or is he happy? How he will feel after the breakup, according to his zodiac sign

It’s natural to wonder how your ex feels after you’ve broken up, regardless of who ended the relationship.

It’s sad? Furious? Hurt or happy? does he still love me He will return? The answer to all these questions will be given to you by his zodiac sign!

Aries(March 21 – April 20)

What does Aries feel after a breakup? Maybe he’ll try to get in touch with you, but not because he’s heartbroken or torn. He does it because he wants to make it clear to everyone that it was your fault, not his.

The idea is that he will rub salt in the wound until he gets into a new relationship with someone else. A breakup with an Aries is never easy.

Taurus(April 21 – May 21)

Taurus will suffer in silence. He prefers to act like this in solitude rather than confront you. The breakup has already destroyed his pride and he’d rather not risk further destroying his self-esteem.

In addition, he will be very honest about the relationship and also will not spread rumors or spoil your reputation.

However, if you do try to confront and provoke him, be aware of his temper and don’t say you weren’t warned! 

Gemini(May 22 – June 21)

If the breakup is recent, your Gemini ex doesn’t know exactly how he’ll cope without you, but he knows it’s possible. If your relationship wasn’t particularly serious, he’ll have no problem getting over it. Conversely, if it was serious, his mood will be depressed and he will more than likely isolate himself.

He probably won’t try to hurt you or ruin your reputation, because that would cause him even more pain. Depending on how much he is suffering and the severity of the situation, it is possible that at some point he will even convince himself that you will return to him.

Cancer(June 22 – July 21)

Probably one of the things you couldn’t accept in your relationship with a Cancer was his devotion to his friends and family. He can’t understand why you would be upset that he spent the whole night with his girlfriend who just broke up with her partner and is crying on your shoulder. It seems perfectly normal to him!

Even though Cancer is generally sentimental and sensitive, he can also be the opposite, becoming cruel when it comes to his ex-girlfriends. 

Leo(July 22 – August 22)

Breaking up with a Leo is not easy. Breakups hurt his pride and destroy his pride. If you don’t suffer, he’ll wonder why, and if you do, he’ll brag about it to his friends. Leo feels miserable after a breakup, especially if you initiated it.

For Leo, there is always a winner and a loser. The fact that he doesn’t know what he is like is eating him alive. Things are never simple when it comes to this man, so don’t think that breaking up will be easy. You will remain present for a while and it will try to be like a ghost haunting you in your sleep.

Virgo(August 23 – September 22)

Nothing will compare to the Virgo man’s hatred after you break up. He will throw all kinds of words at you and try to make you feel terrible. He will not consider your feelings or intentions.

The man who once loved you and thought you were perfect now thinks you’re good for nothing. If he finds out that you are failing at something, he will be more than pleased because he wants the worst for you. 

Libra(September 23 – October 22)

You may not have any friends left after breaking up with him, because the Libra man will turn everyone against you. He will want and try to isolate you to make you feel alone. Beneath all this cruelty there is a deeper reason why she wants you to feel alone, and that is that she fears she has made a colossal mistake.

It will take some time for him to get over the breakup, but not because he is emotionally attached or involved. Rather, because the breakups bring to the fore the negative traits that he tried to hide from the eyes of the world all the time.

He may also become a little paranoid that you’re now free to do whatever you want and will frequently wonder what you’re doing with your time. In particular, he will wonder if you are talking bad about him to someone else.

Scorpio(October 23 – November 21)

After a breakup, the Scorpio man will not know whether to approach you or ignore you. He will be somewhere between wanting to do one and thinking it right to do another.

He will either try to win you back or teach you a lesson. There is no middle ground for him. If he’s sure about the breakup, he’ll probably ignore you. If he’s insecure, he’ll pull out white hairs. It all depends on who ended the relationship and why it ended. If he can’t get over, he’ll make sure to make his presence felt.

Sagittarius(November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarius will not think about you. And even if he does, it won’t be for the reasons you’d like or expect, like missing you or still loving you. He will use manipulation techniques to forget about you. He rarely admits he has done something wrong.

If he’s sorry, it’s usually not because of what he did, but rather the consequences he now faces that he feels he didn’t deserve. But, he won’t be sorry for hurting you. If you look at how he behaves in society, his flirtations and mood will confirm his betrayal.

Capricorn(December 22 – January 19)

The Capricorn man has a great need for control. If you’ve broken up, you probably feel freer and more in control of your life now. He is extremely critical of people and you are no exception. You’re probably looking forward to doing what you want to do now without him telling you what you’re doing wrong. According to him, you could never do anything right.

The Capricorn man has strong opinions, even when his opinion is not asked. As a former lover, he feels a bitterness that he won’t show for a long time, if ever.

He is a perfectionist and he wanted you to be the same. The problem here is that no one is perfect and therefore you were always going to fail in their eyes. Because of that same perfectionism, he will never admit to anyone how much you meant to him, let alone try to win you back. He probably won’t show any emotion at all. 

Aquarius(January 20 – February 18)

After the breakup, Aquarius’ pride will be trampled and their ego shattered. Depending on the circumstances, he will react based only on how much his pride has been hurt.

The Aquarius man will do everything in his power to tear you down by spreading rumors about you. And just when you think he’s gone for good, he’ll reappear and spoil your peace.

Pisces(February 19 – March 20)

The Pisces man has always been good at playing the victim, even when it was undoubtedly his fault. It’s a job he’s very good at, and he doesn’t understand that people don’t have to play games to get what they want. After the breakup, don’t think it will be any different.

He will exaggerate the stories and make things as terrible as possible, regardless of the image it creates for you or what really happened. He focuses on the role of victim, like a helpless puppy. Even as an ex, he will expect you to consider his needs and wants above all else.

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