Zodiac Signs

Libra Is Not The Only One Expecting The Lucky Time Of Love In September

There are tingling feelings in the air. Find out whether you too will be surprised by magical moments of love in September in our love horoscope.

In love, not everything always goes as we imagine. But the coming month promises to be incredibly exciting. For some zodiac signs, September will be a month full of emotions. Find out what the coming month has in store for singles and couples in our love horoscope for September 2024.

Capricorn love horoscope

In September, you have very specific ideas about relationships. Mars and Venus challenge you and make you question your feelings. But the good thing is: that you don’t withdraw, but are willing to talk. By exchanging ideas with your counterpart, you can clarify contradictions and create new closeness in your relationship.

As a single person, you vacillate between a strong desire for freedom and a longing for closeness. Mars makes it clear: In September, it’s all about looking within yourself and finding out what you want. You’ll soon see things again.

Love horoscope Aquarius

Venus – often called small happiness in astrology – and Jupiter – big happiness – work together perfectly in September. The two will sponsor you with beautiful feelings and for Aquarius singles, perhaps even true love. You have excellent flirting opportunities until September 23rd. At the traffic lights, at the checkout in the supermarket, or on a walk: you will meet exciting people without even noticing.

Relationships experience a tailor-made romantic phase in which tenderness and mutual pampering happen as if by themselves. As much as you love your freedom, you now feel like you have arrived with your partner. This is what love must feel like for you!

Love Horoscope Pisces

As a Pisces, you sometimes prefer to dream about love rather than commit to it. But now reality is more beautiful than any dream. From September 5th, Mars brings a special magic to relationships – and it leads singles to the places where the sweetest flirts await.

How does it do that? It triggers your intuition. This reaches almost clairvoyant dimensions with the full moon on September 18th. Because it takes place in Pisces. Let yourself be carried by the full moon energy and simply follow your heart. Then your path will lead you straight to happiness in love.

Love horoscope Aries

Mars will be under tension from September 5th, and you will feel it: you will have problems finding the right balance. Singles tend to go too fast when flirting and dating, which can lead to misunderstandings. More patience is needed.

In a relationship, your partner is sometimes overwhelmed by your strong Aries power. A little more restraint is better received. Don’t make any decisions on your own. The more you focus on the team spirit, the better things will go for both of you.

Love Horoscope Taurus

As a single person, you can quickly become involved in a sweet flirt. With Mars in your house of communication, from September 5th, you know exactly what line you can use to arouse the interest of the person you’re talking to.

In a relationship, you demonstrate your talent for small, sweet compliments that go straight to the heart. Saturn also helps you to give the time you spend together a new quality. Thanks to your solid and down-to-earth nature, your partner simply knows that they can rely on you. And the time spent with you is valuable.

Love horoscope Gemini

In September, you will express yourself more on a sensual level in your relationship. You are imaginative and impress your loved one with special romantic gestures. Until September 23rd, Venus will give you a great sense of style and a feeling for what will resonate with your partner.

As a single person, you’re lucky when flirting. Jupiter reveals: You could find your soulmate in September. As a Gemini, you like things to be non-committal. But now you’re ready for more because you feel that everything just fits with the two of us!

Love horoscope Cancer

When erotic Mars moves into Cancer on September 4th, your time begins – and this is especially true for love. Singles are gripped by the desire for an adventure. It tingles and crackles and you want to conquer by storm. Feel free to do that, because it feels great.

In a relationship, you experience the different facets of being together: sometimes you cuddle, sometimes you fight. This contrast keeps the relationship alive. On an erotic level, September is an exciting month for you, which you will enjoy intensely!

Love horoscope Leo

As a single, an exciting month awaits you. Venus (until September 23) and Jupiter (all of September) make you sexy, charismatic, and open to love. You enjoy the time and meet interesting people who you also find very attractive. But it’s not just singles who experience golden late summer days.

Couples also feel these stimulating vibes, which bring more fresh air and movement into a relationship. You know how to inspire your partner again and again.

Love Horoscope Virgo

The sun will illuminate your strengths until September 22nd and make you particularly attractive to other people. Love will also benefit from this, of course. Right at the beginning of September 3rd, the new moon will also take place in your star sign.

This is your opportunity to make reforms in your relationship. Anything that no longer fits is thrown out. Now is the ideal time to initiate new, positive rituals that promise even more happiness in your relationship.

A fresh start is also possible for singles. You can finally move on from an old love and look forward again. By September 22nd, a person could come into your life to whom your heart and mind will say a loud “yes”.

Love Horoscope Libra

Your late summer will be a particularly happy time in love for you. Until September 23, you will be under the exclusive care of Venus. This is the best time of the whole year when it comes to sensual moments for two! New closeness and intimacy await you now. Everything that makes your love special will have a more favorable effect.

Singles have the opportunity to find someone who complements them perfectly. Since the lucky planet Jupiter also sends out positive vibes, you could hit the love jackpot. Whether in an erotic sense or everyday life: you complement each other perfectly and always put a smile on each other’s faces.

Love horoscope Scorpio

This is a great month for love and dating. From September 5th, erotic Mars will give you a good dose of sex appeal. You don’t hesitate when it comes to a romantic adventure. The great thing about it: it can turn into something more!

In a relationship, the sense of togetherness is very strong. You undertake projects together and develop as a couple. Things are exciting in the bedroom because the erotic side of love is brightly illuminated by Mars. On September 23, Venus moves into Scorpio and brings you the best time of the year. You can’t start autumn any better than you. You only see pink hearts everywhere.

Love horoscope Sagittarius

Until September 22, Venus will give you a relaxed, light energy that will open you up to love. Singles will feel this wake-up call: There’s something in the air that makes you dream. An adventure can develop into love!

If you are in a relationship, you value good fine-tuning and ensure a romantic time for two with your sweet surprises. Your special talent: You express yourself less through words and rely more on loving gestures and shared experiences.

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